Ann Marie Morgan


Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
[anonymous] (Special Purpose Artist)
John Dowland
Richard Alison
Jean d'Estrée
John Johnson (English composer, fl. 1579)

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
[anonymous] bass Consort Books (1595): Nuttmigs and Ginger, Grimstock, Howells Delight
John Dowland bass Lachrimæ, or Seaven Teares: Lachrimæ Antiquæ, The First Booke of Consort Lessons: Galliard Can Shee Excuse
Richard Alison bass The First Booke of Consort Lessons: Goe from my Window, The First Booke of Consort Lessons: The Quadro Pavin
Jean d'Estrée bass The Buffens
John Johnson bass Green Garters
Thomas Morley bass The First Booke of Consort Lessons: Joyne Hands