Robert Shaw

conductor, chorus master, arranger, concertmaster, strings, violin, instrument arranger, vocal, vocal arranger

Sample recordings


Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Giuseppe Verdi (Italian opera composer)
Todd Rupp
Felix Mendelssohn
Wojciech Fudala (cellist)
Matt Mel x Joa Gymshoe

Collaborators on this artist's recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Robert Shaw Festival Singers vocal Amazing Grace, Bright Caanan, Come Away to the Skies, Dere's No Hidin' Place, God Is Seen, Hark, I Hear the Harps Eternal, His Voice as the Sound, I Got Shoes, I Will Arise, Lord, If I Got My Ticket, My God Is a Rock, Poor Mourner, Ride On, King Jesus, Saints Bound for Heaven, Same Train, Sometimes I Feel Like a Moanin' Dove, Soon One Mornin', Swing Low, Sweet Chariot, To God Our Strength, Wondrous Love
Alice Parker arranger Amazing Grace, Bright Caanan, Come Away to the Skies, Dere's No Hidin' Place, God Is Seen, Hark, I Hear the Harps Eternal, His Voice as the Sound, I Got Shoes, Lord, If I Got My Ticket, My God Is a Rock, Poor Mourner, Ride On, King Jesus, Saints Bound for Heaven, Sometimes I Feel Like a Moanin' Dove, Soon One Mornin', Swing Low, Sweet Chariot, To God Our Strength, Wondrous Love
Robert Woods (classical producer) producer Amazing Grace, Sometimes I Feel Like a Moanin' Dove, Wondrous Love
Jack Renner (engineer for Telarc) engineer Amazing Grace, Sometimes I Feel Like a Moanin' Dove, Wondrous Love
Christopher Cock (tenor) vocal Amazing Grace

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Giuseppe Verdi chorus master, conductor Aida: Act I: Alta cagion v'aduna, Aida: Act I: Dessa!, Aida: Act I: Il sacro suolo dell'Egitto è invaso, Aida: Act I: Mortal, dilet to ai numi, Aida: Act I: Nume, custode e vindice, Aida: Act I: Ohimé! Di guerre fremere, Aida: Act I: Possente Fthà!, Aida: Act I: Prelude, Aida: Act I: Quale insolita gioia nel tuo sguardo!, Aida: Act I: Ritorna vincitor!, Aida: Act I: Sacred Dance of the Priestesses, Aida: Act I: Se quel guerrier ... Celeste Aida, Aida: Act I: Su! Del Nilo al sacro lido, Aida: Act I: Sì: corre voce che l'Etiope, Aida: Act II: Che veggo! Egli? Mio padre, Aida: Act II: Chi mai fra gl'inni e i plausi, Aida: Act II: Concedi in pria, Aida: Act II: Dance of the Moorish Slaves, Aida: Act II: Fa' cor: della tua patria, Aida: Act II: Gloria all'Egitto, ad Iside, Aida: Act II: Ma tu, re, tu, signore possente, Aida: Act II: March & Ballet, Aida: Act II: O re, pei sacri numi, Aida: Act II: Pietà ti prenda del mio dolor, Aida: Act II: Quest'assisa ch'io vesto vi dica, Aida: Act II: Salvator della patria, Aida: Act II: Silenzio! Aida verso noi s'avanza, Aida: Act II: Su! Del Nilo al lacro lido, Aida: Act II: Vieni, o guerriero vindice, Aida: Act II: Vieni: sul crin ti piovano, Aida: Act III: Ah no! Fuggiamo!, Aida: Act III: Aida! — Tu non m'ami, Aida: Act III: Ciel! Mio padre!, Aida: Act III: Fuggiam gli ardori inospiti, Aida: Act III: In armi ora si desta il popol nostro, Aida: Act III: Ma, dimmi, Aida: Act III: Nel fiero anelito di nuova guerra, Aida: Act III: O patria mia, Aida: Act III: O tu, che sei d'Osiride, Aida: Act III: Padre! A costoro schiava non sono, Aida: Act III: Pur ti riveggo, mia dolce Aida, Aida: Act III: Qui Radamès verrà!, Aida: Act III: Rivedrai le foreste imbalsamate, Aida: Act III: Traditor, Aida: Act III: Vieni d'Iside al tempio, Aida: Act IV: A lui vivo la tomba!, Aida: Act IV: Ah! Du dêi vivere!, Aida: Act IV: Chi ti salva, sciagurato, Aida: Act IV: Già i sacerdoti adunansi, Aida: Act IV: Io l'amo, io l'amo sempre!, Aida: Act IV: L'aborrita rivale a me sfuggia, Aida: Act IV: La fatal pietra sovra me si chiuse, Aida: Act IV: O terra, addio, Aida: Act IV: Ohimé! Morir mi sento, Aida: Act IV: Presago il core della tua condanna, Aida: Act IV: Radamès! Radamès! Radamès!, Aida: Act IV: Spirto del nume, sovra noi discendi!, Aida: Act IV: Vedi? Di morte l'angelo, Aida: Chorus. "Gloria all'Egitto", Don Carlos: Chorus. "Spuntato ecco", Falstaff: Act I: Scene 1: Falstaff!, Falstaff: Act I: Scene 1: L'Onore! Ladri!, Falstaff: Act I: Scene 1: Ma, per tornare a voi, Falstaff: Act I: Scene 1: So che se andiam, Falstaff: Act I: Scene 1: Ssss. Sei polli: sei scellini, Falstaff: Act I: Scene 1: V'è noto un tal, Falstaff: Act I: Scene 2: Alice — Meg, Falstaff: Act I: Scene 2: Del tuo barbaro diagnostico, Falstaff: Act I: Scene 2: Falstaff m'ha canzonata, Falstaff: Act I: Scene 2: Fulgida Alice! Amor t'offro, Falstaff: Act I: Scene 2: Pst, pst, Nannetta, Falstaff: Act I: Scene 2: Quell'otre! quel tino!, Falstaff: Act I: Scene 2: Qui più non si vagoli, Falstaff: Act I: Scene 2: Torno all'assalto, Falstaff: Act I: Scene 2: Udrai quanta egli sfoggia, Falstaff: Act I: Scene 2: È un ribaldo, un furbo, un ladro, Falstaff: Act II: Scene 1: Alice è mia!, Falstaff: Act II: Scene 1: Eccomi qua', Falstaff: Act II: Scene 1: Il diavolo se lo porti all'inferno, Falstaff: Act II: Scene 1: Io l'amo e lei non m'ama, Falstaff: Act II: Scene 1: Padron; di là c'è un certo Mastro Fontana, Falstaff: Act II: Scene 1: Siam pentiti e contriti, Falstaff: Act II: Scene 1: Signore, v'assista il cielo!, Falstaff: Act II: Scene 1: È sogno? o realtà?, Falstaff: Act II: Scene 2: Al ladro!, Falstaff: Act II: Scene 2: Alfin t'ho colto, Falstaff: Act II: Scene 2: Gaie comari di Windsor!, Falstaff: Act II: Scene 2: Giunta all'Albergo della Giarrettiera, Falstaff: Act II: Scene 2: Il diavolo cavalca, Falstaff: Act II: Scene 2: Mia signora!, Falstaff: Act II: Scene 2: Nannetta, e tu non ridi?, Falstaff: Act II: Scene 2: Ned! Will! Tom! Isaac!, Falstaff: Act II: Scene 2: Presenteremo un bill, per una tassa, Falstaff: Act II: Scene 2: Quand'ero paggio, Falstaff: Act II: Scene 2: Se t'agguanto!, Falstaff: Act II: Scene 2: Vien qua, Falstaff: Act III: Scene 1: Ehi! Taverniere!, Falstaff: Act III: Scene 1: Legge, Falstaff: Act III: Scene 1: Provvedi le lanterne, Falstaff: Act III: Scene 1: Quando il rintocco, Falstaff: Act III: Scene 1: Reverenza, Falstaff: Act III: Scene 2: Ah! Ah! Ah! Ah!, Falstaff: Act III: Scene 2: Alto là! — Chi va là?, Falstaff: Act III: Scene 2: Cavaliero — Reverenza, Falstaff: Act III: Scene 2: Dal labbro il canto, Falstaff: Act III: Scene 2: Naso vermiglio!, Falstaff: Act III: Scene 2: Ninfe! Elfi! Silfi!, Falstaff: Act III: Scene 2: Nossignore!, Falstaff: Act III: Scene 2: Odo un soave passo!, Falstaff: Act III: Scene 2: Ogni sorta di gente dozzinale, Falstaff: Act III: Scene 2: Ruzzola, ruzzola, Falstaff: Act III: Scene 2: Sul fil d'un soffio estesio, Falstaff: Act III: Scene 2: Tutto nel mondo è burla, Falstaff: Act III: Scene 2: Una, due, tre, quattro, Il Trovatore: Act I: The Duel: Scene 1: All'erta, all'erta!, Il Trovatore: Act I: The Duel: Scene 1: Di due figli vivea, Il Trovatore: Act I: The Duel: Scene 1: Sull'orlo dei tetti alcun l'ha veduta!, Il Trovatore: Act I: The Duel: Scene 2: Che più t'arresti, Il Trovatore: Act I: The Duel: Scene 2: Di tale amor che dirsi, Il Trovatore: Act I: The Duel: Scene 2: Tacea la notte placida, Il Trovatore: Act I: The Duel: Scene 3: Deserto sulla terra, Il Trovatore: Act I: The Duel: Scene 3: Di geloso amor sprezzato, Il Trovatore: Act I: The Duel: Scene 3: Tace la notte!, Il Trovatore: Act II: The Gypsy: Scene 1: Condotto ell'era in ceppi, Il Trovatore: Act II: The Gypsy: Scene 1: Mal reggendo, Il Trovatore: Act II: The Gypsy: Scene 1: Non son tuo figlio, Il Trovatore: Act II: The Gypsy: Scene 1: Perigliarti ancor languente, Il Trovatore: Act II: The Gypsy: Scene 1: Soli or siamo, Il Trovatore: Act II: The Gypsy: Scene 1: Stride la vampa!, Il Trovatore: Act II: The Gypsy: Scene 1: Vedi! Le fosche notturne spoglie, Il Trovatore: Act II: The Gypsy: Scene 2: Ah! Se l'error t'ingombra, Il Trovatore: Act II: The Gypsy: Scene 2: Il balen del suo sorriso, Il Trovatore: Act II: The Gypsy: Scene 2: Perchè piangete, Il Trovatore: Act II: The Gypsy: Scene 2: Quel suono! Oh, ciel!... Per me ora fatale, Il Trovatore: Act II: The Gypsy: Scene 2: Tutto è deserto, Il Trovatore: Act II: Tye Gypsy: Scene 2: E deggio e posso crederlo, Il Trovatore: Act III: The Gypsy's Son: Scene 1: Giorni poveri vivea, Il Trovatore: Act III: The Gypsy's Son: Scene 1: In braccio al mio rival!, Il Trovatore: Act III: The Gypsy's Son: Scene 1: Squilli, echeggi la tromba guerriera, Il Trovatore: Act III: The Gypsy's Son: Scene 1:Or co' dadi, Il Trovatore: Act III: The Gypsy's Son: Scene 2: Ah, sì, ben mio, Il Trovatore: Act III: The Gypsy's Son: Scene 2: Di quella pira, Il Trovatore: Act III: The Gypsy's Son: Scene 2: Quale d'armi fragor poc'anzi intesi, Il Trovatore: Act IV: The Ordeal: Scene 1: D'amor sull'ali rosee, Il Trovatore: Act IV: The Ordeal: Scene 1: Mira, di acerbe lagrime, Il Trovatore: Act IV: The Ordeal: Scene 1: Miserere d'un alma già vicina, Il Trovatore: Act IV: The Ordeal: Scene 1: Siam giunti, Il Trovatore: Act IV: The Ordeal: Scene 1: Udiste, Il Trovatore: Act IV: The Ordeal: Scene 1: Vivrà! Contende il giubilo, Il Trovatore: Act IV: The Ordeal: Scene 2: Ai nostri monti, Il Trovatore: Act IV: The Ordeal: Scene 2: Che! Non m'inganno!, Il Trovatore: Act IV: The Ordeal: Scene 2: Madre, non dormi, Il Trovatore: Act IV: The Ordeal: Scene 2: Ti scosta, Il Trovatore: Vedi! Le fosche notturne spoglie (Anvil Chorus), Macbeth: Chorus. "Patria oppressa!" (chorus of Scottish Refugees), Messa da requiem: I. Requiem & Kyrie, Messa da requiem: IIa. Dies irae: Dies irae, Messa da requiem: IIb. Dies irae: Tuba mirum, Messa da requiem: IId. Dies irae: Liber scriptus, Messa da requiem: IIf. Dies irae: Rex tremendae, Messa da requiem: IIi. Dies irae: Confutatis, Messa da requiem: IIj. Dies irae: Lacrymosa, Messa da requiem: IV. Sanctus, Messa da requiem: V. Agnus Dei, Messa da requiem: VIIa. Libera me: Libera me, Domine, Messa da requiem: VIIb. Libera me: Dies irae, Messa da requiem: VIIc. Libera me: Libera me, Domine, Nabucco: Va, Pensiero (Chorus of Hebrew Slaves), Otello: Chorus. "Fuoco di gioia", Requiem: Agnus Dei, Requiem: Dies Irae (Dies Irae / Tuba mirum / Mors stupebit / Liber scriptus / Quid sum miser / Rex tremendae / Recordare / Ingemisco / Confutatis / Lacrimosa), Requiem: Libera me (Libera me / Dies irae / Requiem aeternam / Libera me), Requiem: Lux aeterna, Requiem: Offertory, Requiem: Requiem & Kyrie, Requiem: Sanctus, Rigoletto: Zitti, zitti (Conspirators' Chorus), Un ballo in maschera: Act I: Scene 1: Alla vita the t'arride, Un ballo in maschera: Act I: Scene 1: Il primo giudice, Un ballo in maschera: Act I: Scene 1: Libero è il varco a voi, Un ballo in maschera: Act I: Scene 1: Ogni cura si doni al diletto, Un ballo in maschera: Act I: Scene 1: Posa in pace, a' bei sogni ristora, Un ballo in maschera: Act I: Scene 1: Signori, oggi d'Ulrica, Un ballo in maschera: Act I: Scene 1: Volta la terrea fronte alle stelle, Un ballo in maschera: Act I: Scene 2: Chi voi siate, l'audace parola, Un ballo in maschera: Act I: Scene 2: Della città all'occaso, Un ballo in maschera: Act I: Scene 2: Di' tu se fedele, Un ballo in maschera: Act I: Scene 2: Finisci il vaticinio, Un ballo in maschera: Act I: Scene 2: Ma la sventura è cosa, Un ballo in maschera: Act I: Scene 2: Re dell'abisso, affrettati, Un ballo in maschera: Act I: Scene 2: Si batte! — Che veggo!, Un ballo in maschera: Act I: Scene 2: Su, fatemi largo, Un ballo in maschera: Act I: Scene 2: Su, profetessa, monta il treppiè, Un ballo in maschera: Act I: Scene 2: Ziti! L'incanto non dèssi turbare, Un ballo in maschera: Act I: Scene 2: È scherzo od è follia, Un ballo in maschera: Act II: Ahimé! S'appressa alcun!, Un ballo in maschera: Act II: Ecco l'orrido campo, Un ballo in maschera: Act II: Ma dall'arido stelo divulsa, Un ballo in maschera: Act II: Odi tu come fremono cupi, Un ballo in maschera: Act II: Prelude, Un ballo in maschera: Act II: Seguitemi — Mio Dio!, Un ballo in maschera: Act II: Teco io sto, Un ballo in maschera: Act II: Ve', se di notte, qui colla sposa, Un ballo in maschera: Act III: Scene 1: A tal colpa è nulla il pianto, Un ballo in maschera: Act III: Scene 1: Ah! di che fulgor, Un ballo in maschera: Act III: Scene 1: Alzati! Là, tuo figlio, Un ballo in maschera: Act III: Scene 1: Dunque l'onta di tutti sol una, Un ballo in maschera: Act III: Scene 1: Eri tu, Un ballo in maschera: Act III: Scene 1: Il messaggio entri, Un ballo in maschera: Act III: Scene 1: Morrò, ma prima in grazia, Un ballo in maschera: Act III: Scene 1: Qual è dunque l'eletto?, Un ballo in maschera: Act III: Scene 1: Siam soli. Udite!, Un ballo in maschera: Act III: Scene 2: Ah! dessa è là, Un ballo in maschera: Act III: Scene 2: Forse la soglia attinse, Un ballo in maschera: Act III: Scene 2: Ma se m'è forza perderti, Un ballo in maschera: Act III: Scene 3: Ah! Perché qui! Fuggite!, Un ballo in maschera: Act III: Scene 3: Alto de' nostri è questo, Un ballo in maschera: Act III: Scene 3: E tu ricevi il mio!, Un ballo in maschera: Act III: Scene 3: Fervono amori e danze, Un ballo in maschera: Act III: Scene 3: No, no, lasciatelo, Un ballo in maschera: Act III: Scene 3: Saper vorreste, Un ballo in maschera: Act III: Scene 3: So che tu sai distinguere, Un ballo in maschera: Prelude
Todd Rupp conductor "Agnus Dei" from Requiem, "Cum Sancto Spiritu" from Gloria, "Gloria all'Egitto" from Aida, "In taberna quando sumus" from Carmina Burana, "Kyrie" from Mass No. 2 in G major, "Laudamus Te" from Gloria, "Magnificat anima mea" from Magnificat, "Osanna in excelsis" from Mass in B minor, "Selig sind die Toten" from Ein deutsches Requiem, "Sing to God" from The Creation, "Te Deum" from Four Sacred Pieces, "Tui Nati vulnerati" from Stabat Mater, Acis and Galatea: "Happy We!", Carmina Burana: Introduction, Carmina Burana: On the Lawn: Dance, Christ on the Mount of Olives, op. 85: "Hallelujah", Christmas Oratorio: Jesus Shepherd My Beginning, Christus am Ölberge (Christ on the Mount of Olives), oratorio, Op. 85: Hallelujah, Die Schöpfung (The Creation), oratorio, H. 21/2: The heavens are telling, Ein deutsches Requiem (German Requiem), for soprano, baritone, chorus & orchestra, Op. 45: Wie lieblich sind deine Wohnungen, Ein deutsches Requiem, op. 45: I. Selig sind, die da Leid tragen, Ein deutsches Requiem, op. 45: II. Denn alles Fleisch, Ein deutsches Requiem, op. 45: IV. Wie lieblich sind deine Wohnungen, Ein deutsches Requiem, op. 45: VII. Selig sind die Toten, Elias (Elijah), oratorio, Op. 70: He Watching Over Israel, Elias (Elijah), oratorio, Op. 70: Lift Thine Eyes to the Mountains, Gesang der Parzen, op. 89, II. Psalm 23 - Psalm 2:1-4 from Chichester Psalms, L'Enfance du Christ: The Shepherd's Farewell, Mass in B Minor: Kyrie Eleison, Mass in B minor, BWV 232: II. Symbolum Nicenum, Mass in B minor, BWV 232: III. Sanctus, Mass in B minor, BWV 232: IV. Osanna In Excelsis, Mass in C minor, K. 427 (417a) "Great": I. Kyrie, Mass in C minor, K. 427 (417a) "Great": II. Gloria, Mass in C minor, K. 427 (417a) "Great": III. Credo, Mass in C minor, K. 427 (417a) "Great": IV. Sanctus, Mass in C minor, K. 427 (417a) "Great": V. Benedictus, Matthäuspassion (St. Matthew Passion), BWV 244: Passion Chorale, Messiah, oratorio, HWV 56: Hallelujah, Messiah, oratorio, HWV 56: Worthy is the Lamb, Missa solemnis in D major, op. 123: I. Kyrie, Missa solemnis in D major, op. 123: II. Gloria, Missa solemnis in D major, op. 123: III. Credo, Missa solemnis in D major, op. 123: IV. Sanctus, Missa solemnis in D major, op. 123: V. Agnus Dei, Motet for Chorus, Strings & Organ in D major, K. 618: "Ave verum corpus", Music from Prince Igor: Polovtsian Dances (with chorus), Nänie, op. 82, Requiem (Grande Messe des morts), for tenor, chorus, & orchestra, H. 75 (Op. 5): Rex tremendae, Requiem for soprano, baritone, chorus, organ, & orchestra, Op. 9: Sanctus, Requiem, op. 9: I. Introit, Requiem, op. 9: II. Kyrie, Requiem, op. 9: III. Domine Jesu Christe, Requiem, op. 9: IV. Sanctus, Requiem, op. 9: IX. In Paradisum, Requiem, op. 9: V. Pie Jesu, Requiem, op. 9: VI. Agnus Dei, Requiem, op. 9: VII. Lux aeterna, Requiem, op. 9: VIII. Libera me, Schicksalslied, op. 54, Vespers (All-Night Vigil), for alto, tenor, & chorus, Op. 37: Bogoroditse Devo, When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloom'd: IX. Death Carol. Come, Lovely and Soothing Death, When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloom'd: VII. Introduction and Fugue. Lo! Body and Soul
Felix Mendelssohn conductor Air (Angel) - "O rest in the Lord", Air (Elijah) - "Is not His word like a fire?", Air (Elijah) - "It is enough, O Lord", Air (Elijah) - "Lord God of Abraham, Isaac and Israel", Air (Obadiah) - "If with all your hearts", Air - "Hear ye, Israel!", Air - "Then shall the righteous shine forth", Air - "Woe unto them who forsake Him", Arioso (Elijah) - "For the mountains shall depart", Chorus - "And then shall your light break forth", Chorus - "Baal, answer us", Chorus - "Be not afraid", Chorus - "Behold, Gold the Lord passed by", Chorus - "Blessed are they that fear Him", Chorus - "Go, return upon thy way", and Recitative (Elijah), "I go on my way", Chorus - "He that shall endure to the end", Chorus - "He, watching over Israel", Chorus - "Help, Lord!", Chorus - "Thanks be to God!", Chorus - "Thus did Elijah the prophet break forth", Chorus - "Thus saith the Lord", Chorus - "Woe to him!", Chorus - "Yet doth the Lord see it not", Double Quartet - "For He shall give His angels", Duet with Chorus - "Zion spreadeth he hands for aid", Introduction (Elijah) - "As God the Lord of Israel Liveth", Overture, Quartet (Angels) - "Cast thy burden upon the Lord", Quartet - "O come, everyone that thirsteth", Quartet: Recitative - "The deep affords no water", RecitAir (Widow) - "What have I to do with Thee", and Recitative (Elijah, Widow) - "Give me Thy son!", Recitative (Angel) - "Elijah! Get thee hence", Recitative (Angel) - "Now Cherith's Brook is dried up", Recitative (Angel, Elijah) - "Arise, Elijah", Recitative (Elijah and Chorus) - "Call him louder! He heareth not!", Recitative (Elijah and Chorus) - "Call him louder, for he is a god!", Recitative (Elijah) and Chorus - "O Thou who makest Thine angels spirits", Recitative (Elijah, Ahab) with Chorus - "As God the Lord of Saboath liveth", Recitative (Elijah, Angel) - "Night falleth 'round me", Recitative (Elijah, Queen) and Chorus - "The Lord hath exalted thee", Recitative (Obadiah) - "Ye people rend your hearts", Recitative (Obadiah, Elijah) - "Man of God, now let my words be precious", Recitative (Obadiah, Elijah, Youth) and Chorus - "O man of God, help Thy people!", Recitative - "For God sent his people the prophet Elijah", Recitative - "See, now he sleepeth", Recitative, Quartet and Chorus - "Above him stood the seraphim", Trio of Angels - "Lift thine eyes"
Wojciech Fudala conductor All-Night Vigil, op. 37, "Vespers": 5. Now Let Thy Servant Depart, Carmina Burana: Fortuna imperatrix mundi: 1. O Fortuna / 2. Fortune plango vulnera, Christmas Oratorio, BWV 248: Sinfonia, "And There Were Shepherds", Gloria: X. Qui sedes ad dexteram patris, Harmonium: I. Negative Love, Harmonium: II. Because I Could Not Stop for Death, Harmonium: III. Wild Nights, L'Arlésienne Suite: March of the Three Kings - Farandole, Mass in B minor, BWV 232: IV. Agnus Dei, Mass in B minor, BWV 232: IV. Benedictus, Messiah: 44. Hallelujah (chorus), Nabucco: Chorus. "Va pensiero" (chorus of the Hebrew Slaves), Requiem, K. 626: Dies Irae / Rex Tremendae / Confutatis / Lacrimosa, Requiem, Op. 5: Dies Irae, Requiem: Dies Irae / Tuba Mirum, Requiem: I. Introitus, Requiem: II. Kyrie, Requiem: III. Sequenz: No. 1: Dies irae, Requiem: III. Sequenz: No. 2: Tuba mirum, Requiem: III. Sequenz: No. 3: Rex Tremendae, Requiem: III. Sequenz: No. 4: Recordare, Requiem: III. Sequenz: No. 5: Confutatis, Requiem: III. Sequenz: No. 6: Lacrimosa, Requiem: IV. Offertorium: No. 1: Domine Jesu, Requiem: IV. Offertorium: No. 2: Hostias, Requiem: V. Sanctus, Requiem: VI. Benedictus, Requiem: VII. Agnus Dei, Requiem: VIII. Communio: Lux aeterna, String Symphony: I. Waltz, String Symphony: II. Berceuse, String Symphony: III. Scherzo, String Symphony: IV. Nocturne, String Symphony: V. Rondo, Symphonic Metamorphosis Of Themes By Carl Maria Von Weber, Symphony no. 9 'Choral': IV. Andante maestoso, The Canyon, The Firebird Suite (excerpt), When Lilacs Last in the Dooryard Bloom'd: Prelude
Matt Mel x Joa Gymshoe conductor Messiah: 1. Sinfonia, Messiah: 10. For Behold, Darkness Shall Cover the Earth / 11. The People That Walked in Darkness, Messiah: 12. For Unto Us a Child Is Born, Messiah: 13. Pifa - 'Pastoral Symphony' / 14a. There Were Shepherds / 14b. And Lo, the Angel of the Lord Came Upon Them / 15. And the Angel Said Unto Them / 16. And Suddenly There Was With the Angel / 17. Glory to God, Messiah: 18. Rejoice Greatly, O Daughter of Zion, Messiah: 19. Then Shall the Eyes of the Blind, Messiah: 2. Comfort Ye, My People / 3. Every Valley Shall Be Exalted, Messiah: 20. He Shall Feed His Flock Like a Shepherd, Messiah: 21. His Yoke Is Easy, Messiah: 22. Behold the Lamb of God, Messiah: 23. He Was Despised, Messiah: 24. Surely He Hath Borne Our Griefs, Messiah: 25. And with His stripes we are healed / 26. All we like sheep, Messiah: 27. All they that see him / 28. He trusted in God, Messiah: 29. Thy rebuke hath broken His heart / 30. Behold, and see if there be any sorrow / 31. He was cut off out of the land of the living / 32. But thou didst not leave, Messiah: 33. Lift up your heads, Messiah: 34. Unto which of the angels / 35. Let all the angels of God worship Him, Messiah: 36. Thou art gone up on high, Messiah: 37. The Lord gave the word, Messiah: 38. How beautiful are the feet, Messiah: 39. Their sound is gone out, Messiah: 4. And the Glory of the Lord, Messiah: 40.Why do the nations? / 41. Let us break their bonds asunder, Messiah: 42. He that dwelleth in heaven / 43. Thou shalt break them, Messiah: 45. I know that my Redeemer liveth, Messiah: 46. Since by man came death, Messiah: 47. Behold, I tell you a mystery / 48. The trumpet shall sound, Messiah: 49. Then shall be brought to pass / 50. O death, where is thy sting / 51. But thanks be to God, Messiah: 5. Thus Saith the Lord / 6. But Who May Abide / 7. And He Shall Purify, Messiah: 52. If God be for us, Messiah: 53. Worthy is the lamb...Amen, Messiah: 8. Behold, a Virgin Shall Conceive / 9. O Thou That Tellest Good Tidings to Zion
MIKA conductor Blanziflor And Helena (No. 24), Fortune, Empress Of The World (No. 25), Gloria for Soprano, Chorus & Orchestra: I. Gloria, Gloria for Soprano, Chorus & Orchestra: II. Laudamus Te, Gloria for Soprano, Chorus & Orchestra: III. Domine Deus, Gloria for Soprano, Chorus & Orchestra: IV. Domine Fili Unigenite, Gloria for Soprano, Chorus & Orchestra: V. Domine Deus, Agnus Dei, Gloria for Soprano, Chorus & Orchestra: VI. Qui Sedes ad Dexteram Patris, Introduction: Fortune, Empress Of The World (Nos. 1, 2), Itaipu: I. Mato Grosso, Itaipu: II. The Lake, Itaipu: III. The Dam, Itaipu: IV. To the Sea, On The Lawn (Nos. 6, 7), On The Lawn (Nos. 8 - 10), Part One: In Springtime (Nos. 3 - 5), Part Three: The Court Of Love (Nos. 15 - 23), Stabat Mater, op. 58: I. Stabat Mater dolorosa, Stabat Mater, op. 58: II. Quis est homo, qui non fleret, Stabat Mater, op. 58: III. Eja, Mater, fons amoris, Stabat Mater, op. 58: IV. Fac, ut ardeat cor meun, Stabat Mater, op. 58: IX. Inflammatus et accensus, Stabat Mater, op. 58: V. Tui nati vulnerati, Stabat Mater, op. 58: VI. Fac me vere tecum flere, Stabat Mater, op. 58: VII. Virgo virginum praeclara, Stabat Mater, op. 58: VIII. Fac, ut portem Christi mortem, Stabat Mater, op. 58: X. Quando corpus morietur, Symphony of Psalms: Part I., Symphony of Psalms: Part II., Symphony of Psalms: Part III., The Creation, Part I: The Heavens Are Telling
Seek Irony conductor Aria. Agnus Dei (contralto), Aria. Benedictus (tenor), Chorus. Dona nobis pacem, Chorus. Osanna in excelsis, Chorus. Sanctus, sanctus, sanctus, Credo: expecto resurrectionem mortuorum, Credo: Aria. Et in Spiritum sanctum (bass), Credo: Chorus. Confiteor unum baptisma..., Credo: Chorus. Credo in unum Deum, Credo: Chorus. Crucifixus, Credo: Chorus. Et incarnatus est, Credo: Chorus. Et resurrexit, Credo: Chorus. Patrem omnipotentem, Credo: Duet. Et in unum Dominum (sop I & contralto), Gloria: in terra pax hominibus bonae voluntatis, Gloria: Aria. Chorus. Qui tollis peccata mundi, Gloria: Aria. Domine Deus (sop I & tenor), Gloria: Aria. Laudamus te (sop II), Gloria: Aria. Qui sedes ad dextram Patris (contralto), Gloria: Aria. Quoniam tu solus sanctus (bass), Gloria: Chorus. Cum sancto Spiritu in gloria, Gloria: Chorus. Gloria in excelsis Deo..., Gloria: Chorus. Gratias agimus tibi propter, Kyrie: Chorus. Kyrie eleison, Kyrie: Duet. Christe eleison (sop I & II), Mass in B minor, BWV 232: Agnus Dei, Mass in B minor, BWV 232: Benedictus, Mass in B minor, BWV 232: Et in Spiritum Sanctum, Mass in B minor, BWV 232: Et in unum Dominum
Robert Shaw Festival Singers conductor Magnificat, Mass in G major: Gloria, Mass: Sanctus, Vespers: Slava V Vyshnikh Bogu (Glory to God in the Highest)
Alfonse chorus master, conductor Agnus Dei (Adagio for Strings, arranged for voices), All-Night Vigil, op. 37, "Vespers": 1. Come, Let Us Worship, All-Night Vigil, op. 37, "Vespers": 10. Having Seen The Resurrection Of The Lord, All-Night Vigil, op. 37, "Vespers": 11. My Soul Magnifies The Lord, All-Night Vigil, op. 37, "Vespers": 12. Glory To God In The Highest, All-Night Vigil, op. 37, "Vespers": 13. Troparia Of The Day Of Salvation, All-Night Vigil, op. 37, "Vespers": 14. Christ Is Risen From The Grave Troparia Of The Resurrection, All-Night Vigil, op. 37, "Vespers": 15. Thanksgiving To The Mother Of God, All-Night Vigil, op. 37, "Vespers": 2. Bless The Lord, O My Soul, All-Night Vigil, op. 37, "Vespers": 3. Blessed Be The Man, All-Night Vigil, op. 37, "Vespers": 4. O Serene Light, All-Night Vigil, op. 37, "Vespers": 6. Rejoice, O Virgin, All-Night Vigil, op. 37, "Vespers": 7. Glory To God In The Highest, All-Night Vigil, op. 37, "Vespers": 8. Praise The Name Of The Lord, All-Night Vigil, op. 37, "Vespers": 9. Blessed Art Thou, O Lord, Bogoroditsye Devo from Vespers, Friede auf Erden, Op. 13, Magnificat, Mass: I. Kyrie, Mass: II. Gloria, Mass: III. Credo, Mass: IV. Sanctus, Mass: V. Agnus Dei, Totus Tuus, Op. 60
Eva-Luzia Recher conductor Gloria: I. Gloria in excelsis, Gloria: II. Et in terra pax, Gloria: IV. Gratias agimus tibi, Gloria: IX. Qui tollis, Gloria: V. Propter magnam gloriam tuam, Gloria: VII. Domine fili unigenite, Gloria: XI. Quoniam tu solus sanctus, Gloria: XII. Cum sancto spiritu, Magnific Magnificat for 5 voices, 5-part chorus, orchestra & continuo in D major, BWV 243, Magnificat: I. Magnificat, Magnificat: IV. Omnes generationes, Magnificat: VII. Fecit potentiam, Magnificat: XI. Sicut locutus est, Magnificat: XII. Gloria Patri, Messiah: "And the Glory of the Lord", Messiah: "Hallelujah", Messiah: "Lift up your heads", Messiah: "Worth is the Lamb - Amen", The Creation (Oratorio): Chorus: Awake the Harp
Khmury conductor And He Shall Purify, And the Glory of the Lord, Behold the Lamb of God, For Unto Us a Child Is Born, Glory to God, Hallelujah, He Trusted in God, His Yoke Is Easy, Let All the Angels of God Worship Him, Let Us Break Their Bonds Asunder, Lift Up Your Heads, Oh Ye Gates, O Death, Where Is Thy Sting, Since by Man Came Death, Surely He Hath Borne Our Griefs, and With His Stripes We Are Healed, All We Like Sheep Have Gone Astray, The Lord Gave the Word, Their Sound Is Gone Out Into All Lands, Worthy Is the Lamb That Was Slain
The Men of the Robert Shaw Chorale arranger, concertmaster A-Roving, Blow the Man Down, Bound for the Rio Grande, Good-bye, Fare Ye Well, Haul Away, Joe, Lowlands, Santy Anna, Shenandoah, Spanish Ladies, Stormalong, John, Swansea Town, The Drummer and the Cook, The Shaver, Tom's Gone to Hilo, What Shall We Do With the Drunken Sailor, Whup! Jamboree
Francis Poulenc conductor Mass in G major, FP 89: I. Kyrie, Mass in G major, FP 89: II. Gloria, Mass in G major, FP 89: III. Sanctus, Mass in G major, FP 89: IV. Benedictus, Mass in G major, FP 89: V. Agnus Dei (feat. soprano: Donna Carter), Quatre Motets pour le Temps de Noël, FP 152 No. 2: Quem vidistis pastores, Quatre Motets pour le Temps de Noël, FP 152 No. 3: Videntes stellam, Quatre Motets pour le Temps de Noël, FP 152 No. 4: Hodie Christus natus est, Quatre Motets pour un Temps de Pénitence, FP 97 No. 1: Timor et tremor, Quatre Motets pour un Temps de Pénitence, FP 97 No. 2: Vinea mea electa, Quatre Motets pour un Temps de Pénitence, FP 97 No. 3: Tenebrae factae sunt, Quatre Motets pour un Temps de Pénitence, FP 97 No. 4: Tristis est anima mea, Quatre Petites Prières de Saint François d'Assise, FP 142 No. 1: Salut, Dame Sainte, Quatre Petites Prières de Saint François d'Assise, FP 142 No. 2: Tout puisant, très saint, Quatre Petites Prières de Saint François d'Assise, FP 142 No. 3: Seigneur, je vous en prie, Quatre Petites Prières de Saint François d'Assise, FP 142 No. 4: O mes très chers frères et mes enfants (feat. tenor: Christopher Cock)
Beverly Sills conductor Semele, oratorio, HWV 58: Act 1. Accompagnato: Ah me! What refuge now is left me?, Semele, oratorio, HWV 58: Act 1. Air and Chorus: Endless pleasure, endless love, Semele, oratorio, HWV 58: Act 2. Air: O sleep, why dost thou leave me?, Semele, oratorio, HWV 58: Act 2. Air: With fond desiring, Semele, oratorio, HWV 58: Act 2. Duetto: Prepare then, ye immortal choir, Semele, oratorio, HWV 58: Act 3. Ah me! Too late I now repeat, Semele, oratorio, HWV 58: Act 3. Air: I ever am granting, you always complain, Semele, oratorio, HWV 58: Act 3. Air: No, no! I'll take no less, Semele, oratorio, HWV 58: Act 3. Air: thus let my thanks de paid, Semele, oratorio, HWV 58: Act 3. Recitative: O ectasy of happiness / Air: Myself I shall adore
Ruggero Leoncavallo chorus master Pagliacci: Atto I. "Don, din, don, din" (Coro), Pagliacci: Atto I. "Eh! Son qua! Son qua!" (Coro, Canio, Beppe), Pagliacci: Atto I. "Un grande spettacolo a ventité ore" (Canio, Coro, Tonio, Contadini, Beppe), Pagliacci: Atto I. "Un tal gioco, credeterni" (Canio, Nedda, Contadini, Coro), Pagliacci: Atto II. "Di fare il segno convenuto appressa" (Colombina, Taddeo, Coro, Arlecchino), Pagliacci: Atto II. "No, Pagliaccio non son" (Canio, Coro, Silvio, Nedda), Pagliacci: Atto II. "Ohè! Ohè! Presto" (Coro, Tonio), Pagliacci: Atto II. "Suvvia, così terribile" (Nedda, Canio, Beppe, Tonio, Silvio, Coro)
Hall & Oates instrument arranger, strings, violin Don't Turn Your Back on Me, I'll Be Around, Let Love Take Control, Ooh Child, Standing in the Shadows of Love, Used to Be My Girl
Floyd Miles conductor Christmas Oratorio, BWV 248: Break Forth, Christmas Oratorio, BWV 248: Jesus, Shepherd My Beginning, Christmas Oratorio, BWV 248: Sinfonia in G Major, "And There Where Shepherds", Gloria in D Major, RV 589: I. Gloria in excelsis, L'Enfance du Christ, Part II: L'adieu des bergers (The Shepherds' Farewell), O Come, O Come Emmanuel
schmiede.zwei chorus master, conductor A New Commandment, If Ye Love Me, Now Let Thy Servant Depart, O Magnum Mysterium, O vos omnes, Quatre Motets pour le Temps de Noël, FP 152 No. 1: O magnum mysterium
Beefsupreme conductor Dona nobis pacem: I. Agnus Dei, Dona nobis pacem: II. Beat! Beat! Drums!, Dona nobis pacem: III. Reconciliation, Dona nobis pacem: IV. Dirge for Two Veterans, Dona nobis pacem: V. The Angel of Death, Dona nobis pacem: VI. O Man Greatly Beloved
Benjamin Britten conductor War Requiem: I. Requiem aeternam, War Requiem: II. Dies irae, War Requiem: III. Offertorium, War Requiem: IV. Sanctus, War Requiem: V. Agnus Dei, War Requiem: VI. Libera me
Arrigo Boito chorus master Mefistofele: Prologue: Ave, Signor degli angeli, Mefistofele: Prologue: Ave, Signor. Perdona, Mefistofele: Prologue: Salve, Regina!, Mefistofele: Prologue: Siam nimbi volanti, Mefistofele: Prologue: T'è noto Faust?
Nathan Goodrich conductor Gloria: Gloria in excelsis, Mass No. 2 in G major: Gloria, Mass in B minor: Sanctus, Messiah: And suddenly there was with the angel - Glory to God
Richard Wagner conductor 'Treulich gefüart,' Bridal Chorus from Lohengrin, Die Meistersinger von Nürnberg: Wach' auf!, Tannhäuser: Beglückt' darf nun dich (Pilgrims' Chorus), Tannhäuser: Freudig begrüßen wir (Entrance of the Guests)
Сергей Рахманинов conductor The Bells, Op. 35: I. Allegro, The Bells, Op. 35: II. Lento, The Bells, Op. 35: III. Presto, The Bells, Op. 35: IV. Lento lugubre
The Doc Sadd Initiative conductor Missa solemnis: Gloria, Requiem: Sanctus, Te Deum: Aeterna fac
George Frideric Handel conductor Acis and Galatea: Happy We!, Messiah: All They That See Him, He Trusted in God, The Messiah, HWV 56: Hallelujah Chorus
Zac Dyrbye conductor Cantata profana (“The Nine Enchanted Stags”), Sz. 94: Part I, Cantata profana (“The Nine Enchanted Stags”), Sz. 94: Part II, Cantata profana (“The Nine Enchanted Stags”), Sz. 94: Part III
Jane Styck conductor Carmina Burana: Cour d'amours: 15. Amor volat undique / 16. Dies, nox et omnia / 17. Stetit puella / 18. Circa mea pectora / 19. Si puer cum puellula / 20. Veni, veni, venias / 21. In trutina / 22. Tempus est iocundum / 23. Dulcissime / Blanziflor et Helena: 24. Ave formosissima / Fortuna imperatrix mundi: 25. O Fortuna, Carmina Burana: In taberna: 11. Estuans interius / 12. Olim lacus colueram / 13. Ego sum abbas / 14. In taberna quando sumus, Carmina Burana: Primo vere: 3. Veris leta facies / 4. Omnia sol temperat / 5. Ecce gratum / Uf dem Anger: 6. Tanz / 7. Floret silva / 8. Chramer, gip die varwe mir / 9. Reie / 10. Were diu werlt alle min
Джаз-хор Свердловской государственной детской филармонии conductor Symphony no. 8: II. Final Scene from Faust: Gerettet ist das edle Glied, Symphony no. 8: II. Final Scene from Faust: Junfrau, rein im schönsten Sinne, Symphony no. 8: II. Final Scene from Faust: Orchestral Introduction (Poco Adagio)
Altay Gençbay chorus master Dat's Our Man, Lift 'em Up and Put 'em Down, Prelude / Lift 'em Up and Put 'em Down
Hạ Vy conductor Agnus Dei, Agnus Dei (based on Adagio for Strings)
Robert Shaw Chamber Singers conductor Alleluia, Heavenly Light
Hector Berlioz conductor Les Nuits d'été: Villanelle, Requiem: Dies irae (excerpt)
Vuyvr conductor Prayers of Kierkegaard, op. 30: Lord Jesus Christ, Who Suffered All Life Long, Prayers of Kierkegaard, op. 30: O Thou Who Art Unchangeable
Do-Bro conductor BWV 12, Kreuz und Krone : Marian Anderson (rec 1946), BWV 244, Erbarme dich oh mein Gott : (rec 1946)
北園みなみ conductor Prayers of Kierkegaard, op. 30: Father in Heaven! Hold Not Our Sins Up Against Us, Prayers of Kierkegaard, op. 30: Father in Heaven, Well We Know That it is Thou
Atlanta Symphony Orchestra conductor Adeste fideles, The Messiah, HWV 56: Hallelujah Chorus
Ateq conductor Mass in B Minor, BWV 232: Gloria, Mass in B Minor, BWV 232: Missa - Kyrie
Georges Bizet conductor Carmen: Les voici
Philip Glass conductor "The Dam" from "Itaipu"
Pietro Mascagni conductor Cavalleria Rusticana: Regina Coeli
Henry Purcell conductor Dido and Aeneas: When I Am Laid in Earth / With Drooping Wings
Rickard Sund chorus master Stan' Up and Fight
Lê Tâm conductor Magnificat
Robert Shaw Chorale chorus master Joy to the World / Angels We Have Heard on High / O Come, O Come Emmanuel / God Rest Ye Merry, Gentlemen / We Three Kings / O Little Town of Bethlehem / Carol of the Bells / Wassail Song
Johann Sebastian Bach conductor Christmas Oratorio, BWV 248: Sinfonia in G Major, "And There Where Shepherds"
Gustav Mahler conductor Symphony no. 8: I. Hymnus: Veni Creator Spiritus
Ludwig van Beethoven conductor Fidelio: O welche Lust! (Prisoners' Chorus)
Gaetano Donizetti conductor Don Pasquale: Che interminabile andirivieni! (Servants' Chorus)
Fred Waring & His Pennsylvanians arranger Medley: Adeste Fideles / The First Noel / Carol of the Bells
Famous Jubilee Singers chorus master Beat Out Dat Rhythm on a Drum
Massimo di Cicco conductor Messiah, HWV 56: Part II, no. 44. “Hallelujah” (Chorus)
Johannes Brahms conductor Ein deutsches Requiem: VI (excerpt)
Dale Warland Singers arranger Susanni
[unknown] arranger O Tannenbaum
Daikei conductor Gesang der Parzen, op. 89: Song of the Fates
Columbus Girlchoir conductor Carmina Burana: Ego sum abbas
Модест Петрович Мусоргский conductor Boris Godunov: Zhivi i zdravstvui (Coronation Scene)
Chanticleer vocal arranger L'amour de moy
Muriel Smith chorus master Dat's Love
Hrabia conductor The Creation: Awake the Harp
Owen Bovary chorus master Finale
Laurent Klunge conductor Messiah: "Their sound is gone out"