Dominik Schneider

flute, vocal, guitar, engineer, editor, recording

Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
[anonymous] (Special Purpose Artist)
John Dowland
Robert Johnson (English renaissance composer)
John Johnson (English composer, fl. 1579)
John Playford

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
[anonymous] engineer, vocal, flute, guitar Excuse me, Grimstock, Howells Delight, The Punckes Delight, The dark is my delight, The sorrowful complaint of Susan Higges
John Dowland engineer, vocal, flute, guitar Can she excuse, I saw my Lady weepe, Oh sweet woods
Robert Johnson engineer, vocal, flute, guitar Full fathom five, The Princis Masque, Where the bee sucks
John Johnson engineer, vocal, flute, guitar The Quadro Galliard, The Quadro Pavane
John Playford engineer, vocal, flute, guitar Bobing Joe & Jenny pluck Pears, Scotch Capp
Popular Front engineer, vocal, flute, guitar Nymphidia
John Bennet engineer, vocal, flute, guitar The Elves Daunce
Los Popularos engineer, vocal, flute, guitar Daphne
The Scissors engineer, vocal, flute, guitar A Jig
Thomas Ravenscroft engineer, vocal, flute, guitar Yonder comes a courteous Knight
Thomas Robinson engineer, vocal, flute, guitar The new Hunts up
Richard Farrant engineer, vocal, flute, guitar Pantheas Lament