Joel McNeely (soundtrack composer & conductor) |
conductor |
12:30, Afterbeats, Alicia, Alone, Anna and the King of Slam: Coronation, Anna and the King of Slam: Elegy, Anna and the King of Slam: Montage, Anna and the King of Slam: Prelude, Arlington, Autumn, Autumn Afternoon, Bernstein's Narration, Bernstein's Presto, Blood, Cabin 1, Cabin 10, Captive, Car Crash, Carter's Exit, Cast, Charles Meets Thatcher, Cheers, Chronicle Scherzo, Cleanup, Confession, Conversation Piece, Cortege, Danger, Dawn, Declaration, Departure, Detectives, Discovery, Dissolve, Duo, El Rancho, Elegy, Eleven Months, Encore, Encounter, End Title, Escape, Eye of the Beholders / Twilight Zone Theme (2nd Revision), Fahrenheit 451: Captain's Death, Fahrenheit 451: Fire Engine, Fahrenheit 451: Flamethrower, Fahrenheit 451: Flowers of Fire, Fahrenheit 451: Prelude, Fahrenheit 451: The Bedroom, Fahrenheit 451: The Garden, Fahrenheit 451: The Nightmare, Fahrenheit 451: The Reading, Fahrenheit 451: The Road, Farewell, Fear, Finale, Finale and Credits, Flashback, Flashback II, Flight, Forio, Forio's Death, Forio's Fall, Galop, Getty's Departure, Goodbye, Gort, Gort's Rage, Gratitude, Harvest Eve, Homebodies, Hornpipe Polka, Hotel Lobby, Hotel Room, Hysteria, Information Desk, Interlude, Intro, Jennifer, Jigsaws, Kane Marries, Kane and Susan, Kane's New Office, Kane's Picnic, Kane's Return, Kidnapped, Klaatu, Lead In, Leland's Dismissal, Lincoln Memorial, Litany, Love Scene, Main Title, Manuscript Reading and Snow Picture, Marion, Marion and Sam, Mark's Office, Marnie, Martin's Summer, Memories, Miss Gravely Digs, Miss Gravely's Test, Mockery, Mother Memory, Mother's Sacrifice, New Dawn Music, Nikto, Nocturne, On The Rocks, Ostinato, Overture, Panic, Patience, Patrol Car, Phone Booth, Porch Talk, Prelude, Prelude and Outer Space, Proposal, Psycho: Prelude / The City, Radar, Rain, Rebirth, Red Flowers, Romance, Salaambo's Aria, Second Manuscript, Second Xanadu, Shock, Slumber, Solar Diamonds, Space Control, Sunset Narration, Susan Leaves, Susan's Room, Suspicion, Tea Time, Temptation, Tender is the Night: The Embrace, Terror, Thanks, The Airplane, The Airport, The Auction, The Balcony, The Bandage, The Bathroom, The Bathtub, The Bedroom, The Bicycle, The Body, The Bookrack, The Bowl, The Box, The Breakdown, The Bridal Suite, The Burial, The Button, The Cabin, The Cafeteria, The Captain, The Car, The Car Lot, The Cell, The Cellar, The Checkbook, The City, The Cliff, The Closet, The Conference, The Country Road, The Crash, The Cup, The Curtain, The Dial, The Doctor, The Doctor's Return, The Door, The Drawer, The Drugstore, The Elevator, The Film, The First Floor, The Flashlight, The Forest, The Gates, The Ghost and Mrs. Muir: Andante Cantabile, The Glass Ball, The Glowing, The Gun, The Highway, The Hill, The Homecoming, The Homestead, The Horse, The Hospital, The House, The House (film version), The Hunt, The Jeweler, The Knife, The Last Bandage, The Ledge, The Lights, The Lonely / Twilight Zone Theme, The Madhouse, The Magnetic Pull, The Man in the Grey Flannel Suit: Main Title, The Match Box, The Merry-go-round, The Message, The Mirror, The Money, The Murder, The Night, The Nightmare, The Nurse, The Office, The Package, The Pad & Pencil, The Paddock, The Parents, The Park, The Parlor, The Peephole, The Phantom Coach, The Phone Booth, The Plea, The Police, The Pool, The Porch, The Prison, The Question, The Rainstorm, The Return, The Reunion, The Revelation, The Ridge, The Robot, The Safe, The Search, The Search (B), The Shadow, The Shooting, The Sketch, The Solution, The Stairs, The Stairs, the Keys and the Stairway, The Stars, The Station (film version), The Station (original), The Stationhouse, The Stone Faces, The Storm, The Stranger, The Street, The Streets, The Study, The Sun, The Swamp, The T.V., The Telephone, The Telescope, The Toys, The Tramp, The Trip, The Truck, The U.N., The Visor, The Waiting, The Walk, The Water, The Wild Ride, The Window, The Wish, The Word Game, Theme and Variations, Tom Curtain: Prelude, Two Dollars, Valse Lent, Valse Presentation, Vertigo, Vertigo: Prelude / Roof-Top, Walking Distance / Intro, Waltz Macabre, Waltz Reprise, Where Is Everybody? / The Man, Xanadu, Xanadu Music |
Royal Scottish National Orchestra |
performing orchestra |
Afterbeats, Autumn, Autumn Afternoon, Bernstein's Narration, Bernstein's Presto, Blood, Cabin 1, Cabin 10, Carter's Exit, Cast, Charles Meets Thatcher, Chronicle Scherzo, Cleanup, Confession, Cortege, Dawn, Departure, Discovery, Dissolve, Duo, El Rancho, Encore, Encounter, Farewell, Finale, Flashback, Flashback II, Flight, Forio, Forio's Death, Forio's Fall, Galop, Getty's Departure, Gratitude, Harvest Eve, Homebodies, Hornpipe Polka, Hotel Room, Jennifer, Jigsaws, Kane Marries, Kane and Susan, Kane's New Office, Kane's Picnic, Kane's Return, Leland's Dismissal, Litany, Love Scene, Manuscript Reading and Snow Picture, Marion, Marion and Sam, Mark's Office, Marnie, Miss Gravely Digs, Miss Gravely's Test, Mother Memory, Mother's Sacrifice, New Dawn Music, Ostinato, Overture, Patrol Car, Phone Booth, Porch Talk, Prelude, Proposal, Psycho: Prelude / The City, Rain, Red Flowers, Romance, Salaambo's Aria, Second Manuscript, Second Xanadu, Shock, Slumber, Sunset Narration, Susan Leaves, Susan's Room, Suspicion, Tea Time, Temptation, Thanks, The Bathroom, The Bathtub, The Bedroom, The Body, The Bowl, The Bridal Suite, The Burial, The Cabin, The Captain, The Car, The Car Lot, The Cellar, The Checkbook, The City, The Closet, The Country Road, The Cup, The Curtain, The Dial, The Doctor, The Doctor's Return, The Drawer, The First Floor, The Glass Ball, The Gun, The Hill, The Homecoming, The Homestead, The Horse, The Hunt, The Knife, The Madhouse, The Money, The Murder, The Night, The Nightmare, The Office, The Package, The Paddock, The Parlor, The Peephole, The Phantom Coach, The Police, The Pool, The Porch, The Rainstorm, The Safe, The Search, The Search (B), The Shadow, The Sketch, The Solution, The Stairs, The Stairs, the Keys and the Stairway, The Storm, The Stranger, The Street, The Swamp, The Toys, The Tramp, The Trip, The Walk, The Water, The Window, The Wish, The Word Game, Theme and Variations, Valse Lent, Valse Presentation, Vertigo, Vertigo: Prelude / Roof-Top, Waltz Macabre, Waltz Reprise, Xanadu, Xanadu Music |
Richard Hale |
engineer |
Afterbeats, Autumn, Autumn Afternoon, Blood, Cast, Confession, Cortege, Departure, Duo, Encore, Encounter, Farewell, Finale, Flashback, Flashback II, Forio, Forio's Death, Forio's Fall, Gratitude, Harvest Eve, Homebodies, Jennifer, Love Scene, Mark's Office, Marnie, Miss Gravely Digs, Miss Gravely's Test, Ostinato, Overture, Porch Talk, Prelude, Proposal, Red Flowers, Romance, Shock, Slumber, Suspicion, Tea Time, The Bathtub, The Body, The Bowl, The Bridal Suite, The Burial, The Cabin, The Captain, The Checkbook, The Closet, The Country Road, The Cup, The Dial, The Doctor, The Doctor's Return, The Drawer, The Gun, The Homecoming, The Homestead, The Horse, The Hunt, The Money, The Murder, The Nightmare, The Paddock, The Phantom Coach, The Police, The Pool, The Porch, The Safe, The Sketch, The Solution, The Stairs, the Keys and the Stairway, The Storm, The Stranger, The Street, The Tramp, The Walk, The Wish, The Word Game, Valse Lent, Waltz Macabre, Waltz Reprise |
Robert Townson |
producer |
Afterbeats, Autumn, Autumn Afternoon, Blood, Cast, Confession, Cortege, Departure, Duo, Encore, Encounter, Farewell, Finale, Flashback, Flashback II, Forio, Forio's Death, Forio's Fall, Gratitude, Harvest Eve, Homebodies, Jennifer, Love Scene, Mark's Office, Marnie, Miss Gravely Digs, Miss Gravely's Test, Ostinato, Overture, Porch Talk, Prelude, Proposal, Red Flowers, Romance, Shock, Slumber, Suspicion, Tea Time, The Bathtub, The Body, The Bowl, The Bridal Suite, The Burial, The Cabin, The Captain, The Checkbook, The Closet, The Country Road, The Cup, The Dial, The Doctor, The Doctor's Return, The Drawer, The Gun, The Homecoming, The Homestead, The Horse, The Hunt, The Money, The Murder, The Nightmare, The Paddock, The Phantom Coach, The Police, The Pool, The Porch, The Safe, The Sketch, The Solution, The Stairs, the Keys and the Stairway, The Storm, The Stranger, The Street, The Tramp, The Walk, The Wish, The Word Game, Valse Lent, Waltz Macabre, Waltz Reprise |
Jonathan Allen (Engineer) |
recording |
Afterbeats, Autumn, Autumn Afternoon, Blood, Cast, Confession, Cortege, Departure, Duo, Encore, Encounter, Farewell, Finale, Flashback, Flashback II, Forio, Forio's Death, Forio's Fall, Gratitude, Harvest Eve, Homebodies, Jennifer, Love Scene, Mark's Office, Marnie, Miss Gravely Digs, Miss Gravely's Test, Ostinato, Overture, Porch Talk, Prelude, Proposal, Red Flowers, Romance, Shock, Slumber, Suspicion, Tea Time, The Bathtub, The Body, The Bowl, The Bridal Suite, The Burial, The Cabin, The Captain, The Checkbook, The Closet, The Country Road, The Cup, The Dial, The Doctor, The Doctor's Return, The Drawer, The Gun, The Homecoming, The Homestead, The Horse, The Hunt, The Money, The Murder, The Nightmare, The Paddock, The Phantom Coach, The Police, The Pool, The Porch, The Safe, The Sketch, The Solution, The Stairs, the Keys and the Stairway, The Storm, The Stranger, The Street, The Tramp, The Walk, The Wish, The Word Game, Valse Lent, Waltz Macabre, Waltz Reprise |
William T. Stromberg |
conductor |
Bedtime, Clarisse, Elegy, Farewell, Finale, Fire Alarm, Fire Engine, Fire Station, First Snows Of Winter, Flame Thrower, Flames, Flowers Of Fire, Freedom, Happiness, Home, Information, Martin's Summer, Memories, Montag's Books, Pink And Gold Pills, Prelude, Recovery, TV Aerials, TV Signals, The Basket, The Bedroom, The Books, The Box, The Boys, The Bridge, The Café, The Captain's Death, The Corridor, The File, The Garden, The Hose, The House, The Lamp, The Mirror, The Monorail, The Nightmare, The Novel (David Copperfield), The Parents, The Park, The Photos, The Pole, The Railway, The Reading, The Road, The Skylight, The Vase, The Windows, Vertigo |
Московский Симфонический Оркестр (founded 1989) |
performing orchestra |
Bedtime, Clarisse, Elegy, Farewell, Finale, Fire Alarm, Fire Engine, Fire Station, First Snows Of Winter, Flame Thrower, Flames, Flowers Of Fire, Freedom, Happiness, Home, Information, Martin's Summer, Memories, Montag's Books, Pink And Gold Pills, Prelude, Recovery, TV Aerials, TV Signals, The Basket, The Bedroom, The Books, The Box, The Boys, The Bridge, The Café, The Captain's Death, The Corridor, The File, The Garden, The Hose, The House, The Lamp, The Mirror, The Monorail, The Nightmare, The Novel (David Copperfield), The Parents, The Park, The Photos, The Pole, The Railway, The Reading, The Road, The Skylight, The Vase, The Windows, Vertigo |
National Philharmonic Orchestra |
performing orchestra |
Cabin 1, Cabin 10, Citizen Kane Theme, Discovery, Finale, Flight, Hotel Room, Marion, Marion and Sam, Phone Booth, Prelude, Suite For Psycho: Finale, Suite For Psycho: Flight, The Petrol Car, The Car Lot, The Package, The Rainstorm, Suite For Psycho: Hotel Room, The Window, The Parlour, Suite For Psycho: Prelude, Suite For Psycho: Temptation, Suite For Psycho: The City, Marion, Marion And Sam, Suite For Psycho: The Madhouse, Suite For Psycho: The Peephole, Temptation, The Bathroom, The Bedroom, The Body, The Car, The Car Lot, The Cellar, The City, The Curtain, The First Floor, The Hill, The Knife, The Madhouse, The Murder, The Office, The Package, The Parlour, The Patrol Car, The Peephole, The Porch, The Rainstorm, The Search, The Shadow, The Stairs, The Swamp, The Toys, The Water, The Window, Tom Curtain: Prelude |
Slovak National Symphony Orchestra |
performing orchestra |
Car Crash, Cheers, Conversation Piece, Detectives, Duo, Farewell, Finale, Flight, Goodbye, Hotel Lobby, Information Desk, Interlude, Kidnapped, On The Rocks, Overture, The Airplane, The Airport, The Auction, The Balcony, The Cafeteria, The Cliff, The Crash, The Door, The Elevator, The Forest, The Gates, The Highway, The House (film version), The Knife, The Ledge, The Match Box, The Message, The Pad & Pencil, The Phone Booth, The Police, The Question, The Return, The Reunion, The Ridge, The Shooting, The Station (film version), The Station (original), The Stone Faces, The Streets, The T.V., The U.N., The Wild Ride, Two Dollars |
MGM Studio Orchestra |
performing orchestra |
Car Crash, Cheers, Conversation Piece, Detectives, Duo, Farewell, Finale, Flight, Goodbye, Hotel Lobby (outtake), Information Desk, Interlude, Kidnapped, On the Rocks, Overture, The Airplane, The Airport, The Auction, The Balcony, The Cafeteria, The Cliff, The Crash, The Door, The Elevator, The Forest, The Gates, The House, The Knife, The Ledge, The Match Box, The Message, The Pad & Pencil, The Phone Booth, The Police, The Question, The Return, The Reunion, The Ridge, The Shooting, The Station, The Stone Faces, The Streets (outtake), The T.V., The U.N., The Wild Ride, Two Dollars |
Australian Philharmonic Orchestra |
performing orchestra |
Bernstein's Presto, Departure; Isabel's Death, Dissolve to Thatcher / Second Ms. / Bernstein's Narration, El Rancho (Second Dawn Sequence), Elegy, End Title, Fantasia, Finale, First Letter Scene, First Nocturne, First Reverie; Second Reverie, Galop, Garden Music, Garden Scene, Kane Meets Susan / Susan's Room / Mother Memory, Kane's News Office / Carter's Exit / Chronicle Scherzo, Kane's Picnic / Susan Leaves, Kane's Return / Valse Presentation, Leland's Dismissal, Opera Montage, Ostinato, Pleasure Trip, Prelude, Salaambo's Aria, Scene Pathetique, Second Letter Scene; Romanza, Second Nocturne, Snow Ride, Sunset Narrative, Susan in Night Club (New Dawn Sequence), Susan in Night Club (Rain Sequence), Thatcher Library (Litany) / Ms. Reading & Snow Picture / Mother's Sacrifice / Charlie Meets Thatcher, The Door; Death & Youth, The Glass Ball, The Trip to Susan's / Getty's Departure / Kane Marries, The Walk Home, Theme & Variations; George's Homecoming, Theme and Variations (Breakfast Montage), Toccata, Waiting 1 and 2, Xanadu / Jigsaw Puzzles (Perpetual Motion) / Second Xanadu |
Tony Bremner |
conductor |
Bernstein's Presto, Departure; Isabel's Death, Dissolve to Thatcher / Second Ms. / Bernstein's Narration, El Rancho (Second Dawn Sequence), Elegy, End Title, Fantasia, Finale, First Letter Scene, First Nocturne, First Reverie; Second Reverie, Galop, Garden Music, Garden Scene, Kane Meets Susan / Susan's Room / Mother Memory, Kane's News Office / Carter's Exit / Chronicle Scherzo, Kane's Picnic / Susan Leaves, Kane's Return / Valse Presentation, Leland's Dismissal, Opera Montage, Ostinato, Pleasure Trip, Prelude, Salaambo's Aria, Scene Pathetique, Second Letter Scene; Romanza, Second Nocturne, Snow Ride, Sunset Narrative, Susan in Night Club (New Dawn Sequence), Susan in Night Club (Rain Sequence), Thatcher Library (Litany) / Ms. Reading & Snow Picture / Mother's Sacrifice / Charlie Meets Thatcher, The Door; Death & Youth, The Glass Ball, The Trip to Susan's / Getty's Departure / Kane Marries, The Walk Home, Theme & Variations; George's Homecoming, Theme and Variations (Breakfast Montage), Toccata, Waiting 1 and 2, Xanadu / Jigsaw Puzzles (Perpetual Motion) / Second Xanadu |
Christopher Palmer (classical producer) |
producer |
Cabin 1, Cabin 10, Discovery, Finale, Flight, Hotel Room, Marion, Marion and Sam, Phone Booth, Prelude, Temptation, The Bathroom, The Bedroom, The Body, The Car, The Car Lot, The Cellar, The City, The Curtain, The First Floor, The Hill, The Knife, The Madhouse, The Murder, The Office, The Package, The Parlour, The Patrol Car, The Peephole, The Porch, The Rainstorm, The Search, The Shadow, The Stairs, The Swamp, The Toys, The Water, The Window |
Bob Auger |
engineer |
Cabin 1, Cabin 10, Discovery, Finale, Flight, Hotel Room, Marion, Marion and Sam, Phone Booth, Prelude, Temptation, The Bathroom, The Bedroom, The Body, The Car, The Car Lot, The Cellar, The City, The Curtain, The First Floor, The Hill, The Knife, The Madhouse, The Murder, The Office, The Package, The Parlour, The Patrol Car, The Peephole, The Porch, The Rainstorm, The Search, The Shadow, The Stairs, The Swamp, The Toys, The Water, The Window |
Hollywood Studio Symphony |
performer |
Danse Macabre, Danse Macabre (alternate), Nefer Nefer Nefer, Nefer’s Farewell, Party’s End, Prelude, Taia, The Bracelet and the Helmet, The Bracelet and the Helmet (alternate), The Burial, The Chariot Ride / Pursuit, The Death Potion, The Deed, The Harp Player, The Harp and Couch, The Homecoming, The House of the Dead, The Nile and the Temple, The Nile and the Temple (alternate), The Offering, The Perfection of Love, The Princess, The Proof / The Holy War, The Rebuke, The Red Sea and Childhood, The Ruins, The Tomb, The True Pharaoh, Violence |
Elmer Bernstein |
conductor |
Discovery / The Blackboard, Forever, London / The Reading / Local Train, Lucia / Dictation / Boyhood's End / Pastoral, Nocturne, North by Northwest: Prelude, Poetry, Prelude, Prelude (Reprise), Prelude / Local Train / The Sea, Romance / Love / Farewell, The Bicycles / The Bus, The Body, The Cab-Driver / The Hill, The Farmhouse, The Formula / The Corridor, The Ghost / The Storm / The Apparition, The Home / Sorrow, The Killing, The Lights / Bedtime, The Passing Years / The Late Sea, The Phone / The Bookstore, The Radiogram / The Hotel, The Spring Sea, The Toast / The Photos, The Travel-Desk / Gromek, Valse Lente, Vertigo: Scène d'amour |
Seattle Symphony |
performing orchestra |
Anna and the King of Slam: Coronation, Anna and the King of Slam: Elegy, Anna and the King of Slam: Montage, Anna and the King of Slam: Prelude, Fahrenheit 451: Captain's Death, Fahrenheit 451: Fire Engine, Fahrenheit 451: Flamethrower, Fahrenheit 451: Flowers of Fire, Fahrenheit 451: Prelude, Fahrenheit 451: The Bedroom, Fahrenheit 451: The Garden, Fahrenheit 451: The Nightmare, Fahrenheit 451: The Reading, Fahrenheit 451: The Road, Tender is the Night: The Embrace, The Ghost and Mrs. Muir: Andante Cantabile, The Man in the Grey Flannel Suit: Main Title |
Ed Starink |
performer, performing orchestra |
Abducting George Kaplan, Cafeteria Shooting, Crash of the Cropduster, Duo (Love Theme reprise), Main Title, Mount Rushmore / Finale, Murder at the U.N., Romance on the Train, Stalking Vandamm's House, Suite For North By Northwest: Abduction Of George Kaplan, Suite For North By Northwest: Main Titles, Suite For North By Northwest: Mount Rushmore / Finale, Suite For North By Northwest: Murder At The United Nations, Suite For North By Northwest: The Elevator, The Auction & The Airport, The Elevator, The Match Book |
Laurie Johnson |
conductor |
Abducting George Kaplan, Cafeteria Shooting, Crash of the Cropduster, Duo (Love Theme reprise), Main Title, Mount Rushmore / Finale, Murder at the U.N., Romance on the Train, Stalking Vandamm's House, Suite For North By Northwest: Abduction Of George Kaplan, Suite For North By Northwest: Main Titles, Suite For North By Northwest: Mount Rushmore / Finale, Suite For North By Northwest: Murder At The United Nations, Suite For North By Northwest: The Elevator, The Auction & The Airport, The Elevator, The Match Book |
Muir Mathieson |
conductor |
By the Fireside, Carlotta's Portrait, Farewell - The Tower, Goodnight - The Park, Prelude and Rooftop, Scene D'Amour, Scotty Tails Madeleine, The Bay, The Beach, The Dream, The Forest, The Letter, The Necklace - The Return - Finale, The Nightmare - Dawn, The Past - The Girl, The Streets |
Paul Bateman |
conductor |
Marnie: Prelude, North by Northwest: Conversation Piece, North by Northwest: Prelude, Psycho, Pyscho: Prelude / The City / Rainstorm / Murder / Finale, Taxi Driver, The Man Who Knew Too Much: Prelude, The Trouble With Harry: A Portrait of Hitch, Torn Curtain: Suite From the Unused Score, Vertigo, Vertigo: Prelude / The Nightmare, Vertigo: Scene d'amour |
City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra |
performing orchestra |
Marnie: Prelude, North by Northwest: Conversation Piece, North by Northwest: Prelude, Psycho, Pyscho: Prelude / The City / Rainstorm / Murder / Finale, Taxi Driver, The Man Who Knew Too Much: Prelude, The Trouble With Harry: A Portrait of Hitch, Torn Curtain: Suite From the Unused Score, Vertigo, Vertigo: Prelude / The Nightmare, Vertigo: Scene d'amour |
I Solisti Italiani |
performing orchestra |
Psycho: I. Prelude, Psycho: II. The City, Psycho: III. The Swamp, Psycho: IV. The Murder, Psycho: V. The Celler, Psycho: VI. Discovery |
David Blume |
arranger, conductor |
Betsy in a White Dress, I Work the Whole City, Reprise: Theme From Taxi Driver, The Days do Not End, Theme From Taxi Driver |
San Diego Symphony |
performing orchestra |
Marnie Suite, North by Northwest Overture, Suite From Psycho: Prelude / The Murder / The City / Finale, Vertigo Suite |
Lalo Schifrin |
conductor |
Marnie Suite, North by Northwest Overture, Suite From Psycho: Prelude / The Murder / The City / Finale, Vertigo Suite |
Rosamund Illing |
vocal |
Opera Montage, Salaambo's Aria |
Royal Philharmonic Orchestra |
performing orchestra |
North by Northwest: Prelude, Vertigo: Scène d'amour |
Nic Raine |
conductor |
Marnie, Vertigo |
The Hollywood Bowl Symphony Orchestra (50s-60s incarnation of the orchestra) |
performing orchestra |
North by Northwest: North by Northwest, The Snows of Kilimanjaro: The Memory Waltz |
Klassik Radio Pops (The orchestra of the radio station "Klassik Radio") |
performing orchestra |
Marnie, Vertigo |
Robert Woods (classical producer) |
producer |
The Seventh Voyage of Sinbad: Overture |
Kate Royal |
vocal |
Herrmann: I Have Dreamt (Wuthering Heights) |
London Festival Orchestra ('house orchestra' of Decca Records, associated since 1980 with conductor Ross Pople) |
performing orchestra |
Spellbound Theme |
London Philharmonic Orchestra |
performing orchestra |
Psycho (A Narrative for Orchestra) |
Los Angeles Philharmonic |
performer |
The Murder (from "Psycho") |
Jerry Goldsmith (soundtrack composer & conductor) |
conductor |
The Murder |
Metropolitan Opera Orchestra |
performing orchestra |
I Have Dreamt (Wuthering Heights) |
Michael Bishop (Telarc recording engineer and record producer) |
recording |
The Seventh Voyage of Sinbad: Overture |
Janice Watson (soprano) |
vocal |
Salaambo's Aria |
James Sedares |
conductor |
Symphony: II. Scherzo |
James Levine (US conductor and pianist) |
conductor |
I Have Dreamt (Wuthering Heights) |
Orchestra of the Royal Opera House, Covent Garden |
performing orchestra |
Alfred Hitchcock Presents TV Theme |
Jack Renner (engineer for Telarc) |
recording |
The Seventh Voyage of Sinbad: Overture |
Renée Fleming |
vocal |
I Have Dreamt (Wuthering Heights) |
Hollywood Bowl Orchestra |
performing orchestra |
Vertigo: Prelude and Scene D'Amour |
Erich Kunzel |
conductor |
The Seventh Voyage of Sinbad: Overture |
John Mauceri |
conductor |
Vertigo: Prelude and Scene D'Amour |
Rosalind Ilett (Telarc editor) |
editor |
The Seventh Voyage of Sinbad: Overture |
English National Opera Orchestra |
performing orchestra |
Herrmann: I Have Dreamt (Wuthering Heights) |
Dr. Samuel J. Hoffman |
theremin |
The Day the Earth Stood Still: Prelude / Outer Space / Radar |
David Gardener |
conductor |
Herrmann: I Have Dreamt (Wuthering Heights) |
Crouch End Festival Chorus |
vocal |
Herrmann: I Have Dreamt (Wuthering Heights) |
Scott Burgess |
editor |
The Seventh Voyage of Sinbad: Overture |
Cincinnati Pops Orchestra |
performing orchestra |
The Seventh Voyage of Sinbad: Overture |
Sir Alexander Gibson |
performer |
Alfred Hitchcock Presents TV Theme |
Charles Gerhardt |
conductor |
Citizen Kane Theme |
Symfonický orchester Slovenského rozhlasu (Slovak Radio Symphony Orchestra) |
performing orchestra |
Jane Eyre, elegi |
Adriano (conductor and composer) |
conductor |
Jane Eyre, elegi |
The Phoenix Symphony |
performing orchestra |
Symphony: II. Scherzo |