Método Mc

Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
André Previn conductor Henry V 1 Overture - The Globe Playhouse, Henry V 2 Death of Falstaff - Passacaglia, Henry V 3 Charge and Battle, Henry V 4 Touch Her Soft Lips And Part, Henry V 5 Agincourt Song
Royal Philharmonic Orchestra performing orchestra Henry V 1 Overture - The Globe Playhouse, Henry V 2 Death of Falstaff - Passacaglia, Henry V 3 Charge and Battle, Henry V 4 Touch Her Soft Lips And Part, Henry V 5 Agincourt Song

Collaborators on this artist's recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
André Previn conductor Henry V 1 Overture - The Globe Playhouse, Henry V 2 Death of Falstaff - Passacaglia, Henry V 3 Charge and Battle, Henry V 4 Touch Her Soft Lips And Part, Henry V 5 Agincourt Song
Royal Philharmonic Orchestra performing orchestra Henry V 1 Overture - The Globe Playhouse, Henry V 2 Death of Falstaff - Passacaglia, Henry V 3 Charge and Battle, Henry V 4 Touch Her Soft Lips And Part, Henry V 5 Agincourt Song