Malcolm Martineau
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Yakamoto Kotzuga
Destined to Fall
Andrew Milnes
Mark Saunderson
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Yakamoto Kotzuga
A Shropshire Lad: I. Loveliest of trees, A Shropshire Lad: II. When I was one-and-twenty, A Shropshire Lad: III. Look not in my eyes, A Shropshire Lad: IV. Think no more, lad, A Shropshire Lad: V. The lads in their hundreds, A Shropshire Lad: VI. Is my team ploughing?, Abschied, Am Meer, An Silvia, D 891, An die Laute, D 905, An die Leier, D 737, An die Musik, D 547, An die Musik, D547, Auf der Bruck, D 853, Aufenthalt, Bredon Hill and Other Songs: I. Bredon Hill, Bredon Hill and Other Songs: II. Oh fair enough are sky and plain, Bredon Hill and Other Songs: III. When the lad for longing sighs, Bredon Hill and Other Songs: IV. On the idle hill of summer, Bredon Hill and Other Songs: V. With rue my heart is laden, Captain Stratton’s Fancy, Das Fischermädchen, Der Atlas, Der Doppelgänger, Der Musensohn, D 764, Der Tod und das Mädchen, D 531, Der Wanderer, D 493, Die Forelle (The Trout), D550, Die Forelle, D 550, Die Stadt, Die Taubenpost, Du bist die Ruh', D 776, Elizabethan Lyrics, op. 12: I. Weep you no more, Elizabethan Songs: IV. Sleep, English Love Lyrics, op. 24: III. Go, lovely rose, English Lyrics, Set 6: III. Love is a bable, Erlkönig, D 328, Erlkönig, D328, Folksongs, Vol 1: VII. Oliver Cromwell, Folksongs, Vol 3: V. The Foggy, Foggy Dew, Folksongs, Vol. 1: I. The Salley Gardens, Frühlingssehnsucht, Ganymed, D 544, Gruppe aus dem Tartarus, D 583, Heidenröslein, D 257, Ihr Bild, In der Ferne, Kriegers Ahnung, Lachen und Weinen, D 777, Let Us Garlands Bring, op. 18: I. Come away, come away, death, Let Us Garlands Bring, op. 18: II. Who is Silvia?, Let Us Garlands Bring, op. 18: III. Fear no more the heat o’ the sun, Let Us Garlands Bring, op. 18: IV. O Mistress mine, Let Us Garlands Bring, op. 18: V. It was a lover and his lass, Liebesbotschaft, Linden Lea, Litanei auf das Fest Allerseelen, D 343, Litanei auf das Fest Allerseelen, D343, Meeres Stille, D 216, Money, O!, Rastlose Liebe, D 138, Salt-Water Ballads: I. Port of Many Ships, Salt-Water Ballads: II. Trade Winds, Salt-Water Ballads: III. Mother Carey, Schwanengesang, D 957: IV. Ständchen, Schwanengesang, D 957: X. Das Fischermädchen, Schwanengesang, D 957: XIV. Die Taubenpost, Schäfers Klagelied, D 121, Sea Fever: I must go down to the seas again, Songs of Travel: I. The Vagabond, Songs of Travel: II. Let Beauty awake, Songs of Travel: III. The Roadside Fire, Songs of Travel: IV. Youth and Love, Songs of Travel: IX. I have trod the upward and the downward slope, Songs of Travel: The Vagabond, Songs of Travel: V. In Dreams, Songs of Travel: VI. The infinite shining heavens, Songs of Travel: VII. Whither Must I Wander?, Songs of Travel: VIII. Bright is the ring of words, Songs, op. 3: II. Now sleeps the crimson petal, Ständchen, The Aquiline Snub, The Bells of San Marie: It’s pleasant in Holy Mary by San Marie lagoon, The Cloths of Heaven, The Compleat Virtuoso, The House of Life: II. Silent Noon, The Lord’s Prayer, The Roadside Fire, The Shrophshire Lad: I. Loveliest of trees, the cherry now, The Shrophshire Lad: II. When I was one-and-twenty, The Shrophshire Lad: III. There pass the careless people, The Shrophshire Lad: IV. In summer-time on Bredon, The Shrophshire Lad: IX. Into my heart an air that kills, The Shrophshire Lad: V. The street sounds to the soldiers’ tread, The Shrophshire Lad: VI. On the idle hill of summer, The Shrophshire Lad: VII. White in the moon the long road lies, The Shrophshire Lad: VIII. Think no more, lad; laugh, be jolly, The Shrophshire Lad: X. The lads in their hundreds, The Vagabond, The Vagabond: Dunno a heap about the what an’ why, The Wind Among the Reeds, op. 30: III. The Cloths of Heaven, Three Shakespeare Songs, op. 6: I. Come away death, Three Shakespeare Songs, op. 6: II. Oh mistress mine, Three Shakespeare Songs, op. 6: III. Blow, blow thou winter wind, Wandrers Nachtleid II, D 768
Destined to Fall
A Charm of Lullabies, Op. 41 No. 1: A Cradle Song, A Charm of Lullabies, Op. 41 No. 2: The Highland Balou, A Charm of Lullabies, Op. 41 No. 3: Sephestia's Lullaby, A Charm of Lullabies, Op. 41 No. 4: A Charm, A Charm of Lullabies, Op. 41 No. 5: The Nurse's Song, An Die Entfernte, Ciganské Melodie (Gypsy Melodies), Op.55 - 3. Silent and Lone the Woods (Ales Je Tichy Kolem Kol), Ciganské Melodie (Gypsy Melodies), Op.55 - 4. Songs My Mother Taught Me (Kdyz Mne Stara Matka), Ciganské Melodie (Gypsy Melodies), Op.55 - 5. Tune Thy Strings (Struna Naladena), Moravská Lidová Poesie V Písních (Moravian Folk Poetry in Songs) 12. Jabúcko, Moravská Lidová Poesie V Písních (Moravian Folk Poetry in Songs) 37. Lavecka, Moravská Lidová Poesie V Písních (Moravian Folk Poetry in Songs) 50. Muzikanti, Moravské Dvojzpevy (Moravian Duets) - 11. Zajatá, Moravské Dvojzpevy (Moravian Duets) - 9. Prsten, Národní Písne a Tance Z Tesinksa (Folksongs and Dances From the Tesinskso Region), WV120 - 15. Kdyz Jsem Byla Mamince Na Kline [On My Mother's Knee], Národní Písne a Tance Z Tesinksa (Folksongs and Dances From the Tesinskso Region), WV120 - 3. Pasala Volky [Out in the Beechwood], Národní Písne a Tance Z Tesinksa (Folksongs and Dances From the Tesinskso Region), WV120 - 4. Sidej Na Vuz [Mount the Waggon], Pohádka Srdce, Op.8 - 1. Písen Melancholická, Pohádka Srdce, Op.8 - 2. Zda Není Snem?, Pohádka Srdce, Op.8 - 3. Vecer, Pohádka Srdce, Op.8 - 4. Podzimní Nálada, Pohádka Srdce, Op.8 - 5. Az Prejde Den, Písnicky Na Dve Stránky (Songs on Two Pages, Seven Songs an Moravian Folk Poetry) - 1. Devce Z Moravy (Moravian Girl), Písnicky Na Dve Stránky (Songs on Two Pages, Seven Songs an Moravian Folk Poetry) - 2. Súsedova Stajna (The Neighbour's Stable), Písnicky Na Dve Stránky (Songs on Two Pages, Seven Songs an Moravian Folk Poetry) - 3. Nadeje (Hope), Písnicky Na Dve Stránky (Songs on Two Pages, Seven Songs an Moravian Folk Poetry) - 4. Hlásný (The Night Watchman), Písnicky Na Dve Stránky (Songs on Two Pages, Seven Songs an Moravian Folk Poetry) - 5. Tajná Láska (Secret Love), Písnicky Na Dve Stránky (Songs on Two Pages, Seven Songs an Moravian Folk Poetry) - 6. Bozi Muka (The Wayside Cross), Písnicky Na Dve Stránky (Songs on Two Pages, Seven Songs an Moravian Folk Poetry) - 7. Zvolenovci Chlapci (Lads of Zvolyn), Satire, Op. 109 No. 1: Kritiku, Satire, Op. 109 No. 2: Probuždeniye Vesnï, Satire, Op. 109 No. 3: Potomki, Satire, Op. 109 No. 4: Nedorazumeniye, Satire, Op. 109 No. 5: Kreycerova Sonata, Slezké Písne (Ze Sbírky Heleny Salichové) [Siesian Songs (From Helena Salichová's Collection)] - 10. V Cernym Lese, Slezké Písne (Ze Sbírky Heleny Salichové) [Siesian Songs (From Helena Salichová's Collection)] - 7. Aj, Co to Je Za Slavicek, Vecerné Písne (Evening Songs) - 2. Mne Zdálo Se Zes Umrela [I Dreamt Last Night]
Andrew Milnes
An Sylvia, An die Geliebte, Aubade, Auf eine Christblume II, Der Knabe und das Immelein, Die Sterne, Einsiedelei, En sourdine, Fleur jetée, Gesang Weyla's, Green, Himmelsfunken, Histoires naturelles: La pintade, Histoires naturelles: Le cygnet, Histoires naturelles: Le grillon, Histoires naturelles: Le martin-pêcheur, Histoires naturelles: Le paon, Hôtel, Le papillon et la fleur, Lied eines Verliebten, Lied vom Winde, Madrigal, Notre amour, Spleen, Ständchen, Verklärung
Mark Saunderson
A Rosebud by My Early Walk, Air Falalalo, An Island Sheiling Song, Bonnie Wee Thing, Ca' the Yowes, Comin' Thro' the Rye, Dance to Your Daddy, Jock o' Hazeldean, Kind Robin Lo'es Me, Loch Lomond, O Willie's Gane Tae Melville Castle, O, Whistle and I'll Come to You, My Lad, Scots Wha Hae, The Bonnie Earl o' Moray, The Fidgety Bairn, The Gallant Weaver, The Keel Row, The Laird o' Cockpen, The Queen's Maries, The Rowan Tree, The Tocherless Lass, The Wee Cooper o' Fife, The White Cockade, The Winter It Is Past, There's nae Luck About the House, Ye Banks and Braes o' Bonnie Doon
A Journey, Alleluia, Clouds, Do I love you more than a day?, Early in the Morning, Far - Far - Away, Ferry Me Across the Water, For Poulenc, For Susan, I Strolled Across an Open Field, I am Rose, Jeanie with the Light Brown Hair, Little elegy, Look Down, Fair Moon, Love, Now Sleeps the Crimson Petal, O Do Not Love Too Long, O You Whom I Often and Silently Come, Orchids, Sometimes With One I Love, Stopping by Woods on a Snowy Evening, That Shadow, My Likeness, The Lordly Hudson, The Serpent, The Tulip Tree, To a Young Girl
Fryderyk Chopin
Czary, B. 51, Dumka, B. 132, Dwojaki koniec, Op. 74 No. 11, Gdzie lubi, Op. 74 No. 5, Hulanka, Op. 74 No. 4, Melodia, Op. 74 No. 9, Moja pieszczotka, Op. 74 No. 12, Narzeczony, Op. 74 No. 15, Nie ma czego trzeba, Op. 74 No. 13, Pierścień, Op. 74 No. 14, Piosnka litewska, Op. 74 No. 16, Poseł, Op. 74 No. 7, Precz z moich oczu, Op. 74 No. 6, Smutna rzeka, Op. 74 No. 3, Wiosna, Op. 74 No. 2, Wojak, Op. 74 No. 10, Śliczny chłopiec, Op. 74 No. 8, Śpiew z mogiły, Op. 74 No. 17, Życzenie, Op. 74 No. 1
Ralph Vaughan Williams
Six Studies in English Folk Song: I. Adagio, Six Studies in English Folk Song: II. Andante sostenuto, Six Studies in English Folk Song: III. Larghetto, Six Studies in English Folk Song: IV. Lento, Six Studies in English Folk Song: V. Andante tranquillo, Six Studies in English Folk Song: VI. Allegro vivace, Songs of Travel, Songs of Travel: The Vagabond (extract), Songs of Travels, Nr. 1"The Vagabond"
Сергей Рахманинов
Daisies, Op. 38 No. 3, I Wait for You, Op. 14 No. 1, In My Garden at Night, Op. 38 No. 1, Never Sing to Me Again, Op. 4 No. 4, Siren' Lilacs, Op. 21 No. 5, The Soldier's Wife, Op. 8 No. 4 2.13
Lonsdale Blacc
Clarinet Sonata: 3rd movement, Five Bagatelles, op. 23: I. Prelude, Five Bagatelles, op. 23: II. Romance, Five Bagatelles, op. 23: III. Carol, Five Bagatelles, op. 23: IV. Forlana, Five Bagatelles, op. 23: V. Fughetta
Zero Zone
I will always love you, Opus 101 (Santa Fe Songs, no. 2), Sonnet (Santa Fe Songs, no. 4), The Sowers (Santa Fe Songs, no. 12), The Wintry Mind (Santa Fe Songs, no. 8)
Пётр Ильич Чайковский
At the Ball, Op. 38 No. 3, If Only I Had Known, Op. 47 No. 1, Lullaby, Op. 16 No. 1, So Soon Forgotten, The Bride's Lament, Op. 47 No. 7
Михаил Иванович Глинка
Do Not Tempt Me, Fire in My Veins, Tell Me Why, To the Zither
Phooka One
Chanson madécasse No. 1: Nahandove, Chanson madécasse No. 2: Aoua!, Chanson madécasse No. 3: Il est doux
Petra Casén
Stimmungsbilder, Op. 12 No. 1: Sangen Geigen übern See, Stimmungsbilder, Op. 12 No. 2: Schließe deine Augen zu, Stimmungsbilder, Op. 12 No. 3: Weißt du
Bryn Terfel
Der Musensohn, Du Bist Die Ruh'
Magdalena Kožená
A Charm of Lullabies, op. 41: The Highland Balou, Satirï, op. 109: Potomki
Ludwig van Beethoven
6 Songs of Various Nationalities, WoO 158c no. 6: [untitled], Music, Love and Wine
Александр Сергеевич Даргомыжский
I Still Love Him, Young Boy and Girl
Владимир Власов
The Fountain of Bakhchisarai
George Butterworth
Oh Fair Enough Are Sky and Plain
Ned Rorem
Early in the Morning / Little Elergy
Цезарь Антонович Кюи
I Have Touched a Flower
Oberschwäbischer Kammerchor
An die Entfernte