John Bennet

Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Australian Intervarsity Choral Festival Choir vocal All creatures now are merry minded, Let goe, why do you stay me, O, Sweet Grief, Thyris, sleepest thou
Mark Brown (early music singer, conductor, and producer) conductor Luer Falconers, Round About in a Fair Ring
Pro Cantione Antiqua vocal Luer Falconers, Round About in a Fair Ring
Dominik Schneider engineer, vocal, flute, guitar The Elves Daunce
Concerto di Viole performing orchestra Venus' Birds Whose Mournful Tunes

Collaborators on this artist's recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Australian Intervarsity Choral Festival Choir vocal All creatures now are merry minded, Let goe, why do you stay me, O, Sweet Grief, Thyris, sleepest thou
Mark Brown (early music singer, conductor, and producer) conductor Luer Falconers, Round About in a Fair Ring
Pro Cantione Antiqua vocal Luer Falconers, Round About in a Fair Ring
Dominik Schneider engineer, vocal, flute, guitar The Elves Daunce
Concerto di Viole performing orchestra Venus' Birds Whose Mournful Tunes
David Miller (UK period lutist / guitarist) lute The Triumphs of Oriana: All Creatures Now Are Merry Merry-Minded
Deller Consort vocal Hunting Madrigal: Lure, Falconers, Lure!
Andreas Scholl vocal Venus' Birds Whose Mournful Tunes
I Fagiolini vocal The Triumphs of Oriana: All Creatures Now Are Merry Merry-Minded
Anna Maria Wierod vocal The Elves Daunce
Mark Wheeler producer, bandora, cittern, lute The Elves Daunce
Michaela Thewes photography The Elves Daunce
Alfred Deller conductor Hunting Madrigal: Lure, Falconers, Lure!
Robert Hollingworth conductor The Triumphs of Oriana: All Creatures Now Are Merry Merry-Minded
The City Waites performer The Hunt is Up