Stephen Layton

conductor, chorus master, organ, arranger

Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Ukri Pulliainen
9 Red Sun
Alwyn Wright (American violinist)
David Henry (Australian trumpeter)
Percy Grainger

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Ukri Pulliainen chorus master, conductor ... Which Was the Son Of..., A Boy and a Girl, A Choral Fanfare, A Cornish Christmas Carol, A Drop in the Ocean, A Hymn of the Nativity, A Litany, "1st version", A Litany, "2nd version", A Litany, "3rd version", A Prayer of Saint Patrick, A Spotless Rose, Agnus Dei, All and some, All this time, Alleluya, a new Work is come on Hand, An ode of the birth of our Saviour, And the Mother Did Weep, As dew in Aprylle, Ave Maria, Ave verum corpus, Benedicamus Domino, Benedictus, Bethlehem Down, Cantate Domino, Cantico del Sole, Cecilia Virgo, Cloudburst, Dona nobis pacem, Dopo la Vittoria, Draw on, Sweet Night, Evening, Exsultate, jubilate, Go, Lovely Rose, God Be in My Head, God Shall Wipe Away All Tears, Healing Light, Her Sacred Spirit Soars, Here is the little door, Hodie Christus natus est, Hope, Faith, Life, Love, Hymn to the Creator of Light, Hymn to the Trinity (Honor, virtus et potestas), I Am the True Vine, I Hide Myself, I Thank You God for Most This Amazing Day, I Will Wade Out, I saw a fair maiden, I will lift up mine eyes, I'll Make Music, In paradisum, Jungle Book: II. Morning Song in the Jungle, Jungle Book: III. Night Song in the Jungle, Jungle Book: IV. The Inuit, King Herod and the Cock, Laudamus te, Legend of the Walled-In Woman, Les chansons des roses: I. En une seule fleur, Les chansons des roses: II. Contre qui, rose, Les chansons des roses: III. De ton rêve trop plein, Les chansons des roses: IV. La rose complète, Locus iste, Long Road, Lullaby my Jesus, Lullay, Lully, lulla, thou little tiny child, Lux aurumque, Lux mortuorum, Madrigali, six 'fire songs' on Italian Renaissance poems: No. 1. Ov'è, lass', il bel viso?, Madrigali, six 'fire songs' on Italian Renaissance poems: No. 2. Quando son più lontan, Madrigali, six 'fire songs' on Italian Renaissance poems: No. 3. Amor, io sento l'alma, Madrigali, six 'fire songs' on Italian Renaissance poems: No. 4. Io piango, Madrigali, six 'fire songs' on Italian Renaissance poems: No. 5. Luci serene e chiare, Madrigali, six 'fire songs' on Italian Renaissance poems: No. 6. Se per havervi, oime, Magnificat, Make we joy now in this fest, Missa brevis: I. Kyrie, Missa brevis: II. Sanctus and Benedictus, Missa brevis: III. Agnus Dei, My True Love Hath My Heart, Night Prayer, Nocturnes: II. Soneto de la noche, Nunc Dimittis, Nunc dimittis, O Magnum Mysterium, O Morgenstern, O Radix Jesse, O magnum misterium, O sacrum convivium, Of a rose is all my song, Orbis patrator optime, Out of your sleep, Peace, Peace!, Pie Jesu, Puer natus est nobis, Reges Tharsis, Salve Regina, Salve regina, Salve regina 2, Set me as a seal upon thine heart, Sieben Magnificat-Antiphonen: I. O Weisheit, Sieben Magnificat-Antiphonen: II. O Adonai, Sieben Magnificat-Antiphonen: III. O Sproß aus Isais Wurzel, Sieben Magnificat-Antiphonen: IV. O Schlüssel Davids, Sieben Magnificat-Antiphonen: V. O Morgenstern, Sieben Magnificat-Antiphonen: VI. O König aller Völker, Sieben Magnificat-Antiphonen: VII. O Immanuel, Sing lullaby, Sleep, Song (I gaze upon you), Susanni, Sweet was the song, That younge child, The Lord Bless You and Keep You, The Shepherd, The Star-song, There is no rose, This Marriage, To Morning, Triodion, Ubi caritas et amor, Verbum caro factum est, Water Night, What cheer?, When David Heard, Where does the uttered music go?, With a Lily in Your Hand
9 Red Sun conductor A Welcome Song, Alister McAlpine's Lament, An Acre of Land, Autumn Landscapes: Clouds Are Racing, Autumn Landscapes: Cold Autumn Night, Autumn Landscapes: Heather, Autumn Landscapes: It Is Late Summer, Autumn Landscapes: Painfully Red Are the Leaves, Autumn Landscapes: Pale Light, Autumn Landscapes: Wind Over the Barrens, Ave Maria, Bring Us in Good Ale, Carol of the Children, Childhood Memory (Herding Calls), Come away, death, Diverus and Lazarus, Down among the dead men, Five English Folksongs: Just as the tide was flowing, Five English Folksongs: The Dark-eyed Sailor, Five English Folksongs: The Lover's Ghost, Five English Folksongs: The Spring Time of the Year, Five English Folksongs: Wassail Song, Four Estonian Lullabies: I Sing for My Child, Four Estonian Lullabies: It's Time for the Little Berry to Sleep, Four Estonian Lullabies: Let the Cradle Swing!, Four Estonian Lullabies: Lulling, Heart's Music, In Youth Is Pleasure, Jesu, Thou the Virgin-born, Light Leaves Whisper, Livonian Heritage: At Pasture, Livonian Heritage: Sang the Father, Sang the Son, Livonian Heritage: Shrovetide, Livonian Heritage: Waking the Birds, Livonian Heritage: Wee winkie mouse (Lullaby), Lullay My Liking, Mae 'nghariad i'n Fenws, Magnificat, Mannin Veen, O Spiritual Pilgrim, Of One That Is So Fair and Bright, Rest, Singing Aboard Ship, Six Choral Folksongs: I. I Sowed the Seeds of Love, Six Choral Folksongs: II. There Was a Tree, Six Choral Folksongs: III. Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, Six Choral Folksongs: IV. The Song of the Blacksmith, Six Choral Folksongs: V. I Love My Love, Six Choral Folksongs: VI. Swansea Town, Songs From the Princess Op. 20a: I. Sweet and Low, Songs From the Princess Op. 20a: II. The Splendour Falls, Songs From the Princess Op. 20a: III. Tears, Idle Tears, Songs From the Princess Op. 20a: IV. O Swallow, Swallow, Songs From the Princess Op. 20a: V. Home They Brought Her Warrior Dead, Songs From the Princess Op. 20a: VI. Now Sleeps the Crimson Petal, Terly, Terlow, The Veil of the Temple: What God Is We Do Not Know, This Have I Done for My True Love, Three Elizabethan Partsongs: O Mistress Mine, Three Elizabethan Partsongs: Sweet Day, Three Elizabethan Partsongs: The Willow Song, Three Estonian Game Songs: The Finger-Binding Game, Three Estonian Game Songs: The Grindstone Game, Three Estonian Game Songs: The Ship Game, Three Shakespeare Songs: Full fathom five, Three Shakespeare Songs: Over hill, over dale, Three Shakespeare Songs: The Cloud-capp'd towers, Three Songs From the Epic "Kalev's Son": Daughters of the Meadow Matron, Three Songs From the Epic "Kalev's Son": O, My Gentle Tender Mother, Three Songs From the Epic "Kalev's Son": The Wave Rolls, Totus Tuus, Two Eastern Pictures: I. Spring, Two Eastern Pictures: II. Summer, Two Songs to Words by Ernst Enno: Early Summer's Fairy Tale, Two Songs to Words by Ernst Enno: Soundlessly Somewhere Murmurings Homeward
Alwyn Wright conductor Angelis suis Deus, Beatus vir, Sanctus Antonius, Beatus vir, Sanctus Martinus, Beatus vir, Sanctus Paulus, Benedictio, Cikls ar Friča Bārdas dzeju: I. Vakars, Cikls ar Friča Bārdas dzeju: II. Lūgšana, Cikls ar Friča Bārdas dzeju: III. Debess, Fair in face, Hildegard Triptych: Caritas abundat, Hildegard Triptych: O virtus sapientiae, Hildegard Triptych: O vis aeternitatis, How they so softly rest, Hymn to the Eternal Flame from "To be Certain of the Dawn", I beheld her, beautiful as a dove, Laudibus in sanctis, Lux aeterna, Missa Rigensis: I. Kyrie eleison, Missa Rigensis: II. Domine Deus, Missa Rigensis: II. Gloria, Missa Rigensis: II. Quoniam tu solus sanctus, Missa Rigensis: III. Credo in Spiritum Sanctum, Missa Rigensis: III. Credo in unum Deum, Missa Rigensis: III. Crucifixus, Missa Rigensis: III. Deum de Deo, Missa Rigensis: IV. Sanctus, Missa Rigensis: V. Agnus Dei, Nunc dimittis, O Antiphons: I. O Sapientia, O Antiphons: II. O Adonai, O Antiphons: IV. O Clavis David, O Antiphons: V. O Oriens, O Antiphons: VI. O Rex gentium, O Antiphons: VII. O Emmanuel, Pater noster, Phoenix, Pilgrims' Hymn from "The Three Hermits", Psalmus 102, Rise up, my love, my fair one, Sanctus, The day is done, Three New Motets "in memoriam Thomas Tallis": O admirabile commercium, Three New Motets "in memoriam Thomas Tallis": O sacrum convivium, Three New Motets "in memoriam Thomas Tallis": O vos omnes, Tonight eternity alone, Two Lenten Motets: I. Memento mei, Domine, Two Lenten Motets: II. Crucem tuam adoramus, Domine, Two Motets: Mosella, Two Motets: Te vigilans oculis
David Henry chorus master, conductor Lux aeterna: I. Introitus, Lux aeterna: II. In te, Domine, speravi, Lux aeterna: III. O nata lux, Lux aeterna: IV. Veni, Sancte Spiritus, Lux aeterna: V. Agnus Dei - Lux Aeterna, Mid-Winter Songs: I. Lament for Pasiphaë, Mid-Winter Songs: II. Like Snow, Mid-Winter Songs: III. She tells her love while half asleep, Mid-Winter Songs: IV. Mid-Winter Waking, Mid-Winter Songs: V. Intercession in Late October, Via Crucis: Christus vincit, Via Crucis: Introduction 'Via Crucis', Via Crucis: Station 1. Jesus Is Condemned to Death 'Iudicium a Pontio Pilato pronuntiatum est', Via Crucis: Station 10. Jesus Is Stripped of His Clothes 'Jesus vestibus nudatus et felle potatum est', Via Crucis: Station 10. Jesus Is Stripped of His Clothes 'Milites ergo cum crucifixissent eum', Via Crucis: Station 11. Jesus Is Nailed to the Cross 'Cruciatores Jesum Christum crucifigaverunt', Via Crucis: Station 11. Jesus Is Nailed to the Cross 'Et perducunt illum Golgotha locum', Via Crucis: Station 12. Jesus Dies on the Cross 'Jesus Christus in Cruce mortuus est', Via Crucis: Station 13. Jesus Is Taken Down From the Cross 'Corpus Jesu Christi de Cruce depositum est', Via Crucis: Station 14. Jesus Is Laid in the Tomb 'Corpus Christi sepulchro conditum est', Via Crucis: Station 15. The Resurrection 'Una autem sabbati, Maria Magdalene venit mane', Via Crucis: Station 2. Jesus Takes Up the Cross 'Jesus Crucem sustinuit', Via Crucis: Station 3. Jesus Falls the First Time 'Jesus sub Cruce primum prolapsus est', Via Crucis: Station 3. Jesus Falls the First Time 'Quis credidit auditui nostro?', Via Crucis: Station 4. Jesus Meets His Blessed Mother 'Mater obviam amantissimo Filio occurrit', Via Crucis: Station 5. Simon of Cyrene Helps Jesus Carry the Cross 'Jesus a Simone Cyrenaeo', Via Crucis: Station 6. Veronica Wipes the Face of Jesus 'Veronica vultum Christi sudario detersit', Via Crucis: Station 7. Jesus Falls the Second Time 'Jesus iterum sub Cruce prolapsus est', Via Crucis: Station 7. Jesus Falls the Second Time 'Vere languores nostros ipse tulit', Via Crucis: Station 8. The Women of Jerusalem Weep for Jesus 'Mulieres Jesum Christum', Via Crucis: Station 9. Jesus Falls the Third Time 'Jesus Christus sub Cruce tertium cecidit', Via Crucis: Station 9. Jesus Falls the Third Time 'Omnes nos quasi oves erravimus'
Percy Grainger conductor A Song of Värmeland, At Twilight, Australian Up-Country Song, Brigg Fair, Dalvisa, Died for Love, Dollar and a Half a Day, Early One Morning, Good-Bye to Love, Irish Tune From County Derry, Lord Maxwell's Goodnight, Mary Thomson, Mo Nighean Dubh, My Love's in Germanie, Near Woodstock Town, O Mistress Mine, Recessional, Shenandoah, Six Dukes Went Afishin', Soldier, Soldier, Stormy, The Gypsy's Wedding Day, The Love Song of Har Dyal, The Power of Love, The Rival Brothers, The Running of Shindand, The Sprig of Thyme, The Sussex Mummers' Christmas Carol, The Three Ravens, Willow, Willow, Ye Banks and Braes O' Bonnie Doon
Benjamin Britten conductor A Hymn to the Virgin, A.M.D.G. -I- Prayer I, A.M.D.G. -II- Rose Mystica, A.M.D.G. -III- God's Grandeur, A.M.D.G. -IV- Prayer II, A.M.D.G. -V- O Deus, ego amo te, A.M.D.G. -VI- The Soldier, A.M.D.G. -VII- Heaven-Haven, Choral Dances from 'Gloriana' -I- Time, Choral Dances from 'Gloriana' -II- Concord, Choral Dances from 'Gloriana' -III- Time and Concord, Choral Dances from 'Gloriana' -IV- Country Girls, Choral Dances from 'Gloriana' -V- Rustics and Fishermen, Choral Dances from 'Gloriana' -VI- Final Dance of Homage, Choral after an Old French Carol, Chorale After an Old French Carol, Five Flower Songs Op.47 -I- To Daffodils, Five Flower Songs Op.47 -II- The succession of the four sweet months, Five Flower Songs Op.47 -III- Marsh Flowers, Five Flower Songs Op.47 -IV- The Evening Primrose, Five Flower Songs Op.47 -V- Ballad of Green Broom, Sacred and Profane Op.91 -I- St Gordic's Hymn, Sacred and Profane Op.91 -II- I Mon Waxe Wod, Sacred and Profane Op.91 -III- Lenten is Come, Sacred and Profane Op.91 -IV- The Long Night, Sacred and Profane Op.91 -V- Yif Ic of Luve Can, Sacred and Profane Op.91 -VI- Carol, Sacred and Profane Op.91 -VII- Ye that Pasen by, Sacred and Profane Op.91 -VIII- A Death
Chester Lewis conductor Angel Tidings, Angels' Carol, Away in a Manger, Candlelight Carol, Carol of the Children, Christmas Lullaby, Donkey Carol, Dormi Jesu, I Wonder as I Wander, Jesus Child, Love Came Down at Christmas, Mary's Lullaby, Nativity Carol, Sans Day Carol, Second Amen, Shepherd's Pipe Carol, Silent Night, Star Carol, The Very Best Time of Year, There Is a Flower, What Sweeter Music, Wild Wood Carol
Herbert Howells conductor A Hymn for St. Cecilia, A Spotless Rose, Gloucester Service: Magnificat, Gloucester Service: Nunc dimittis, Michael: "All my hope on God is founded", Requiem: I heard a voice from heaven, Requiem: Psalm 121, Requiem: Psalm 23, Requiem: Requiem aeternam I, Requiem: Requiem aeternam II, Requiem: Salvator mundi, Salve regina, Sing Lullaby, St. Paul's Service: Magnificat, St. Paul's Service: Nunc dimittis, Take him, earth, for cherishing
Francis Poulenc conductor Exultate Deo, Gloria: I. Gloria in excelsis Deo, Gloria: II. Laudamus te, Gloria: III. Domine Deus, Gloria: IV. Domini Fili unigenite, Gloria: V. Domine Deus, agnus Dei, Gloria: VI. Qui sedes ad dexteram Patris, Quatre Motets pour le temps de Noël: I. O magnum mysterium, Quatre Motets pour le temps de Noël: II. Quem vidistis pastores dicite, Quatre Motets pour le temps de Noël: III. Videntes stellam, Quatre Motets pour le temps de Noël: IV. Hodie Christus natus est, Quatre Motets pour un temps de pénitence: I. Timor et tremor, Quatre Motets pour un temps de pénitence: II. Vinea mea electa, Quatre Motets pour un temps de pénitence: III. Tenebrae factae sunt, Quatre Motets pour un temps de pénitence: IV. Tristis est anima mea, Salve regina
Jelly conductor Nïne otpushchayeshï 'Lord, Now Lettest Thou Thy Servant' Op 34: I, Strastnaya Sed'mitsa 'Holy Week', Op. 58: III. Vo tsarstvii Tvoyem (In Thy Kingdom), Strastnaya Sed'mitsa 'Holy Week', Op. 58: VI. Nïne silï nebesnïya (Now the Powers of Heaven), Vsenoshchnoye bdeniye 'All-Night Vigil', Op. 59: I. Blagoslovi, dushe moya, Vsenoshchnoye bdeniye 'All-Night Vigil', Op. 59: II. Blazhen muzh, Vsenoshchnoye bdeniye 'All-Night Vigil', Op. 59: III. Svete tihiy, Vsenoshchnoye bdeniye 'All-Night Vigil', Op. 59: IV. Bogoroditse Devo, Vsenoshchnoye bdeniye 'All-Night Vigil', Op. 59: IX. Slava v vïshnih Bogu, Vsenoshchnoye bdeniye 'All-Night Vigil', Op. 59: V. Hvalite imia Ghospodne, Vsenoshchnoye bdeniye 'All-Night Vigil', Op. 59: VI. Blagosloven yesi, Ghospodi, Vsenoshchnoye bdeniye 'All-Night Vigil', Op. 59: VII. Ot yunosti moyeya, Vsenoshchnoye bdeniye 'All-Night Vigil', Op. 59: VIII. Voskreseniye Hristovo videvshe, Vsenoshchnoye bdeniye 'All-Night Vigil', Op. 59: X. Vzbrannoy voyevode
Jemma McKenzie-Brown conductor Berliner Messe: I. Kyrie, Berliner Messe: II. Gloria, Berliner Messe: III. Erster Alleluiavers, Berliner Messe: IV. Zweiter Alleluiavers, Berliner Messe: V. Veni Sancte Spiritus, Berliner Messe: VI. Credo, Berliner Messe: VII. Sanctus, Berliner Messe: VIII. Agnus Dei, De Profundis, The Beatitudes
Георгий Васильевич Свиридов conductor Four Choruses From Songs of Troubled Times: The Ikon, Four Choruses from Songs of Troubled Times: Autumn, Four Choruses from Songs of Troubled Times: Bright Fields, Four Choruses from Songs of Troubled Times: Spring and the Sorcerer, Three Choruses from Tolstoy's Tsar Feodor Iannovich: A Verse of Repentance, Three Choruses from Tolstoy's Tsar Feodor Iannovich: Prayer, Three Choruses from Tolstoy's Tsar Feodor Iannovich: Sacred Love
TA80 conductor Douze rondels: Gardez le trait de la fenêtre, Douze rondels: La Nuit, Douze rondels: Le Jour, Gesang der Geister über den Wassern, D. 705, Mondenschein, D. 875, Widerspruch, D. 865, Études latines: Thaliarque
打田十紀夫 instrument Missa in C minor, K. 139 “Waisenhaus-Messe”: 1. Kyrie, Missa in C minor, K. 139 “Waisenhaus-Messe”: 2. Gloria, Missa in C minor, K. 139 “Waisenhaus-Messe”: 3. Credo, Missa in C minor, K. 139 “Waisenhaus-Messe”: 4. Sanctus, Missa in C minor, K. 139 “Waisenhaus-Messe”: 5. Benedictus, Missa in C minor, K. 139 “Waisenhaus-Messe”: 6. Agnus Dei
Edvard Grieg conductor Ave, maris stella, Four Psalms, Op. 74: I. How Fair Is Thy Face, Four Psalms, Op. 74: II. God's Son Hath Set Me Free, Four Psalms, Op. 74: III. Jesus Christ Our Lord Is Risen, Four Psalms, Op. 74: IV. In Heav'n Above
Iida Lanki conductor Jungle Book: I. The Fall of the Stone, Jungle Book: V. The Beaches of Lukannon, Jungle Book: VII. The Peora Hunt, Jungle Book: VIII. Hunting-Song of the Seeonee Pack
John Rutter conductor Away in a Manger, Nativity Carol, Shepherd's Pipe Carol, Silent Night
Jack Hayes conductor Der Entfernten, D. 331, Der Geistertanz, D. 494, Grab und Mond, D. 893, Sehnsucht, D. 656
Muknal conductor Ave, dulcissima Maria, Les chansons des roses: V. Dirait-on, Nocturnes: I. Sa nuit d'été, Nocturnes: III. Sure on this shining night
Lessons conductor Passion and Resurrection: I. Parce mihi, Domine, Passion and Resurrection: II. My soul is very sorrowful, Passion and Resurrection: III. At thy mystic Supper, Passion and Resurrection: IV. O dulce lignum
Diyala conductor Bootgesang, D. 835, Das Grab, D. 569, Viel tausend Sterne prangen, D. 642
Александр Тихонович Гречанинов conductor Liturgy No. 2, Op. 29: Our Father, Liturgy No. 2, Op. 29: The Cherubic Hymn, Liturgy No. 2, Op. 29: The Creed
Пётр Ильич Чайковский conductor Liturgy, Op 41: The Cherubic Hymn, Nine Sacred Pieces: VII. "Blessed are they, whom thou hast chosen", We Hymn Thee
Penyon conductor Die Allmacht, D. 875a, Mirjams Siegesgesang, D. 942
Sir William Walton conductor All This Time, What Cheer?
Laurie Bongailas conductor Via Crucis: Station 12. Jesus Dies on the Cross 'Stabat autem iuxta crucem Jesu mater eius', Via Crucis: Station 8. The Women of Jerusalem Weep for Jesus 'Sequebatur autem illum multa turba'
James Dearing conductor Jungle Book: IX. Tiger! Tiger!, Jungle Book: VI. Red Dog
Luchi DeJesus conductor Littlemore Tractus, Salve Regina
Sascha Münnich conductor Schwertlied, D. 170, Winterlied, D. 242a
Wolfgang Amadeus Mozart organ Vesperae de Dominica, K. 321: V. Laudate Dominum, Vespere solonnes de confessore: Laudate Dominum
Justin Forster conductor Via Crucis: Station 13. Jesus Is Taken Down From the Cross 'Judaei ergo', Via Crucis: Station 6. Veronica Wipes the Face of Jesus 'Auferet Dominus Deus lacrymam'
Dazz Jordan organ Missa brevis: I. Introitus (organ solo), Missa brevis: VIII. Ite, missa est (organ solo)
Tony Hicks conductor Via Crucis: Station 5. Simon of Cyrene Helps Jesus Carry the Cross 'Exeuntes autem invenerunt'
Music 2000 organ Missa in C major, K. 257 “Credo-Messe”: 4. Sanctus
Peter Cornelius arranger, conductor Die Könige
Peter Slipper conductor Via Crucis: Station 2. Jesus Takes Up the Cross 'Dicebat autem Jesus ad omnes'
Peter Warlock conductor Bethlehem Down
Pierre Villette conductor O sacrum convivium
Sally Ford conductor Via Crucis: Station 1. Jesus Is Condemned to Death 'Universa turba succlamabat dicens'
Manolito Galea conductor Dithyrambe, D. 47
Knut Nystedt conductor Immortal Bach
Slowness conductor Cantate zur Feier der Genesung der Irene Kiesewetter, D. 936
Son of Witz conductor Études latines: Lydie
Stéphane Pigneul conductor Jungle Book: XI. Mowgli's Song Against People
Kenneth Leighton conductor Lully, Lulla, Thou Little Tiny Child
Ted Kazan conductor Via Crucis: Station 4. Jesus Meets His Blessed Mother 'Senex Simeon prophetizans'
The Haunting Presence conductor Not no faceless Angel
Toneron conductor Jungle Book: X. The Only Son
Morten Lauridsen conductor O Magnum Mysterium
Tony Messenger conductor Der 92. Psalm, D. 953
Kampilan conductor O come, let us sing unto the Lord
Vesa Sillvan conductor Shallow Brown
John Tavener conductor As one who has slept
Young Morfose conductor Triumphal March, op. 40
Zoltán Kodály organ Missa Brevis: Gloria
[anonymous] conductor The Sussex Mummer's Carol
Dežur conductor Trinklied vor der Schlacht, D. 169
Виктор Сергеевич Калинников conductor Radiant Light
Clemont Mack conductor Zadok the Priest HWV 258
Cam Hassard conductor Via Crucis: Station 14. Jesus Is Laid in the Tomb 'Post haec autem rogavit Pilatum Joseph'
坂東希 conductor O Antiphons: III. O Radix Jesse
小林星蘭 conductor Nachthelle, D. 892
Arttu Malin conductor My Heart's in the Highlands
重留真波 conductor Ave Maria
陳德堅 conductor Ode à la musique