Libby Crabtree


Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
[anonymous] (Special Purpose Artist)
Percy Grainger
Leo Smith
Chester Lewis
George Frideric Handel (German‐British baroque composer)

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
[anonymous] vocal A l'entrada del tens clar, Alle Psallite, Li gelos, Ne L'Oserary-Je / Voulez-Vous Que Je, Rossignolet du bois, Vecy le mai
Percy Grainger vocal Died for Love, Soldier, Soldier, The Sprig of Thyme
Leo Smith vocal BWV 248, Kantate 2, Am zweiten Weihnachtsfeiertage. IV. Recitativo: "Und der Engel sprach zu ihnen", BWV 248, Kantate 4, Am Neujahrstage. IV. Aria (Soprano): "Flösst, mein Heiland, flösst dein Namen"
Chester Lewis vocal I Wonder as I Wander
George Frideric Handel vocal Anthem for the Foundling Hospital: The people will tell of their wisdom
Sidewalkers vocal Israel in Egypt: Part III, no. 19: Duet "The Lord is my strength" (sopranos I & II)
Toneron vocal Jungle Book: X. The Only Son