Sammy Velazquez

mix, recording, engineer

Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Juan Luis Guerra y 4.40
Daniel Ponce
Bryden Thomson conductor Toward the Unknown Region
London Symphony Chorus vocal Toward the Unknown Region
London Symphony Orchestra performing orchestra Toward the Unknown Region

Collaborators on this artist's recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Bryden Thomson conductor Toward the Unknown Region
London Symphony Chorus vocal Toward the Unknown Region
London Symphony Orchestra performing orchestra Toward the Unknown Region

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Juan Luis Guerra y 4.40 mix, recording Areíto, Ayer, Coronita de flores, Cuando te beso II, El costo de la vida, Frio frio, Mal de amor, Naboria / Daca Mayanimacana, Rompiendo fuentes, Señales de humo, Si saliera petróleo
Daniel Ponce engineer No Comprendo, Reputacion