John Dowland

Sample recordings


Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Nigel North performer, classical guitar, lute "Pavana Doulant" (pub. Mylius, Frankfurt 1622), "Pavana Johan Douland", P 94, 'Tremolo' Fancy (P73), A Dream, A Fancy (Fantasie No 5), A Fancy (Fantasie No 6), A Fancy (Fantasie No 7), A Fantasie (Fantasie No 1), Almain, P 96, Almain, P. 49, Almain, P. 51, Captain Digorie Piper's Galliard, Come Again, Sweet Love, Dowland's Adieu, Dowland's Tears (I Saw My Lady Weep, arr. North), Dr Case's Pavan, P 12, Farewell 'In Nomine' (Fantasie No 4), Farewell (Fantasie No 3), Forlorn Hope Fancy (Fantasie No 2), Galliard (P30), Galliard 2: Queen Elizabeth, Her Galliard, Galliard in G minor, P. 22 "Dowland's First Galliard", Galliard on a Galliard of Bachelar, Galliard to Lachrimae, Lachrimae (alternative version), Lachrimae Pavan, Lady Clifton's Spirit, Lady Hunsdon's Puffe, Lady Rich, her Galliard, P 43a, Langton's Galliard, Lord Strange's March, Lute Music: Captain Digorie Piper's Galliard P19, Lute Music: Dowland's First Galliard P22, Lute Music: Dowland's Galliard P20, Lute Music: Fantasia (?Dowland) P73, Lute Music: Fantasia in D minor P5, Lute Music: Galliard (on "Awake sweet love") P24, Lute Music: Galliard in F minor (?Dowland) P76, Lute Music: Go from my window (Ballad setting) P64, Lute Music: Lady Hunsdon's Almain (Lady Hunsdon's Puffe) P54, Lute Music: Lady Laiton's Almain P48, Lute Music: Mr Langton's Galliard P33, Lute Music: Mrs Clifton's Almain P53, Lute Music: My Lord Willoughby's Welcome Home (Ballad setting) P66, Lute Music: Pavan in G minor P16, Lute Music: Pavana (Pavana Johan Douland) in C minor (?Dowland) P94, Lute Music: Piper's Pavan P8, Lute Music: Sir Henry Guilford his Almain (Ballad setting) (probably authentic), Lute Music: Tarleton's Jig (?Dowland) P81, Lute Music: Walsingham (Ballad setting) P67, M. Giles Hobie's Galliard, Melancholy Galliard, P 25, Mignarda (Henry Noel's Galliard), Mr Dowland's Midnight, Mr Knight's Galliard, P 36, Mrs Clifton's Almain, P 53, Mrs Nichols' Almain, Mrs Vaux's Galliard, Mrs Vaux's Jig, Mrs White's Nothing, Mrs White's Thing, Mrs Winter's Jump, My Lord Chamberlain Gaillard, My Lord Willoughby's Welcome Home, Orlando Sleepeth, Pavan "La mia Barbara", P 95, Pavan "Solus cum sola", P 10, Pavan "Solus sine sola", P 11, Pavan (P16), Pavan (P18), Piper's Pavan, Preludum, Semper Dowland Semper Dolens, Sir Henry Guilforde, his Almain, Sir Henry Umpton's Funeral, Sir John Langton's Pavan, Sir John Smith, his Almain, P 47, Sir Robert Sidney, his Galliard, P 91, Tarletonne's Riserrectione, The Battle Galliard, P39, The Earl of Derby, his Galliard, P 44, The Earl of Essex, his Galliard, The Lady Laiton's Almain, P 48, The Lady Russell's Pavan, P 17, The Shoemaker's Wife (A Toy)
Robert Spencer vocal, bandura, cittern, lute A Shepherd in a Shade, All Ye Whom Love or Fortune Hath Betray'd, Away With the Self-Loving Lads, Can She Excuse My Wrongs, Come Again, Sweet Love, Come away, come sweet love, Come, Heavy Sleep, Dowland's Adew for Viol and Lute, P 13, Flow My Tears, Flow Not So Fast, Ye Fountains, From Silent Night, Galliard, Galliard for Four Voices and Lute "Can She Excuse My Wrongs", Galliard: Can she excuse, Go Crystal Tears, Go, Nighly Cares, I Saw My Lady Weep, If My Complaints Should Passions Move, If my complaints could passions move, If that a sinner's sighs, In Darkness Let Me Dwell, Lachrimae Pavin for Keyboard or Lute, Lasso vita mia, Me, me, and none but me, Melancholy Galliard, Midnight, Mistress White's Nothing, Mistress White's Thing, Mistress Winter's Jump, My Lady Hunsdon's Puff, My Lord Chamberlain Gaillard, My Lord Willoughby's Welcome Home, My Thoughts Are Wing'd With Hopes, Orlando Sleepeth, Prélude et gaillarde, Rest Awhile, You Cruel Cares, Say, Love, if ever you didst find ?, Semper Dowland, semper dolens, Shall I Sue, Sir John Smith's Almain, Sorrow, stay, Sweet Stay Awhile, Tarleton's Resurrection for Lute, P 59, Tarlton's Resurrection, Tell Me True Love, The Lady Laiton's Almain, Toy: The Shoemaker's Wife, Weep You No More, Sad Fountains, What If I Never Speed?, What if I never speed?, When Phoebus First Did Daphne Love, Wilt Thou Unkind Thus Reave Me, Wilt Thou Unkind Thus Reave Me?, Work Fantasie
Jakob Lindberg (lutenist) conductor, lute Complaint, Go Crystal Tears, Lachrimae antiquae, Lord Willoughbies His Galliard, Lute Music: Aloe (Ballad setting) P68, Lute Music: Come away (Song arrangement) P60, Lute Music: Complaint (Ballad setting) P63, Lute Music: Fancy (Fantasia) P6, Lute Music: Fantasia (?Dowland) P72, Lute Music: Galliard (on "Walsingham") in G minor P31, Lute Music: Galliard P27, Lute Music: Galliard to Lachrimae P46, Lute Music: Jig, for lute in C minor (?Dowland) P78, Lute Music: John Dowland's Galliard P21, Lute Music: Lachrimae (basic version)) P15, Lute Music: Mignarda (Galliard) in C minor P35, Lute Music: Mr. Giles Hobie's Galliard P29, Lute Music: Pavan P18, Lute Music: Semper Dowland semper dolens (pavan) P9, Lute Music: The Earl of Essex, his Galliard P42a, Lute Music: The Frog Galliard, for lute P23a, Lute Music: The Lady Clifton's Spirit (Galliard) P45, Lute Music: The Most Sacred Queen Elizabeth, Her Galliard P41, Lute Music: What if a day (Ballad setting) (?Dowland) P79, My Lord Chamberlaine His Galliard, Shall I Strive With Words to Move?, Shall I Sue, Shall I Seek for Grace?
Alfred Deller vocal Can She Excuse My Wrongs, Come Again! Sweet Love Doth Now Invite, Come Again, Sweet Love, Come away, come sweet love, Come, Heavy Sleep, Flow My Tears, Flow Not So Fast, Ye Fountains, From Silent Night, Go, Nighly Cares, I Saw My Lady Weep, If my complaints could passions move, If that a sinner's sighs, In Darkness Let Me Dwell, Lasso vita mia, Me, Me and None but Me, Me, me, and none but me, Say, Love, if ever you didst find ?, Shall I Sue, Sorrow, stay, Weep You No More, Sad Fountains, What If I Never Speed, What if I never speed?, Wilt Thou Unkind, Wilt Thou Unkind Thus Reave Me
Elizabeth Kenny (lutenist) lute Behold a wonder here, In darkness let me dwell, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Captain Piper his Galliard, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Lachrimae Amantis, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Lachrimae Antiquae, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Lachrimae Antiquae Novae, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Lachrimae Coactae, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Lachrimae Gementes, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Lachrimae Tristes, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Lachrimae Verae, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Mr. Bucton his Galliard, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Mr. George Whitehead his Alman, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Mr. Giles Hoby his Galliard, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Mr. Henry Noell his Galliard, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Mr. John Langton's Pavan, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Mr. Nicholas Gryffith his Galliard, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Mr. Thomas Collier his Galliard with two trebles, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Mrs. Nichols's Alman, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Semper Dowland semper Dolens, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Sir Henry Umpton's Funeral, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Sir John Souch his Galliard, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: The Earl of Essex Galliard, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: The King of Denmark's Galliard, Time stands still with gazing on her face

Collaborators on this artist's recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Nigel North performer, classical guitar, lute "Pavana Doulant" (pub. Mylius, Frankfurt 1622), "Pavana Johan Douland", P 94, 'Tremolo' Fancy (P73), A Dream, A Fancy (Fantasie No 5), A Fancy (Fantasie No 6), A Fancy (Fantasie No 7), A Fantasie (Fantasie No 1), Almain, P 96, Almain, P. 49, Almain, P. 51, Captain Digorie Piper's Galliard, Come Again, Sweet Love, Dowland's Adieu, Dowland's Tears (I Saw My Lady Weep, arr. North), Dr Case's Pavan, P 12, Farewell 'In Nomine' (Fantasie No 4), Farewell (Fantasie No 3), Forlorn Hope Fancy (Fantasie No 2), Galliard (P30), Galliard 2: Queen Elizabeth, Her Galliard, Galliard in G minor, P. 22 "Dowland's First Galliard", Galliard on a Galliard of Bachelar, Galliard to Lachrimae, Lachrimae (alternative version), Lachrimae Pavan, Lady Clifton's Spirit, Lady Hunsdon's Puffe, Lady Rich, her Galliard, P 43a, Langton's Galliard, Lord Strange's March, Lute Music: Captain Digorie Piper's Galliard P19, Lute Music: Dowland's First Galliard P22, Lute Music: Dowland's Galliard P20, Lute Music: Fantasia (?Dowland) P73, Lute Music: Fantasia in D minor P5, Lute Music: Galliard (on "Awake sweet love") P24, Lute Music: Galliard in F minor (?Dowland) P76, Lute Music: Go from my window (Ballad setting) P64, Lute Music: Lady Hunsdon's Almain (Lady Hunsdon's Puffe) P54, Lute Music: Lady Laiton's Almain P48, Lute Music: Mr Langton's Galliard P33, Lute Music: Mrs Clifton's Almain P53, Lute Music: My Lord Willoughby's Welcome Home (Ballad setting) P66, Lute Music: Pavan in G minor P16, Lute Music: Pavana (Pavana Johan Douland) in C minor (?Dowland) P94, Lute Music: Piper's Pavan P8, Lute Music: Sir Henry Guilford his Almain (Ballad setting) (probably authentic), Lute Music: Tarleton's Jig (?Dowland) P81, Lute Music: Walsingham (Ballad setting) P67, M. Giles Hobie's Galliard, Melancholy Galliard, P 25, Mignarda (Henry Noel's Galliard), Mr Dowland's Midnight, Mr Knight's Galliard, P 36, Mrs Clifton's Almain, P 53, Mrs Nichols' Almain, Mrs Vaux's Galliard, Mrs Vaux's Jig, Mrs White's Nothing, Mrs White's Thing, Mrs Winter's Jump, My Lord Chamberlain Gaillard, My Lord Willoughby's Welcome Home, Orlando Sleepeth, Pavan "La mia Barbara", P 95, Pavan "Solus cum sola", P 10, Pavan "Solus sine sola", P 11, Pavan (P16), Pavan (P18), Piper's Pavan, Preludum, Semper Dowland Semper Dolens, Sir Henry Guilforde, his Almain, Sir Henry Umpton's Funeral, Sir John Langton's Pavan, Sir John Smith, his Almain, P 47, Sir Robert Sidney, his Galliard, P 91, Tarletonne's Riserrectione, The Battle Galliard, P39, The Earl of Derby, his Galliard, P 44, The Earl of Essex, his Galliard, The Lady Laiton's Almain, P 48, The Lady Russell's Pavan, P 17, The Shoemaker's Wife (A Toy)
Robert Spencer vocal, bandura, cittern, lute A Shepherd in a Shade, All Ye Whom Love or Fortune Hath Betray'd, Away With the Self-Loving Lads, Can She Excuse My Wrongs, Come Again, Sweet Love, Come away, come sweet love, Come, Heavy Sleep, Dowland's Adew for Viol and Lute, P 13, Flow My Tears, Flow Not So Fast, Ye Fountains, From Silent Night, Galliard, Galliard for Four Voices and Lute "Can She Excuse My Wrongs", Galliard: Can she excuse, Go Crystal Tears, Go, Nighly Cares, I Saw My Lady Weep, If My Complaints Should Passions Move, If my complaints could passions move, If that a sinner's sighs, In Darkness Let Me Dwell, Lachrimae Pavin for Keyboard or Lute, Lasso vita mia, Me, me, and none but me, Melancholy Galliard, Midnight, Mistress White's Nothing, Mistress White's Thing, Mistress Winter's Jump, My Lady Hunsdon's Puff, My Lord Chamberlain Gaillard, My Lord Willoughby's Welcome Home, My Thoughts Are Wing'd With Hopes, Orlando Sleepeth, Prélude et gaillarde, Rest Awhile, You Cruel Cares, Say, Love, if ever you didst find ?, Semper Dowland, semper dolens, Shall I Sue, Sir John Smith's Almain, Sorrow, stay, Sweet Stay Awhile, Tarleton's Resurrection for Lute, P 59, Tarlton's Resurrection, Tell Me True Love, The Lady Laiton's Almain, Toy: The Shoemaker's Wife, Weep You No More, Sad Fountains, What If I Never Speed?, What if I never speed?, When Phoebus First Did Daphne Love, Wilt Thou Unkind Thus Reave Me, Wilt Thou Unkind Thus Reave Me?, Work Fantasie
Jakob Lindberg (lutenist) conductor, lute Complaint, Go Crystal Tears, Lachrimae antiquae, Lord Willoughbies His Galliard, Lute Music: Aloe (Ballad setting) P68, Lute Music: Come away (Song arrangement) P60, Lute Music: Complaint (Ballad setting) P63, Lute Music: Fancy (Fantasia) P6, Lute Music: Fantasia (?Dowland) P72, Lute Music: Galliard (on "Walsingham") in G minor P31, Lute Music: Galliard P27, Lute Music: Galliard to Lachrimae P46, Lute Music: Jig, for lute in C minor (?Dowland) P78, Lute Music: John Dowland's Galliard P21, Lute Music: Lachrimae (basic version)) P15, Lute Music: Mignarda (Galliard) in C minor P35, Lute Music: Mr. Giles Hobie's Galliard P29, Lute Music: Pavan P18, Lute Music: Semper Dowland semper dolens (pavan) P9, Lute Music: The Earl of Essex, his Galliard P42a, Lute Music: The Frog Galliard, for lute P23a, Lute Music: The Lady Clifton's Spirit (Galliard) P45, Lute Music: The Most Sacred Queen Elizabeth, Her Galliard P41, Lute Music: What if a day (Ballad setting) (?Dowland) P79, My Lord Chamberlaine His Galliard, Shall I Strive With Words to Move?, Shall I Sue, Shall I Seek for Grace?
Alfred Deller vocal Can She Excuse My Wrongs, Come Again! Sweet Love Doth Now Invite, Come Again, Sweet Love, Come away, come sweet love, Come, Heavy Sleep, Flow My Tears, Flow Not So Fast, Ye Fountains, From Silent Night, Go, Nighly Cares, I Saw My Lady Weep, If my complaints could passions move, If that a sinner's sighs, In Darkness Let Me Dwell, Lasso vita mia, Me, Me and None but Me, Me, me, and none but me, Say, Love, if ever you didst find ?, Shall I Sue, Sorrow, stay, Weep You No More, Sad Fountains, What If I Never Speed, What if I never speed?, Wilt Thou Unkind, Wilt Thou Unkind Thus Reave Me
Elizabeth Kenny (lutenist) lute Behold a wonder here, In darkness let me dwell, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Captain Piper his Galliard, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Lachrimae Amantis, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Lachrimae Antiquae, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Lachrimae Antiquae Novae, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Lachrimae Coactae, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Lachrimae Gementes, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Lachrimae Tristes, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Lachrimae Verae, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Mr. Bucton his Galliard, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Mr. George Whitehead his Alman, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Mr. Giles Hoby his Galliard, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Mr. Henry Noell his Galliard, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Mr. John Langton's Pavan, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Mr. Nicholas Gryffith his Galliard, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Mr. Thomas Collier his Galliard with two trebles, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Mrs. Nichols's Alman, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Semper Dowland semper Dolens, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Sir Henry Umpton's Funeral, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Sir John Souch his Galliard, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: The Earl of Essex Galliard, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: The King of Denmark's Galliard, Time stands still with gazing on her face
Antony Howell (Engineer) recording Captaine Digorie Piper his Pavan, Lachrimae or Seven Lachrimae Antiquae Novae, Lachrimae or Seven Teares: Captaine Digorie Piper his Galiard, Lachrimae or Seven Teares: Lachrimae Amantis, Lachrimae or Seven Teares: Lachrimae Antiquae, Lachrimae or Seven Teares: Lachrimae Coactae, Lachrimae or Seven Teares: Lachrimae Gementes, Lachrimae or Seven Teares: Lachrimae Tristes, Lachrimae or Seven Teares: Lachrimae Verae, Lachrimae or Seven Teares: M. Buctons Galiard, Lachrimae or Seven Teares: M. George Whitehead his Almand, Lachrimae or Seven Teares: M. Giles Hobies Galiard, Lachrimae or Seven Teares: M. Henry Noel his Galiard, Lachrimae or Seven Teares: M. John Langtons Pavan, Lachrimae or Seven Teares: M. Nicholas Gryffith his Galiard, Lachrimae or Seven Teares: M. Thomas Collier his Galiard with 2 Trebles, Lachrimae or Seven Teares: Mistresse Nichols Almand, Lachrimae or Seven Teares: Semper Dowland semper dolens, Lachrimae or Seven Teares: Sir Henry Umptons Funerall, Lachrimae or Seven Teares: Sir John Souch his Galiard, Lachrimae or Seven Teares: The Earle of Essex Galiard, Lachrimae or Seven Teares: The King of Denmarks Galiard, The Most High and Mightie Christianus the fourth King of Denmarke, his Galliard
Martin Compton (producer) producer Captaine Digorie Piper his Pavan, Lachrimae or Seven Lachrimae Antiquae Novae, Lachrimae or Seven Teares: Captaine Digorie Piper his Galiard, Lachrimae or Seven Teares: Lachrimae Amantis, Lachrimae or Seven Teares: Lachrimae Antiquae, Lachrimae or Seven Teares: Lachrimae Coactae, Lachrimae or Seven Teares: Lachrimae Gementes, Lachrimae or Seven Teares: Lachrimae Tristes, Lachrimae or Seven Teares: Lachrimae Verae, Lachrimae or Seven Teares: M. Buctons Galiard, Lachrimae or Seven Teares: M. George Whitehead his Almand, Lachrimae or Seven Teares: M. Giles Hobies Galiard, Lachrimae or Seven Teares: M. Henry Noel his Galiard, Lachrimae or Seven Teares: M. John Langtons Pavan, Lachrimae or Seven Teares: M. Nicholas Gryffith his Galiard, Lachrimae or Seven Teares: M. Thomas Collier his Galiard with 2 Trebles, Lachrimae or Seven Teares: Mistresse Nichols Almand, Lachrimae or Seven Teares: Semper Dowland semper dolens, Lachrimae or Seven Teares: Sir Henry Umptons Funerall, Lachrimae or Seven Teares: Sir John Souch his Galiard, Lachrimae or Seven Teares: The Earle of Essex Galiard, Lachrimae or Seven Teares: The King of Denmarks Galiard, The Most High and Mightie Christianus the fourth King of Denmarke, his Galliard
The Parley of Instruments strings Captaine Digorie Piper his Pavan, Lachrimae or Seven Lachrimae Antiquae Novae, Lachrimae or Seven Teares: Captaine Digorie Piper his Galiard, Lachrimae or Seven Teares: Lachrimae Amantis, Lachrimae or Seven Teares: Lachrimae Antiquae, Lachrimae or Seven Teares: Lachrimae Coactae, Lachrimae or Seven Teares: Lachrimae Gementes, Lachrimae or Seven Teares: Lachrimae Tristes, Lachrimae or Seven Teares: Lachrimae Verae, Lachrimae or Seven Teares: M. Buctons Galiard, Lachrimae or Seven Teares: M. George Whitehead his Almand, Lachrimae or Seven Teares: M. Giles Hobies Galiard, Lachrimae or Seven Teares: M. Henry Noel his Galiard, Lachrimae or Seven Teares: M. John Langtons Pavan, Lachrimae or Seven Teares: M. Nicholas Gryffith his Galiard, Lachrimae or Seven Teares: M. Thomas Collier his Galiard with 2 Trebles, Lachrimae or Seven Teares: Mistresse Nichols Almand, Lachrimae or Seven Teares: Semper Dowland semper dolens, Lachrimae or Seven Teares: Sir Henry Umptons Funerall, Lachrimae or Seven Teares: Sir John Souch his Galiard, Lachrimae or Seven Teares: The Earle of Essex Galiard, Lachrimae or Seven Teares: The King of Denmarks Galiard
Laurence Dreyfus conductor, viola da gamba Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Captain Piper his Galliard, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Lachrimae Amantis, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Lachrimae Antiquae, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Lachrimae Antiquae Novae, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Lachrimae Coactae, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Lachrimae Gementes, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Lachrimae Tristes, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Lachrimae Verae, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Mr. Bucton his Galliard, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Mr. George Whitehead his Alman, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Mr. Giles Hoby his Galliard, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Mr. Henry Noell his Galliard, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Mr. John Langton's Pavan, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Mr. Nicholas Gryffith his Galliard, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Mr. Thomas Collier his Galliard with two trebles, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Mrs. Nichols's Alman, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Semper Dowland semper Dolens, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Sir Henry Umpton's Funeral, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Sir John Souch his Galliard, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: The Earl of Essex Galliard, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: The King of Denmark's Galliard
Julia Thomas (engineer/producer) engineer Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Captain Piper his Galliard, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Lachrimae Amantis, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Lachrimae Antiquae, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Lachrimae Antiquae Novae, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Lachrimae Coactae, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Lachrimae Gementes, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Lachrimae Tristes, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Lachrimae Verae, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Mr. Bucton his Galliard, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Mr. George Whitehead his Alman, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Mr. Giles Hoby his Galliard, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Mr. Henry Noell his Galliard, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Mr. John Langton's Pavan, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Mr. Nicholas Gryffith his Galliard, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Mr. Thomas Collier his Galliard with two trebles, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Mrs. Nichols's Alman, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Semper Dowland semper Dolens, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Sir Henry Umpton's Funeral, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Sir John Souch his Galliard, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: The Earl of Essex Galliard, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: The King of Denmark's Galliard
Jonathan Manson (cellist) viola da gamba Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Captain Piper his Galliard, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Lachrimae Amantis, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Lachrimae Antiquae, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Lachrimae Antiquae Novae, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Lachrimae Coactae, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Lachrimae Gementes, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Lachrimae Tristes, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Lachrimae Verae, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Mr. Bucton his Galliard, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Mr. George Whitehead his Alman, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Mr. Giles Hoby his Galliard, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Mr. Henry Noell his Galliard, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Mr. John Langton's Pavan, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Mr. Nicholas Gryffith his Galliard, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Mr. Thomas Collier his Galliard with two trebles, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Mrs. Nichols's Alman, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Semper Dowland semper Dolens, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Sir Henry Umpton's Funeral, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Sir John Souch his Galliard, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: The Earl of Essex Galliard, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: The King of Denmark's Galliard
Philip Hobbs (Engineer) producer, recording Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Captain Piper his Galliard, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Lachrimae Amantis, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Lachrimae Antiquae, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Lachrimae Antiquae Novae, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Lachrimae Coactae, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Lachrimae Gementes, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Lachrimae Tristes, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Lachrimae Verae, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Mr. Bucton his Galliard, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Mr. George Whitehead his Alman, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Mr. Giles Hoby his Galliard, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Mr. Henry Noell his Galliard, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Mr. John Langton's Pavan, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Mr. Nicholas Gryffith his Galliard, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Mr. Thomas Collier his Galliard with two trebles, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Mrs. Nichols's Alman, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Semper Dowland semper Dolens, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Sir Henry Umpton's Funeral, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Sir John Souch his Galliard, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: The Earl of Essex Galliard, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: The King of Denmark's Galliard
Mikko Perkola viola da gamba Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Captain Piper his Galliard, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Lachrimae Amantis, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Lachrimae Antiquae, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Lachrimae Antiquae Novae, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Lachrimae Coactae, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Lachrimae Gementes, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Lachrimae Tristes, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Lachrimae Verae, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Mr. Bucton his Galliard, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Mr. George Whitehead his Alman, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Mr. Giles Hoby his Galliard, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Mr. Henry Noell his Galliard, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Mr. John Langton's Pavan, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Mr. Nicholas Gryffith his Galliard, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Mr. Thomas Collier his Galliard with two trebles, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Mrs. Nichols's Alman, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Semper Dowland semper Dolens, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Sir Henry Umpton's Funeral, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Sir John Souch his Galliard, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: The Earl of Essex Galliard, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: The King of Denmark's Galliard
Anthony Rooley conductor, lute Fine knacks for ladies, Lute Music: Can she excuse (Galliard) (version by Cozens) P89, Lute Music: Farewell (on "In Nomine") (fantasia for lute) P4, Lute Music: Farewell Fancy (Chromatic fantasia) P3, Lute Music: Galliard in C minor P35, Lute Music: Galliard in G minor P30, Lute Music: La mia Barbara (?Dowland) P95, Lute Music: Lachrimae, for lute (arrangement by Francis Cozens), Lute Music: Lord Strang's March (Ballad setting) P65, Lute Music: Mrs Brigide Fleetwood's Pavan (Solus sine sola) P11, Lute Music: Mrs Nichol's Almain P52, Lute Music: Mrs Norrish's Delight (?Dowland) P77, Lute Music: Mrs Vaux's Jig P57, Lute Music: Mrs White's Nothing P56, Lute Music: Mrs White's Thing (Mrs White's Choice) (Almain) P50, Lute Music: Mrs Winters Jump (Coranto) P55, Lute Music: Sir Henry Umpton's Funerall (Pavan), Lute Music: The Frog Galliard (?Dowland) P90, Lute Music: The King of Denmark, his Galliard P40, Lute Music: The Shoemaker's Wife, a Toy (Ballad setting) P58, Second Booke of Songes 1600: IV. Die not before thy day
Emilia Benjamin (Violin, viola & viol player) viola da gamba Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Captain Piper his Galliard, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Lachrimae Amantis, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Lachrimae Antiquae, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Lachrimae Antiquae Novae, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Lachrimae Coactae, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Lachrimae Gementes, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Lachrimae Tristes, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Lachrimae Verae, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Mr. Bucton his Galliard, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Mr. George Whitehead his Alman, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Mr. Giles Hoby his Galliard, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Mr. Henry Noell his Galliard, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Mr. John Langton's Pavan, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Mr. Nicholas Gryffith his Galliard, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Mr. Thomas Collier his Galliard with two trebles, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Mrs. Nichols's Alman, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Semper Dowland semper Dolens, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Sir Henry Umpton's Funeral, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Sir John Souch his Galliard, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: The Earl of Essex Galliard, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: The King of Denmark's Galliard
Dorothy Linell lute Can She Excuse My Wrongs?, Come Again: Sweet Love Doth Now Invite, Come, Heavy Sleep, Fine Knacks for Ladies, Fortune My Foe, His Golden Locks, I Saw My Lady Weep, If My Complaints Could Passions Move, In Darkness Let Me Dwell, Lady, If You So Spite Me, Me, Me, and None but Me, Melancholy Galliard, Now, O Now I Needs Must Part, Say Love If Ever Thou Did'st Find, Second Booke of Songes, No. 2: Flow, my teares, Sorrow, Stay, Stay Time Awhile Thy Flying, Think'st Thou Then by Thy Feigning?, Time Stands Still, When Phoebus First Did Daphne Love, Wilt Thou Unkind Thus Reave Me?
Markku Luolajan-Mikkola viola da gamba Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Captain Piper his Galliard, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Lachrimae Amantis, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Lachrimae Antiquae, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Lachrimae Antiquae Novae, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Lachrimae Coactae, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Lachrimae Gementes, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Lachrimae Tristes, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Lachrimae Verae, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Mr. Bucton his Galliard, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Mr. George Whitehead his Alman, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Mr. Giles Hoby his Galliard, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Mr. Henry Noell his Galliard, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Mr. John Langton's Pavan, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Mr. Nicholas Gryffith his Galliard, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Mr. Thomas Collier his Galliard with two trebles, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Mrs. Nichols's Alman, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Semper Dowland semper Dolens, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Sir Henry Umpton's Funeral, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: Sir John Souch his Galliard, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: The Earl of Essex Galliard, Lachrimae or Seven Tears: The King of Denmark's Galliard
Hopkinson Smith lute A Dream, A Fancy, A Fantasie, A Galliard, Dowland's Lamentation: Semper Dowland, Semper Dolens, Farwell, Fortune My Foe, Frogg Galliard, La Mia Barbara, Lachrimae Pavin, Lady Clifton's Spirit, Lady Hunsdon's Allemande, Lady Rich's Galliard, Mauritius / Dowland Pavin, Melancholy Galliard, Mrs. White's Nothing, Queen Elizabeth's Galliard, Sir John Smith's Almain, The Earl Of Essex's Galliard, The King of Denmark's Galliard
Steven Rickards vocal Can She Excuse My Wrongs?, Come Again: Sweet Love Doth Now Invite, Come, Heavy Sleep, Fine Knacks for Ladies, His Golden Locks, I Saw My Lady Weep, If My Complaints Could Passions Move, In Darkness Let Me Dwell, Lady, If You So Spite Me, Me, Me, and None but Me, Now, O Now I Needs Must Part, Say Love If Ever Thou Did'st Find, Second Booke of Songes, No. 2: Flow, my teares, Sorrow, Stay, Stay Time Awhile Thy Flying, Think'st Thou Then by Thy Feigning?, Time Stands Still, When Phoebus First Did Daphne Love, Wilt Thou Unkind Thus Reave Me?
Christopher Wilson (lute and theorbo player) lute Lute Music: A Coy Toy (?Dowland) P80, Lute Music: Almain P51, Lute Music: Fantasia in G minor, P7, Lute Music: Forlorn Hope Fancy (Chromatic fantasia) P2, Lute Music: Fortune My Foe (Ballad setting) P62, Lute Music: Galliard (on a galliard by Daniel Bacheler) for lute in C minor P28, Lute Music: Mr John Langton's Pavan P14a, Lute Music: Mr Knight's Galliard P36, Lute Music: Orlando Sleepeth (Ballad setting) P61, Lute Music: Robin (Bonny Sweet Robin) (Ballad setting) P70, Lute Music: Sir John Souch his Galliard P26, Lute Music: Solus cum sola (Pavan) P10, Lute Music: Tarleton's Resurrection P59, Lute Music: The Earl of Derby's Galliard P44a, Lute Music: The Lady Russell's Pavan P17, Lute Music: The Right Honourable Lord Viscount Lisle (Sir Robert Sidney, his galliard) P38, Lute Music: The Right Honourable the Lady Rich, her Gaillard (Dowland's Bells) P43
Norbert Kraft (classical guitarist and producer) editor, engineer, producer Captain Digorie Piper's Galliard, Dowland's Adieu, Dowland's Tears (I Saw My Lady Weep, arr. North), Galliard (P30), Galliard to Lachrimae, Lachrimae (alternative version), Lachrimae Pavan, Langton's Galliard, M. Giles Hobie's Galliard, Mignarda (Henry Noel's Galliard), Pavan (P16), Pavan (P18), Piper's Pavan, Semper Dowland Semper Dolens, Sir Henry Umpton's Funeral, Sir John Langton's Pavan, The Earl of Essex, his Galliard
Bonnie Silver (producer/engineer) producer Captain Digorie Piper's Galliard, Dowland's Adieu, Dowland's Tears (I Saw My Lady Weep, arr. North), Galliard (P30), Galliard to Lachrimae, Lachrimae (alternative version), Lachrimae Pavan, Langton's Galliard, M. Giles Hobie's Galliard, Mignarda (Henry Noel's Galliard), Pavan (P16), Pavan (P18), Piper's Pavan, Semper Dowland Semper Dolens, Sir Henry Umpton's Funeral, Sir John Langton's Pavan, The Earl of Essex, his Galliard
Anthony Bailes (lutenist) lute Lute Music: A Dream (Pavan) (?Dowland) P75, Lute Music: Almain (Margarete Board Lute Book) P96, Lute Music: Almain P49, Lute Music: Can she excuse (Galliard) P42, Lute Music: Coranto (Margaret Board Lute Book) P100, Lute Music: Dr. Case's Pavan P12, Lute Music: Fantasia (?Dowland) (Jane Pickering MS) P71, Lute Music: Fantasia P1, Lute Music: Lachrimae (version by JOhn Sturt), Lute Music: Loth to depart (Ballad setting) P69, Lute Music: Melancholy Galliard P25, Lute Music: Mr. Dowland's MIdnight (Margaret Board Lute Book) P99, Lute Music: Mrs. Vaux Galliard P32, Lute Music: Preludium (Margaret Board Lute Book) P98, Lute Music: Resolution (Pavan) P13, Lute Music: Sir John Smith, his Almain P47, Lute Music: The Queen's Galliard (Margaret Board Lute Book) P97
Andreas Scholl vocal A Fancy, All Ye, Whom Love or Fortune Hath Betray'd, Behold a Wonder Here, Come, Heavy Sleep, Flow My Tears (countertenor: Andreas Scholl, lute: Andreas Martin), From Silent Night, Go, Crystal Tears, Go, Nightly Cares, In Darkness Let Me Dwell, Me, Me and None but Me, Now, O, Now, I Needs Must Part, Semper Dowland Semper Dolens, Sorrow, Come!, The First Booke of Songs or Ayres, Nr. 6: "Now, o now I needs must part", The Lady Rich Her Galliard, Time Stands Still
Jean-François Pontefract recording A Shepherd in a Shade, All Ye Whom Love or Fortune Hath Betray'd, Away With the Self-Loving Lads, Come Again, Sweet Love, Come, Heavy Sleep, Go Crystal Tears, If My Complaints Should Passions Move, My Thoughts Are Wing'd With Hopes, Prélude et gaillarde, Rest Awhile, You Cruel Cares, Semper Dowland, semper dolens, Sweet Stay Awhile, Tell Me True Love, What If I Never Speed?, When Phoebus First Did Daphne Love, Wilt Thou Unkind Thus Reave Me?
Deller Consort vocal Awake, Sweet Love, Can She Excuse My Wrongs, Come Again! Sweet Love Doth Now Invite, Fine Knack for Ladies, Flow Not So Fast, Ye Fountains, Flow, My Tears, Go, Nightly Cares, If My Complaints Could Passions Move, If That a Sinner's Sighs, In Darkness Let Me Dwell, Me, Me, and None but Me, Sleep, Wayward Thoughts, Sorrow, Stay, Wilt Thou, Unkind, Thus Reave Me?
Mark Deller conductor, vocal A Shepherd in a Shade, All Ye Whom Love or Fortune Hath Betray'd, Away With the Self-Loving Lads, Come Again, Sweet Love, Come, Heavy Sleep, Go Crystal Tears, If My Complaints Should Passions Move, My Thoughts Are Wing'd With Hopes, Rest Awhile, You Cruel Cares, Sweet Stay Awhile, Tell Me True Love, What If I Never Speed?, When Phoebus First Did Daphne Love, Wilt Thou Unkind Thus Reave Me?
Paul Elliott (US tenor vocalist, member of Theatre of Voices) vocal A Shepherd in a Shade, All Ye Whom Love or Fortune Hath Betray'd, Away With the Self-Loving Lads, Come Again, Sweet Love, Come, Heavy Sleep, Go Crystal Tears, If My Complaints Should Passions Move, My Thoughts Are Wing'd With Hopes, Rest Awhile, You Cruel Cares, Sweet Stay Awhile, Tell Me True Love, What If I Never Speed?, When Phoebus First Did Daphne Love, Wilt Thou Unkind Thus Reave Me?
John Surman bass clarinet Come Again, Come Heavy Sleep, Fine Knacks for Ladies, Flow My Tears, From Silent Night, Go Crystal Tears, In Darkness Let Me Dwell, Lachrimae Amantis, Lachrimae Tristes, Lachrimae Verae, Now, O Now I Needs Must Part, The Lowest Trees Have Tops, Weep You No More, Sad Fountains
Maya Homburger violin Come Again, Come Heavy Sleep, Fine Knacks for Ladies, Flow My Tears, From Silent Night, Go Crystal Tears, In Darkness Let Me Dwell, Lachrimae Amantis, Lachrimae Tristes, Lachrimae Verae, Now, O Now I Needs Must Part, The Lowest Trees Have Tops, Weep You No More, Sad Fountains
John Potter vocal Come Again, Come Heavy Sleep, Fine Knacks for Ladies, Flow My Tears, From Silent Night, Go Crystal Tears, In Darkness Let Me Dwell, Lachrimae Amantis, Lachrimae Tristes, Lachrimae Verae, Now, O Now I Needs Must Part, The Lowest Trees Have Tops, Weep You No More, Sad Fountains
Stephen Stubbs lute Come Again, Come Heavy Sleep, Fine Knacks for Ladies, Flow My Tears, From Silent Night, Go Crystal Tears, In Darkness Let Me Dwell, Lachrimae Amantis, Lachrimae Tristes, Lachrimae Verae, Now, O Now I Needs Must Part, The Lowest Trees Have Tops, Weep You No More, Sad Fountains
Barry Guy (composer and double bass) double bass Come Again, Come Heavy Sleep, Fine Knacks for Ladies, Flow My Tears, From Silent Night, Go Crystal Tears, In Darkness Let Me Dwell, Lachrimae Amantis, Lachrimae Tristes, Lachrimae Verae, Now, O Now I Needs Must Part, The Lowest Trees Have Tops, Weep You No More, Sad Fountains
Konrad Ragossnig (lutenist) lute Fantasia, Forlone Hope Fancy, Lachrimae Antiquae Pavan, Melancholy Galliard, Mrs. Winter's Jump, Mrs. Winter's Jump, P. 55, My Lady Hunsdon's Puffe, Queene Elizabeth, her Galliard, P. 41, Semper Dowland semper dolens, The Earl of Essex Galliard, The King of Denmark's Galliard, “The King Of Denmark’s Galliard” für Blockflöte und Laute
Michael George (British bass-baritone) vocal A Shepherd in a Shade, All Ye Whom Love or Fortune Hath Betray'd, Away With the Self-Loving Lads, Come Again, Sweet Love, Come, Heavy Sleep, Go Crystal Tears, If My Complaints Should Passions Move, Rest Awhile, You Cruel Cares, Tell Me True Love, What If I Never Speed?, When Phoebus First Did Daphne Love, Wilt Thou Unkind Thus Reave Me?
Rosemary Hardy vocal A Shepherd in a Shade, All Ye Whom Love or Fortune Hath Betray'd, Away With the Self-Loving Lads, Come Again, Sweet Love, Come, Heavy Sleep, Go Crystal Tears, If My Complaints Should Passions Move, Rest Awhile, You Cruel Cares, Tell Me True Love, What If I Never Speed?, When Phoebus First Did Daphne Love, Wilt Thou Unkind Thus Reave Me?
Colin Tilney harpsichord Can shee excuse my wrongs (1st Book of Songs, 1597), Anonymously transcribed for keyboard, Dowland's Almayne, Anonymously transcribed for keyboard, Lachrimae Pavan (Paduana Lachrimae), Transc. for keyboard by Giles Farnaby, Lachrimae Pavan (Paduana Lachrimae), Transc. for keyboard by Melchior Schild, Lachrimae Pavan (Paduana Lachrimae), Transc. for keyboard by Willian Byrd, Paduana "La mia Barbara" (Consort Music), Transc. for keyboard by Paul Siefert, Pavana & Galliarda, Transc. for keyboard by Thomas Morley, Piper's Pavan & Galliard, transcr. for keyboard by J. Bull & M. Peerson, Solus cum sola pavan (Lute works), Anonymously transcribed for keyboard, The Frog Gailliard (Now, o now I need must part), Transc. for keyboard by Thomas Morley, The Frogge, Transc. for keyboard by John Wilbye
Concerto di Viole performer, performing orchestra A Fancy, Come, Heavy Sleep, From Silent Night, Go, Crystal Tears, Go, Nightly Cares, Now, O, Now, I Needs Must Part, Semper Dowland Semper Dolens, Sorrow, Come!, The First Booke of Songs or Ayres, Nr. 6: "Now, o now I needs must part", The Lady Rich Her Galliard, Time Stands Still
Desmond Dupré cittern, guitar, lute Come Again! Sweet Love Doth Now Invite, Dowland's Adew for Viol and Lute, P 13, Galliard for Four Voices and Lute "Can She Excuse My Wrongs", Lachrimae Pavin for Keyboard or Lute, Me, Me and None but Me, Shall I Sue, Tarleton's Resurrection for Lute, P 59, What If I Never Speed, Wilt Thou Unkind, Work Fantasie
Julian Bream lute Bonny Sweet Robin, Dowlands Adew, Fantasie, Gallard. Can She Excuse, Go From My Window, Lachrimae Pavin, Loth to Depart, Semper Dowland, semper dolens, Tarletons Resurrection, Walsingham
The Consort of Six performing orchestra Captain Digory Piper's Pavan and Galliard, Fortune My Foe, Galliard: Can she excuse (2), Katherine Darcy's Galliard, Lachrimae Pavan, The First Galliard, The Frog Galliard, The Round Battle Galliard
Andreas Martin (lute player) lute All Ye, Whom Love or Fortune Hath Betray'd, Behold a Wonder Here, Flow My Tears (countertenor: Andreas Scholl, lute: Andreas Martin), Me, Me and None but Me, The Lady Russell's Pavan (for lute)
Julianne Baird vocal Away With These Self Loving Lads, Come Again, In Darkness Let Me Dwell, Sorrow Stay, Time Stands Still
David Sandeman flute Dowland's Adew for Viol and Lute, P 13, Galliard for Four Voices and Lute "Can She Excuse My Wrongs", Lachrimae Pavin for Keyboard or Lute, Tarleton's Resurrection for Lute, P 59, Work Fantasie
Jack Clegg (engineer) recording Dowlands Adew, Fantasie, Gallard. Can She Excuse, Lachrimae Pavin, Tarletons Resurrection
Ronn McFarlane lute Away With These Self Loving Lads, Come Again, In Darkness Let Me Dwell, Sorrow Stay, Time Stands Still
Paul O’Dette lute Complaint, Lachrimae (feat. lute: Paul O'Dette), Lord Willoughbies His Galliard, My Lord Chamberlaine His Galliard, The Most High and Mightie Christianus the fourth King of Denmarke, his Galliard
Ray Minshull producer Dowlands Adew, Fantasie, Gallard. Can She Excuse, Lachrimae Pavin, Tarletons Resurrection
John W. Bower (recording engineer) recording Bonny Sweet Robin, Go From My Window, Loth to Depart, Walsingham
Jill Feldman vocal Can shee excuse my wrongs, Flow, my tears, Lachrimae, The Earl of Essex Galliard
James Burnett (producer) producer Bonny Sweet Robin, Go From My Window, Loth to Depart, Walsingham
Rolf Lislevand guitar, lute Can shee excuse my wrongs, Flow, my tears, Lachrimae, The Earl of Essex Galliard
Sébastien Marq recorder Can shee excuse my wrongs, Flow, my tears, Lachrimae, The Earl of Essex Galliard
Australian Intervarsity Choral Festival Choir vocal Say Love if ever Thou dids't Find, Say love if ever thou didst find, Stay time awhile, What if I never speed
Robin Blaze vocal Behold a wonder here, In darkness let me dwell, Time stands still with gazing on her face
Mark Wheeler producer, bandora, cittern, lute Can she excuse, I saw my Lady weepe, Oh sweet woods
Rita Hermeyer editor, engineer, producer Go Crystal Tears, Shall I Strive With Words to Move?, Shall I Sue, Shall I Seek for Grace?
Ian Partridge conductor A Shepherd in a Shade, Fine Knacks for Ladies, Where Sin Sore Wounding
Michaela Thewes photography Can she excuse, I saw my Lady weepe, Oh sweet woods
Nicholas Parker (Producer, Engineer) producer Lachrimæ, or Seaven Teares: Lachrimæ Gementes, Lachrimæ, or Seaven Teares: M. Bucton his Galiard, Lachrimæ, or Seaven Teares: Semper Dowland semper Dolens
Gustav Leonhardt conductor, harpsichord, virginal Dowland's Lachrymae, Galliard "Can she excuse my wrongs", Pavan in C major
Fretwork viola da gamba Lachrimæ, or Seaven Teares: Lachrimæ Gementes, Lachrimæ, or Seaven Teares: M. Bucton his Galiard, Lachrimæ, or Seaven Teares: Semper Dowland semper Dolens
Emma Kirkby (soprano) vocal Go Crystal Tears, Shall I Strive With Words to Move?, Shall I Sue, Shall I Seek for Grace?
Dominik Schneider engineer, vocal, flute, guitar Can she excuse, I saw my Lady weepe, Oh sweet woods
Mary Springfels conductor His golden locks time hath to silver turnde, In darknesse let mee dwell, Sorrow, stay!
Pro Cantione Antiqua vocal A Shepherd in a Shade, Fine Knacks for Ladies, Where Sin Sore Wounding
The Newberry Consort performer His golden locks time hath to silver turnde, In darknesse let mee dwell, Sorrow, stay!
Anna Maria Wierod vocal Can she excuse, I saw my Lady weepe, Oh sweet woods
Tim Handley (engineer/editor/producer) sound Lachrimæ, or Seaven Teares: Lachrimæ Gementes, Lachrimæ, or Seaven Teares: M. Bucton his Galiard, Lachrimæ, or Seaven Teares: Semper Dowland semper Dolens
Ulsamer Collegium performer Mrs. Winter's Jump, P. 55, Queene Elizabeth, her Galliard, P. 41
Howard Bass performer Lachrimæ, or Seaven Teares: Lachrimæ Antiquæ, The First Booke of Consort Lessons: Galliard Can Shee Excuse
Ann Marie Morgan bass Lachrimæ, or Seaven Teares: Lachrimæ Antiquæ, The First Booke of Consort Lessons: Galliard Can Shee Excuse
Kim Heindel lautenwerck Mr. John Langton's Pavan, for lute, P 14, The Most Sacred Queen Elizabeth, her Galliard (Katherine Darcy's Galliard), for lute, P 41
Josef Ulsamer (viola da gamba, conductor, specialized on historically informed performances) conductor Mrs. Winter's Jump, P. 55, Queene Elizabeth, her Galliard, P. 41
Edin Karamazov lute In Darkness Let Me Dwell
Philip Siney balance In Darkness Let Me Dwell
David Chevallier performer The Willow Tree
Jonathan Freeman-Attwood trumpet When the poore Criple (A Pilgrimes Solace)
Adrian Hunter (producer and engineer) editor, engineer, producer Sweet Robyne
Robert King (conductor) conductor Can She Excuse My Wrongs
Martyn Hill vocal Second Booke of Songes 1600: IV. Die not before thy day
Jacob Heringman lute Sweet Robyne
Andrés Segovia classical guitar Galliard
Collegium Vocale Köln vocal First Booke of Songes: Come again!
Rose Consort of Viols performer The King of Denmark's Galiard
Michael Teuchert lute My Lord Willoughby’s Welcome Home
Aldo Rodríguez (classical guitarist) classical guitar Fantasía no. 7
Kammerchor CantART Halle Saale vocal Come Again
Kevin Gallagher classical guitar Lachrimae Pavan
The Consort of Musicke performer Second Booke of Songes 1600: IV. Die not before thy day
Chris Sayers producer In Darkness Let Me Dwell
The Dowland Consort vocal Lachrimae antiquae
The King's Consort instrument Can She Excuse My Wrongs
The King’s Singers vocal Fine knacks for ladies
Hans-Martin Linde flute “The King Of Denmark’s Galliard” für Blockflöte und Laute
Olaf Van Gonnissen lute My Lord Willoughby’s Welcome Home
Daniel-Ben Pienaar arranger, piano When the poore Criple (A Pilgrimes Solace)
Leonhardt-Consort performing orchestra Pavan in C major
Wolfgang Fromme conductor First Booke of Songes: Come again!
Zsuzsa Pertis harpsichord The Fitzwilliam Virginal Book No. 121: Pavana Lachrimae (arr. William Byrd)