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Christopher Maltman
... mais mourir, FP 137, Calligrammes, FP 140: 1. L'espionne, Calligrammes, FP 140: 2. Mutation, Calligrammes, FP 140: 3. Vers le sud, Calligrammes, FP 140: 4. Il pleut, Calligrammes, FP 140: 5. La grâce exilée, Calligrammes, FP 140: 6. Aussi bien que les cigales, Calligrammes, FP 140: 7. Voyage, Chanson du pêcheur, op. 4 no. 1, Chansons villageoises, FP 117: 1. Chansons du clair-tamis, Chansons villageoises, FP 117: 2. Les gars qui vont à la fête, Chansons villageoises, FP 117: 3. C'est le joli printemps, Chansons villageoises, FP 117: 4. Le mendiant, Chansons villageoises, FP 117: 5. Chanson de la fille frivole, Chansons villageoises, FP 117: 6. Le retour du sergent, Der Alpenjäger, D. 524, Der Wanderer, D. 489 / D. 493, Dernièr poème, FP 163, During Music, Five Songs to Poems by Thomas Hardy: Beckon to Me to Come, Five Songs to Poems by Thomas Hardy: Dear, Think Not That They Will Forget You "Her Temple", Five Songs to Poems by Thomas Hardy: In My Sage Moments, Five Songs to Poems by Thomas Hardy: It Was What You Bore With You, Woman, Five Songs to Poems by Thomas Hardy: The Tragedy of That Moment, Five XVIth-Century Poems: A Report Song, Five XVIth-Century Poems: A Thanksgiving, Five XVIth-Century Poems: All in a Garden Green, Five XVIth-Century Poems: An Aside, Five XVIth-Century Poems: The Sweet Season, From the Song-Cycle Maud: Birds in the High Hall-Garden, From the Song-Cycle Maud: Come Into the Garden, Maud, From the Song-Cycle Maud: Go Not, Happy Day, Great Things, Hope the Hornblower, If We Must Part, L'horizon chimérique, op. 118: I. La mer est infinie, L'horizon chimérique, op. 118: II. Je me suis embarqué, L'horizon chimérique, op. 118: III. Diane, Séléné, L'horizon chimérique, op. 118: IV. Vaisseaux, nous vous aurons aimés en pure perte, La bonne chanson, op. 61: I. Une Sainte en son auréole, La bonne chanson, op. 61: II. Puisque l'aube grandit, La bonne chanson, op. 61: III. La lune blanche, La bonne chanson, op. 61: IV. J'allais par des chemins perfides, La bonne chanson, op. 61: IX. L'hiver a cessé, La bonne chanson, op. 61: V. J'ai presque peur, en vérité, La bonne chanson, op. 61: VI. Avant que tu ne t'en ailles, La bonne chanson, op. 61: VII. Donc, ce sera par un clair jour d'été, La bonne chanson, op. 61: VIII. N'est-ce pas ?, La fleur qui va sur l'eau, op. 85 no. 2, La fraîcheur et le feu, FP 147: 1. Rayons des yeux, La fraîcheur et le feu, FP 147: 2. Le matin les branches attisent, La fraîcheur et le feu, FP 147: 3. Tout disparut, La fraîcheur et le feu, FP 147: 4. Dans les ténèbres du jardin, La fraîcheur et le feu, FP 147: 5. Unis la fraîcheur et le feu, La fraîcheur et le feu, FP 147: 6. Homme au sourire tendre, La fraîcheur et le feu, FP 147: 7. La grande rivière qui va, Larmes, op. 51 no. 1, Le Disparu, FP 134, Le voyageur, op. 18 no. 2, Les berceaux, op. 23 no. 1, Les matelots, op. 2 no. 2, Mein Wagen rollet langsam, Miroirs brûlants, FP 98: 1. Tu vois le feu du soir, Miroirs brûlants, FP 98: 2. Je nommerai ton front, O Mistress Mine, Prison, op. 83 no. 1, Santa Chiara (Palm Sunday: Naples), Sea Fever, Songs of a Wayfarer: English May, Songs of a Wayfarer: I Was Not Sorrowful (Spleen), Songs of a Wayfarer: I Will Walk on the Earth, Songs of a Wayfarer: Memory, Songs of a Wayfarer: When Daffodils Begin to Peer, Spleen, Spring Sorrow, Sweet Kate, The Bells of San Marie, The Shropshire Lad: In Summer-Time on Bredon, The Shropshire Lad: Into My Heart an Air That Kills, The Shropshire Lad: Loveliest of Trees, The Shropshire Lad: On the Idle Hill of Summer, The Shropshire Lad: The Lads in Their Hundreds, The Shropshire Lad: The Street Sounds to a Soldier's Tread, The Shropshire Lad: There Pass the Careless People, The Shropshire Lad: Think No More Lad, Laugh, Be Jolly, The Shropshire Lad: When I Was One-and-Twenty, The Shropshire Lad: White in the Moon the Long Road Lies, The Vagabond, Three Songs to Poems by Thomas Hardy: Summer Schemes, Three Songs to Poems by Thomas Hardy: Weathers, Three Songs: Friendship in Misfortune, Three Songs: The One Hope, Totengräbers Heimweh, D. 842, Tryst (In Fountain Court), Tutto è sciolto, Wandrers Nachtlied II, D. 768, When I Am Old, When the Lights Go Rolling Round the Sky
Graham Johnson (pianist)
... mais mourir, FP 137, Calligrammes, FP 140: 1. L'espionne, Calligrammes, FP 140: 2. Mutation, Calligrammes, FP 140: 3. Vers le sud, Calligrammes, FP 140: 4. Il pleut, Calligrammes, FP 140: 5. La grâce exilée, Calligrammes, FP 140: 6. Aussi bien que les cigales, Calligrammes, FP 140: 7. Voyage, Chanson du pêcheur, op. 4 no. 1, Chansons villageoises, FP 117: 1. Chansons du clair-tamis, Chansons villageoises, FP 117: 2. Les gars qui vont à la fête, Chansons villageoises, FP 117: 3. C'est le joli printemps, Chansons villageoises, FP 117: 4. Le mendiant, Chansons villageoises, FP 117: 5. Chanson de la fille frivole, Chansons villageoises, FP 117: 6. Le retour du sergent, Der Alpenjäger, D. 524, Der Wanderer, D. 489 / D. 493, Dernièr poème, FP 163, During Music, Five Songs to Poems by Thomas Hardy: Beckon to Me to Come, Five Songs to Poems by Thomas Hardy: Dear, Think Not That They Will Forget You "Her Temple", Five Songs to Poems by Thomas Hardy: In My Sage Moments, Five Songs to Poems by Thomas Hardy: It Was What You Bore With You, Woman, Five Songs to Poems by Thomas Hardy: The Tragedy of That Moment, Five XVIth-Century Poems: A Report Song, Five XVIth-Century Poems: A Thanksgiving, Five XVIth-Century Poems: All in a Garden Green, Five XVIth-Century Poems: An Aside, Five XVIth-Century Poems: The Sweet Season, From the Song-Cycle Maud: Birds in the High Hall-Garden, From the Song-Cycle Maud: Come Into the Garden, Maud, From the Song-Cycle Maud: Go Not, Happy Day, Great Things, Hope the Hornblower, If We Must Part, L'horizon chimérique, op. 118: I. La mer est infinie, L'horizon chimérique, op. 118: II. Je me suis embarqué, L'horizon chimérique, op. 118: III. Diane, Séléné, L'horizon chimérique, op. 118: IV. Vaisseaux, nous vous aurons aimés en pure perte, La bonne chanson, op. 61: I. Une Sainte en son auréole, La bonne chanson, op. 61: II. Puisque l'aube grandit, La bonne chanson, op. 61: III. La lune blanche, La bonne chanson, op. 61: IV. J'allais par des chemins perfides, La bonne chanson, op. 61: IX. L'hiver a cessé, La bonne chanson, op. 61: V. J'ai presque peur, en vérité, La bonne chanson, op. 61: VI. Avant que tu ne t'en ailles, La bonne chanson, op. 61: VII. Donc, ce sera par un clair jour d'été, La bonne chanson, op. 61: VIII. N'est-ce pas ?, La fleur qui va sur l'eau, op. 85 no. 2, La fraîcheur et le feu, FP 147: 1. Rayons des yeux, La fraîcheur et le feu, FP 147: 2. Le matin les branches attisent, La fraîcheur et le feu, FP 147: 3. Tout disparut, La fraîcheur et le feu, FP 147: 4. Dans les ténèbres du jardin, La fraîcheur et le feu, FP 147: 5. Unis la fraîcheur et le feu, La fraîcheur et le feu, FP 147: 6. Homme au sourire tendre, La fraîcheur et le feu, FP 147: 7. La grande rivière qui va, Larmes, op. 51 no. 1, Le Disparu, FP 134, Le voyageur, op. 18 no. 2, Les berceaux, op. 23 no. 1, Les matelots, op. 2 no. 2, Mein Wagen rollet langsam, Miroirs brûlants, FP 98: 1. Tu vois le feu du soir, Miroirs brûlants, FP 98: 2. Je nommerai ton front, O Mistress Mine, Prison, op. 83 no. 1, Santa Chiara (Palm Sunday: Naples), Sea Fever, Songs of a Wayfarer: English May, Songs of a Wayfarer: I Was Not Sorrowful (Spleen), Songs of a Wayfarer: I Will Walk on the Earth, Songs of a Wayfarer: Memory, Songs of a Wayfarer: When Daffodils Begin to Peer, Spleen, Spring Sorrow, Sweet Kate, The Bells of San Marie, The Shropshire Lad: In Summer-Time on Bredon, The Shropshire Lad: Into My Heart an Air That Kills, The Shropshire Lad: Loveliest of Trees, The Shropshire Lad: On the Idle Hill of Summer, The Shropshire Lad: The Lads in Their Hundreds, The Shropshire Lad: The Street Sounds to a Soldier's Tread, The Shropshire Lad: There Pass the Careless People, The Shropshire Lad: Think No More Lad, Laugh, Be Jolly, The Shropshire Lad: When I Was One-and-Twenty, The Shropshire Lad: White in the Moon the Long Road Lies, The Vagabond, Three Songs to Poems by Thomas Hardy: Summer Schemes, Three Songs to Poems by Thomas Hardy: Weathers, Three Songs: Friendship in Misfortune, Three Songs: The One Hope, Totengräbers Heimweh, D. 842, Tryst (In Fountain Court), Tutto è sciolto, Wandrers Nachtlied II, D. 768, When I Am Old, When the Lights Go Rolling Round the Sky
Arthur Johnson (Producer)
During Music, Five Songs to Poems by Thomas Hardy: Beckon to Me to Come, Five Songs to Poems by Thomas Hardy: Dear, Think Not That They Will Forget You "Her Temple", Five Songs to Poems by Thomas Hardy: In My Sage Moments, Five Songs to Poems by Thomas Hardy: It Was What You Bore With You, Woman, Five Songs to Poems by Thomas Hardy: The Tragedy of That Moment, Five XVIth-Century Poems: A Report Song, Five XVIth-Century Poems: A Thanksgiving, Five XVIth-Century Poems: All in a Garden Green, Five XVIth-Century Poems: An Aside, Five XVIth-Century Poems: The Sweet Season, Great Things, Hope the Hornblower, If We Must Part, Santa Chiara (Palm Sunday: Naples), Sea Fever, Songs of a Wayfarer: English May, Songs of a Wayfarer: I Was Not Sorrowful (Spleen), Songs of a Wayfarer: I Will Walk on the Earth, Songs of a Wayfarer: Memory, Songs of a Wayfarer: When Daffodils Begin to Peer, Spleen, Spring Sorrow, The Bells of San Marie, The Vagabond, Three Songs to Poems by Thomas Hardy: Summer Schemes, Three Songs to Poems by Thomas Hardy: Weathers, Three Songs: Friendship in Misfortune, Three Songs: The One Hope, Tryst (In Fountain Court), Tutto è sciolto, When I Am Old, When the Lights Go Rolling Round the Sky
Mike Clements (engineer)
During Music, Five Songs to Poems by Thomas Hardy: Beckon to Me to Come, Five Songs to Poems by Thomas Hardy: Dear, Think Not That They Will Forget You "Her Temple", Five Songs to Poems by Thomas Hardy: In My Sage Moments, Five Songs to Poems by Thomas Hardy: It Was What You Bore With You, Woman, Five Songs to Poems by Thomas Hardy: The Tragedy of That Moment, Five XVIth-Century Poems: A Report Song, Five XVIth-Century Poems: A Thanksgiving, Five XVIth-Century Poems: All in a Garden Green, Five XVIth-Century Poems: An Aside, Five XVIth-Century Poems: The Sweet Season, Great Things, Hope the Hornblower, If We Must Part, Santa Chiara (Palm Sunday: Naples), Sea Fever, Songs of a Wayfarer: English May, Songs of a Wayfarer: I Was Not Sorrowful (Spleen), Songs of a Wayfarer: I Will Walk on the Earth, Songs of a Wayfarer: Memory, Songs of a Wayfarer: When Daffodils Begin to Peer, Spleen, Spring Sorrow, The Bells of San Marie, The Vagabond, Three Songs to Poems by Thomas Hardy: Summer Schemes, Three Songs to Poems by Thomas Hardy: Weathers, Three Songs: Friendship in Misfortune, Three Songs: The One Hope, Tryst (In Fountain Court), Tutto è sciolto, When I Am Old, When the Lights Go Rolling Round the Sky
Mike Hatch (engineer/editor)
During Music, Five Songs to Poems by Thomas Hardy: Beckon to Me to Come, Five Songs to Poems by Thomas Hardy: Dear, Think Not That They Will Forget You "Her Temple", Five Songs to Poems by Thomas Hardy: In My Sage Moments, Five Songs to Poems by Thomas Hardy: It Was What You Bore With You, Woman, Five Songs to Poems by Thomas Hardy: The Tragedy of That Moment, Five XVIth-Century Poems: A Report Song, Five XVIth-Century Poems: A Thanksgiving, Five XVIth-Century Poems: All in a Garden Green, Five XVIth-Century Poems: An Aside, Five XVIth-Century Poems: The Sweet Season, Great Things, Hope the Hornblower, If We Must Part, Santa Chiara (Palm Sunday: Naples), Sea Fever, Songs of a Wayfarer: English May, Songs of a Wayfarer: I Was Not Sorrowful (Spleen), Songs of a Wayfarer: I Will Walk on the Earth, Songs of a Wayfarer: Memory, Songs of a Wayfarer: When Daffodils Begin to Peer, Spleen, Spring Sorrow, The Bells of San Marie, The Vagabond, Three Songs to Poems by Thomas Hardy: Summer Schemes, Three Songs to Poems by Thomas Hardy: Weathers, Three Songs: Friendship in Misfortune, Three Songs: The One Hope, Tryst (In Fountain Court), Tutto è sciolto, When I Am Old, When the Lights Go Rolling Round the Sky
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Christopher Maltman
... mais mourir, FP 137, Calligrammes, FP 140: 1. L'espionne, Calligrammes, FP 140: 2. Mutation, Calligrammes, FP 140: 3. Vers le sud, Calligrammes, FP 140: 4. Il pleut, Calligrammes, FP 140: 5. La grâce exilée, Calligrammes, FP 140: 6. Aussi bien que les cigales, Calligrammes, FP 140: 7. Voyage, Chanson du pêcheur, op. 4 no. 1, Chansons villageoises, FP 117: 1. Chansons du clair-tamis, Chansons villageoises, FP 117: 2. Les gars qui vont à la fête, Chansons villageoises, FP 117: 3. C'est le joli printemps, Chansons villageoises, FP 117: 4. Le mendiant, Chansons villageoises, FP 117: 5. Chanson de la fille frivole, Chansons villageoises, FP 117: 6. Le retour du sergent, Der Alpenjäger, D. 524, Der Wanderer, D. 489 / D. 493, Dernièr poème, FP 163, During Music, Five Songs to Poems by Thomas Hardy: Beckon to Me to Come, Five Songs to Poems by Thomas Hardy: Dear, Think Not That They Will Forget You "Her Temple", Five Songs to Poems by Thomas Hardy: In My Sage Moments, Five Songs to Poems by Thomas Hardy: It Was What You Bore With You, Woman, Five Songs to Poems by Thomas Hardy: The Tragedy of That Moment, Five XVIth-Century Poems: A Report Song, Five XVIth-Century Poems: A Thanksgiving, Five XVIth-Century Poems: All in a Garden Green, Five XVIth-Century Poems: An Aside, Five XVIth-Century Poems: The Sweet Season, From the Song-Cycle Maud: Birds in the High Hall-Garden, From the Song-Cycle Maud: Come Into the Garden, Maud, From the Song-Cycle Maud: Go Not, Happy Day, Great Things, Hope the Hornblower, If We Must Part, L'horizon chimérique, op. 118: I. La mer est infinie, L'horizon chimérique, op. 118: II. Je me suis embarqué, L'horizon chimérique, op. 118: III. Diane, Séléné, L'horizon chimérique, op. 118: IV. Vaisseaux, nous vous aurons aimés en pure perte, La bonne chanson, op. 61: I. Une Sainte en son auréole, La bonne chanson, op. 61: II. Puisque l'aube grandit, La bonne chanson, op. 61: III. La lune blanche, La bonne chanson, op. 61: IV. J'allais par des chemins perfides, La bonne chanson, op. 61: IX. L'hiver a cessé, La bonne chanson, op. 61: V. J'ai presque peur, en vérité, La bonne chanson, op. 61: VI. Avant que tu ne t'en ailles, La bonne chanson, op. 61: VII. Donc, ce sera par un clair jour d'été, La bonne chanson, op. 61: VIII. N'est-ce pas ?, La fleur qui va sur l'eau, op. 85 no. 2, La fraîcheur et le feu, FP 147: 1. Rayons des yeux, La fraîcheur et le feu, FP 147: 2. Le matin les branches attisent, La fraîcheur et le feu, FP 147: 3. Tout disparut, La fraîcheur et le feu, FP 147: 4. Dans les ténèbres du jardin, La fraîcheur et le feu, FP 147: 5. Unis la fraîcheur et le feu, La fraîcheur et le feu, FP 147: 6. Homme au sourire tendre, La fraîcheur et le feu, FP 147: 7. La grande rivière qui va, Larmes, op. 51 no. 1, Le Disparu, FP 134, Le voyageur, op. 18 no. 2, Les berceaux, op. 23 no. 1, Les matelots, op. 2 no. 2, Mein Wagen rollet langsam, Miroirs brûlants, FP 98: 1. Tu vois le feu du soir, Miroirs brûlants, FP 98: 2. Je nommerai ton front, O Mistress Mine, Prison, op. 83 no. 1, Santa Chiara (Palm Sunday: Naples), Sea Fever, Songs of a Wayfarer: English May, Songs of a Wayfarer: I Was Not Sorrowful (Spleen), Songs of a Wayfarer: I Will Walk on the Earth, Songs of a Wayfarer: Memory, Songs of a Wayfarer: When Daffodils Begin to Peer, Spleen, Spring Sorrow, Sweet Kate, The Bells of San Marie, The Shropshire Lad: In Summer-Time on Bredon, The Shropshire Lad: Into My Heart an Air That Kills, The Shropshire Lad: Loveliest of Trees, The Shropshire Lad: On the Idle Hill of Summer, The Shropshire Lad: The Lads in Their Hundreds, The Shropshire Lad: The Street Sounds to a Soldier's Tread, The Shropshire Lad: There Pass the Careless People, The Shropshire Lad: Think No More Lad, Laugh, Be Jolly, The Shropshire Lad: When I Was One-and-Twenty, The Shropshire Lad: White in the Moon the Long Road Lies, The Vagabond, Three Songs to Poems by Thomas Hardy: Summer Schemes, Three Songs to Poems by Thomas Hardy: Weathers, Three Songs: Friendship in Misfortune, Three Songs: The One Hope, Totengräbers Heimweh, D. 842, Tryst (In Fountain Court), Tutto è sciolto, Wandrers Nachtlied II, D. 768, When I Am Old, When the Lights Go Rolling Round the Sky
Graham Johnson (pianist)
... mais mourir, FP 137, Calligrammes, FP 140: 1. L'espionne, Calligrammes, FP 140: 2. Mutation, Calligrammes, FP 140: 3. Vers le sud, Calligrammes, FP 140: 4. Il pleut, Calligrammes, FP 140: 5. La grâce exilée, Calligrammes, FP 140: 6. Aussi bien que les cigales, Calligrammes, FP 140: 7. Voyage, Chanson du pêcheur, op. 4 no. 1, Chansons villageoises, FP 117: 1. Chansons du clair-tamis, Chansons villageoises, FP 117: 2. Les gars qui vont à la fête, Chansons villageoises, FP 117: 3. C'est le joli printemps, Chansons villageoises, FP 117: 4. Le mendiant, Chansons villageoises, FP 117: 5. Chanson de la fille frivole, Chansons villageoises, FP 117: 6. Le retour du sergent, Der Alpenjäger, D. 524, Der Wanderer, D. 489 / D. 493, Dernièr poème, FP 163, During Music, Five Songs to Poems by Thomas Hardy: Beckon to Me to Come, Five Songs to Poems by Thomas Hardy: Dear, Think Not That They Will Forget You "Her Temple", Five Songs to Poems by Thomas Hardy: In My Sage Moments, Five Songs to Poems by Thomas Hardy: It Was What You Bore With You, Woman, Five Songs to Poems by Thomas Hardy: The Tragedy of That Moment, Five XVIth-Century Poems: A Report Song, Five XVIth-Century Poems: A Thanksgiving, Five XVIth-Century Poems: All in a Garden Green, Five XVIth-Century Poems: An Aside, Five XVIth-Century Poems: The Sweet Season, From the Song-Cycle Maud: Birds in the High Hall-Garden, From the Song-Cycle Maud: Come Into the Garden, Maud, From the Song-Cycle Maud: Go Not, Happy Day, Great Things, Hope the Hornblower, If We Must Part, L'horizon chimérique, op. 118: I. La mer est infinie, L'horizon chimérique, op. 118: II. Je me suis embarqué, L'horizon chimérique, op. 118: III. Diane, Séléné, L'horizon chimérique, op. 118: IV. Vaisseaux, nous vous aurons aimés en pure perte, La bonne chanson, op. 61: I. Une Sainte en son auréole, La bonne chanson, op. 61: II. Puisque l'aube grandit, La bonne chanson, op. 61: III. La lune blanche, La bonne chanson, op. 61: IV. J'allais par des chemins perfides, La bonne chanson, op. 61: IX. L'hiver a cessé, La bonne chanson, op. 61: V. J'ai presque peur, en vérité, La bonne chanson, op. 61: VI. Avant que tu ne t'en ailles, La bonne chanson, op. 61: VII. Donc, ce sera par un clair jour d'été, La bonne chanson, op. 61: VIII. N'est-ce pas ?, La fleur qui va sur l'eau, op. 85 no. 2, La fraîcheur et le feu, FP 147: 1. Rayons des yeux, La fraîcheur et le feu, FP 147: 2. Le matin les branches attisent, La fraîcheur et le feu, FP 147: 3. Tout disparut, La fraîcheur et le feu, FP 147: 4. Dans les ténèbres du jardin, La fraîcheur et le feu, FP 147: 5. Unis la fraîcheur et le feu, La fraîcheur et le feu, FP 147: 6. Homme au sourire tendre, La fraîcheur et le feu, FP 147: 7. La grande rivière qui va, Larmes, op. 51 no. 1, Le Disparu, FP 134, Le voyageur, op. 18 no. 2, Les berceaux, op. 23 no. 1, Les matelots, op. 2 no. 2, Mein Wagen rollet langsam, Miroirs brûlants, FP 98: 1. Tu vois le feu du soir, Miroirs brûlants, FP 98: 2. Je nommerai ton front, O Mistress Mine, Prison, op. 83 no. 1, Santa Chiara (Palm Sunday: Naples), Sea Fever, Songs of a Wayfarer: English May, Songs of a Wayfarer: I Was Not Sorrowful (Spleen), Songs of a Wayfarer: I Will Walk on the Earth, Songs of a Wayfarer: Memory, Songs of a Wayfarer: When Daffodils Begin to Peer, Spleen, Spring Sorrow, Sweet Kate, The Bells of San Marie, The Shropshire Lad: In Summer-Time on Bredon, The Shropshire Lad: Into My Heart an Air That Kills, The Shropshire Lad: Loveliest of Trees, The Shropshire Lad: On the Idle Hill of Summer, The Shropshire Lad: The Lads in Their Hundreds, The Shropshire Lad: The Street Sounds to a Soldier's Tread, The Shropshire Lad: There Pass the Careless People, The Shropshire Lad: Think No More Lad, Laugh, Be Jolly, The Shropshire Lad: When I Was One-and-Twenty, The Shropshire Lad: White in the Moon the Long Road Lies, The Vagabond, Three Songs to Poems by Thomas Hardy: Summer Schemes, Three Songs to Poems by Thomas Hardy: Weathers, Three Songs: Friendship in Misfortune, Three Songs: The One Hope, Totengräbers Heimweh, D. 842, Tryst (In Fountain Court), Tutto è sciolto, Wandrers Nachtlied II, D. 768, When I Am Old, When the Lights Go Rolling Round the Sky
Arthur Johnson (Producer)
During Music, Five Songs to Poems by Thomas Hardy: Beckon to Me to Come, Five Songs to Poems by Thomas Hardy: Dear, Think Not That They Will Forget You "Her Temple", Five Songs to Poems by Thomas Hardy: In My Sage Moments, Five Songs to Poems by Thomas Hardy: It Was What You Bore With You, Woman, Five Songs to Poems by Thomas Hardy: The Tragedy of That Moment, Five XVIth-Century Poems: A Report Song, Five XVIth-Century Poems: A Thanksgiving, Five XVIth-Century Poems: All in a Garden Green, Five XVIth-Century Poems: An Aside, Five XVIth-Century Poems: The Sweet Season, Great Things, Hope the Hornblower, If We Must Part, Santa Chiara (Palm Sunday: Naples), Sea Fever, Songs of a Wayfarer: English May, Songs of a Wayfarer: I Was Not Sorrowful (Spleen), Songs of a Wayfarer: I Will Walk on the Earth, Songs of a Wayfarer: Memory, Songs of a Wayfarer: When Daffodils Begin to Peer, Spleen, Spring Sorrow, The Bells of San Marie, The Vagabond, Three Songs to Poems by Thomas Hardy: Summer Schemes, Three Songs to Poems by Thomas Hardy: Weathers, Three Songs: Friendship in Misfortune, Three Songs: The One Hope, Tryst (In Fountain Court), Tutto è sciolto, When I Am Old, When the Lights Go Rolling Round the Sky
Mike Clements (engineer)
During Music, Five Songs to Poems by Thomas Hardy: Beckon to Me to Come, Five Songs to Poems by Thomas Hardy: Dear, Think Not That They Will Forget You "Her Temple", Five Songs to Poems by Thomas Hardy: In My Sage Moments, Five Songs to Poems by Thomas Hardy: It Was What You Bore With You, Woman, Five Songs to Poems by Thomas Hardy: The Tragedy of That Moment, Five XVIth-Century Poems: A Report Song, Five XVIth-Century Poems: A Thanksgiving, Five XVIth-Century Poems: All in a Garden Green, Five XVIth-Century Poems: An Aside, Five XVIth-Century Poems: The Sweet Season, Great Things, Hope the Hornblower, If We Must Part, Santa Chiara (Palm Sunday: Naples), Sea Fever, Songs of a Wayfarer: English May, Songs of a Wayfarer: I Was Not Sorrowful (Spleen), Songs of a Wayfarer: I Will Walk on the Earth, Songs of a Wayfarer: Memory, Songs of a Wayfarer: When Daffodils Begin to Peer, Spleen, Spring Sorrow, The Bells of San Marie, The Vagabond, Three Songs to Poems by Thomas Hardy: Summer Schemes, Three Songs to Poems by Thomas Hardy: Weathers, Three Songs: Friendship in Misfortune, Three Songs: The One Hope, Tryst (In Fountain Court), Tutto è sciolto, When I Am Old, When the Lights Go Rolling Round the Sky
Mike Hatch (engineer/editor)
During Music, Five Songs to Poems by Thomas Hardy: Beckon to Me to Come, Five Songs to Poems by Thomas Hardy: Dear, Think Not That They Will Forget You "Her Temple", Five Songs to Poems by Thomas Hardy: In My Sage Moments, Five Songs to Poems by Thomas Hardy: It Was What You Bore With You, Woman, Five Songs to Poems by Thomas Hardy: The Tragedy of That Moment, Five XVIth-Century Poems: A Report Song, Five XVIth-Century Poems: A Thanksgiving, Five XVIth-Century Poems: All in a Garden Green, Five XVIth-Century Poems: An Aside, Five XVIth-Century Poems: The Sweet Season, Great Things, Hope the Hornblower, If We Must Part, Santa Chiara (Palm Sunday: Naples), Sea Fever, Songs of a Wayfarer: English May, Songs of a Wayfarer: I Was Not Sorrowful (Spleen), Songs of a Wayfarer: I Will Walk on the Earth, Songs of a Wayfarer: Memory, Songs of a Wayfarer: When Daffodils Begin to Peer, Spleen, Spring Sorrow, The Bells of San Marie, The Vagabond, Three Songs to Poems by Thomas Hardy: Summer Schemes, Three Songs to Poems by Thomas Hardy: Weathers, Three Songs: Friendship in Misfortune, Three Songs: The One Hope, Tryst (In Fountain Court), Tutto è sciolto, When I Am Old, When the Lights Go Rolling Round the Sky