Keith Lewis


Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Ludwig van Beethoven
Gioachino Rossini
George Frideric Handel (German‐British baroque composer)
Joseph Haydn

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Ludwig van Beethoven vocal Christus am Ölberge for 3 Solo Voices, Chorus, and Orchestra, Op. 85: IIIa. Recitative "Verkündet, Seraph, mir dein Mund Erbarmen" (Jesus, Seraph), Christus am Ölberge for 3 Solo Voices, Chorus, and Orchestra, Op. 85: IIIb. Duet "So ruhe denn mit ganzer Schwere" (Jesus, Seraph), Christus am Ölberge for 3 Solo Voices, Chorus, and Orchestra, Op. 85: IVa. Recitative "Willkommen, Tod!" (Jesus), Christus am Ölberge for 3 Solo Voices, Chorus, and Orchestra, Op. 85: IVa. Recitative "Willkommen, Tod" (Jesus), Christus am Ölberge for 3 Solo Voices, Chorus, and Orchestra, Op. 85: Ib. Recitative "Jehova, du mein Vater!" (Jesus), Christus am Ölberge for 3 Solo Voices, Chorus, and Orchestra, Op. 85: Ic. Aria "Meine Seele ist erschüttert" (Jesus), Christus am Ölberge for 3 Solo Voices, Chorus, and Orchestra, Op. 85: VIa. Recitative "Nicht ungestraft soll der Verweg'nen Schar" (Petrus, Jesus), Christus am Ölberge for 3 Solo Voices, Chorus, and Orchestra, Op. 85: VIb. Trio "In meinen Adern wühlen gerechter Zorn und Wut" (Petrus, Jesus, Seraph), Christus am Ölberge for 3 Solo Voices, Chorus, and Orchestra, Op. 85: VIb. Trio "In meinen Adern wühlen gerechter Zorn und Wut" (Petrus, Jesus, Seraph) - VIc. Choir of Warriors "Auf, auf! Ergreifet den Verräter" - VIf. Choir of Angels "Welten singen Dank und Ehre", Christus am Ölberge for 3 Solo Voices, Chorus, and Orchestra, Op. 85: Va. Recitative "Die mich zu fangen ausgezogen sind" (Jesus)
Gioachino Rossini vocal Mosè in Egitto: Atto I, No. 11 Finale (continuazione) "All'idea di tanto eccesso", Mosè in Egitto: Atto I, No. 11 Finale (continuazione) "Che narri?" / "Il ver", Mosè in Egitto: Atto I, No. 11 Finale (continuazione) "Padre..." / "Signor...", Mosè in Egitto: Atto I, No. 5 Recitativo "E avete, avverse stelle", Mosè in Egitto: Atto I, No. 7 Recitativo "Ah! dov'è Faraone?", Mosè in Egitto: Atto II, No. 12 Recitativo "Ecco in tua mano, Aronne", Mosè in Egitto: Atto II, No. 13 Duetto "Parlar, spiegar non posso", Mosè in Egitto: Atto II, No. 20 Recitativo "O Nume Osiri", Mosè in Egitto: Atto III, No. 25 Preghiera "Son fuggiti! Oh ciel, che miro!"
George Frideric Handel vocal Messiah No. 2: Comfort Ye My People, Messiah No. 3: Every Valley Shall Be Exalted
Joseph Haydn vocal Missa in Angustiis, Hob.XXII:11 "Nelsonmesse": Kyrie
K-tólicos vocal The Bells, op. 35: I. Allegro ma non troppo
Shweta Bharadwaj vocal Romeo and Juliet: Duo "Do you not hear the nightingale?"