Christopher Maltman

vocal, performer

Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Hi Vibe (Songwriter and Hypnotherapist)
Tamara Mumford (mezzo soprano)
Alessandro Gulino
John Washington (jazz drummer)
When Particles Collide

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Hi Vibe vocal ... mais mourir, FP 137, Calligrammes, FP 140: 1. L'espionne, Calligrammes, FP 140: 2. Mutation, Calligrammes, FP 140: 3. Vers le sud, Calligrammes, FP 140: 4. Il pleut, Calligrammes, FP 140: 5. La grâce exilée, Calligrammes, FP 140: 6. Aussi bien que les cigales, Calligrammes, FP 140: 7. Voyage, Chanson du pêcheur, op. 4 no. 1, Chansons villageoises, FP 117: 1. Chansons du clair-tamis, Chansons villageoises, FP 117: 2. Les gars qui vont à la fête, Chansons villageoises, FP 117: 3. C'est le joli printemps, Chansons villageoises, FP 117: 4. Le mendiant, Chansons villageoises, FP 117: 5. Chanson de la fille frivole, Chansons villageoises, FP 117: 6. Le retour du sergent, Der Alpenjäger, D. 524, Der Wanderer, D. 489 / D. 493, Dernièr poème, FP 163, During Music, Five Songs to Poems by Thomas Hardy: Beckon to Me to Come, Five Songs to Poems by Thomas Hardy: Dear, Think Not That They Will Forget You "Her Temple", Five Songs to Poems by Thomas Hardy: In My Sage Moments, Five Songs to Poems by Thomas Hardy: It Was What You Bore With You, Woman, Five Songs to Poems by Thomas Hardy: The Tragedy of That Moment, Five XVIth-Century Poems: A Report Song, Five XVIth-Century Poems: A Thanksgiving, Five XVIth-Century Poems: All in a Garden Green, Five XVIth-Century Poems: An Aside, Five XVIth-Century Poems: The Sweet Season, From the Song-Cycle Maud: Birds in the High Hall-Garden, From the Song-Cycle Maud: Come Into the Garden, Maud, From the Song-Cycle Maud: Go Not, Happy Day, Great Things, Hope the Hornblower, If We Must Part, L'horizon chimérique, op. 118: I. La mer est infinie, L'horizon chimérique, op. 118: II. Je me suis embarqué, L'horizon chimérique, op. 118: III. Diane, Séléné, L'horizon chimérique, op. 118: IV. Vaisseaux, nous vous aurons aimés en pure perte, La bonne chanson, op. 61: I. Une Sainte en son auréole, La bonne chanson, op. 61: II. Puisque l'aube grandit, La bonne chanson, op. 61: III. La lune blanche, La bonne chanson, op. 61: IV. J'allais par des chemins perfides, La bonne chanson, op. 61: IX. L'hiver a cessé, La bonne chanson, op. 61: V. J'ai presque peur, en vérité, La bonne chanson, op. 61: VI. Avant que tu ne t'en ailles, La bonne chanson, op. 61: VII. Donc, ce sera par un clair jour d'été, La bonne chanson, op. 61: VIII. N'est-ce pas ?, La fleur qui va sur l'eau, op. 85 no. 2, La fraîcheur et le feu, FP 147: 1. Rayons des yeux, La fraîcheur et le feu, FP 147: 2. Le matin les branches attisent, La fraîcheur et le feu, FP 147: 3. Tout disparut, La fraîcheur et le feu, FP 147: 4. Dans les ténèbres du jardin, La fraîcheur et le feu, FP 147: 5. Unis la fraîcheur et le feu, La fraîcheur et le feu, FP 147: 6. Homme au sourire tendre, La fraîcheur et le feu, FP 147: 7. La grande rivière qui va, Larmes, op. 51 no. 1, Le Disparu, FP 134, Le voyageur, op. 18 no. 2, Les berceaux, op. 23 no. 1, Les matelots, op. 2 no. 2, Mein Wagen rollet langsam, Miroirs brûlants, FP 98: 1. Tu vois le feu du soir, Miroirs brûlants, FP 98: 2. Je nommerai ton front, O Mistress Mine, Prison, op. 83 no. 1, Santa Chiara (Palm Sunday: Naples), Sea Fever, Songs of a Wayfarer: English May, Songs of a Wayfarer: I Was Not Sorrowful (Spleen), Songs of a Wayfarer: I Will Walk on the Earth, Songs of a Wayfarer: Memory, Songs of a Wayfarer: When Daffodils Begin to Peer, Spleen, Spring Sorrow, Sweet Kate, The Bells of San Marie, The Shropshire Lad: In Summer-Time on Bredon, The Shropshire Lad: Into My Heart an Air That Kills, The Shropshire Lad: Loveliest of Trees, The Shropshire Lad: On the Idle Hill of Summer, The Shropshire Lad: The Lads in Their Hundreds, The Shropshire Lad: The Street Sounds to a Soldier's Tread, The Shropshire Lad: There Pass the Careless People, The Shropshire Lad: Think No More Lad, Laugh, Be Jolly, The Shropshire Lad: When I Was One-and-Twenty, The Shropshire Lad: White in the Moon the Long Road Lies, The Vagabond, Three Songs to Poems by Thomas Hardy: Summer Schemes, Three Songs to Poems by Thomas Hardy: Weathers, Three Songs: Friendship in Misfortune, Three Songs: The One Hope, Totengräbers Heimweh, D. 842, Tryst (In Fountain Court), Tutto è sciolto, Wandrers Nachtlied II, D. 768, When I Am Old, When the Lights Go Rolling Round the Sky
Tamara Mumford vocal Carmina Burana: Blanziflor et Helena: Ave formosissima, Carmina Burana: Fortuna Imperatrix Mundi: Fortune plango vulnera, Carmina Burana: Fortuna Imperatrix Mundi: O Fortuna, Carmina Burana: I. Primo vere: Ecce gratum, Carmina Burana: I. Primo vere: Omnia sol temperat, Carmina Burana: I. Primo vere: Veris leta facies, Carmina Burana: II. In taberna: Ego sum abbas, Carmina Burana: II. In taberna: Estuans interius, Carmina Burana: II. In taberna: In taberna quando sumus, Carmina Burana: II. In taberna: Olim lacus colueram, Carmina Burana: III. Cour d'amours: Amor volat undique, Carmina Burana: III. Cour d'amours: Circa mea pectora, Carmina Burana: III. Cour d'amours: Dies, nox et omnia, Carmina Burana: III. Cour d'amours: Dulcissime, Carmina Burana: III. Cour d'amours: In trutina, Carmina Burana: III. Cour d'amours: Si puer cum puellula, Carmina Burana: III. Cour d'amours: Stetit puella, Carmina Burana: III. Cour d'amours: Tempus est iocundum, Carmina Burana: III. Cour d'amours: Veni, veni, venias, Carmina Burana: Uf dem Anger: Chramer, gip die varwe mir, Carmina Burana: Uf dem Anger: Floret silva, Carmina Burana: Uf dem Anger: Tanz, Carmina Burana: Uf dem anger: Reie, Carmina Burana: Uf dem anger: Were diu werlt alle min
Alessandro Gulino vocal And Wilt Thou Leave Me Thus?, Bethlehem Down, Bright Is the Ring of Words, Lillygay: Burd Ellen and Young Tamlane, Lillygay: Rantum Tantum, Lillygay: The Distracted Maid, Mr Belloc's Fancy, My Gostly Fader, Peter Warlock's Fancy, Saudades: Along the Stream, Saudades: Heraclitus, Saudades: Take, O Take Those Lips Away, The Frostbound Wood
John Washington vocal The Heart Worships, Vedic Hymns, op. 24: Creation, Vedic Hymns, op. 24: Faith, Vedic Hymns, op. 24: Indra (God of Storm and Battle), Vedic Hymns, op. 24: Maruts (Storm Clouds), Vedic Hymns, op. 24: Song of the Frogs, Vedic Hymns, op. 24: Ushas (Dawn), Vedic Hymns, op. 24: Vac (Speech), Vedic Hymns, op. 24: Varuna I (Sky), Vedic Hymns, op. 24: Varuna II (The Waters)
When Particles Collide vocal The Seven Last Words of Our Savior on the Cross: No. 1. "Vater, vergib ihnen, Denn sie wissen nicht, was sie tun", The Seven Last Words of Our Savior on the Cross: No. 2. "Fürwahr, ich sag’ es dir: Heute wirst du bei mir in Paradiese sein", The Seven Last Words of Our Savior on the Cross: No. 3. "Frau, hier siehe deinen Sohn, Und du, siehe deine Mutter!", The Seven Last Words of Our Savior on the Cross: No. 4. "Mein Gott! Warum hast du mich verlassen?", The Seven Last Words of Our Savior on the Cross: No. 5. "Jesus rufet: Ach, mich dürstet!", The Seven Last Words of Our Savior on the Cross: No. 7. "Vater, in deine Hände empfehle ich meinen Geist"
G.S.R. vocal Can't shake hands - Farewell to ye old Rights o' man, Finch' han dal vino, O sainte médaille... Avant de quitter ces lieux, The Vagabond ("Give to me the life I love"), song for voice & piano (or orchestra) (Songs of Travel No. 1)
Benjamin Levy vocal Christen, atzet diesen Tag, BWV 63: Recitative: Verdoppelt euch demnach, The First Nowell: VIII. O, Joseph being an old man truly - The king of all power was in Bethlehem born, Vom Himmel hoch: Aria: Es ist der Herr Christ, unser Gott
Sartorius vocal German Requiem, op. 45: III. Herr, lehre doch mich, German Requiem, op. 45: VI. Denn wir haben hie keine bleibende Statt
ALF STEWART vocal Ständchen ("Leise flehen meine Lieder"), song for voice & piano (Schwanengesang), D. 957/4, Winter Evening (Zimniy vecher), song for voice & piano, Op. 13/1
Francesco Nicolosi vocal Agnus Dei
Jozz vocal Dainty Little Maiden
Müzeyyen Hanım vocal The First Nowell: XX. The First Nowell
Elizabeth Ostling vocal Vom Himmel hoch: Arioso: Das also hat gefallen dir
Shan Boogs vocal Das grosse Halleluja, D. 442
Dealer vocal Beitrag zur fünfzigjährigen Jubelfeier des Herrn von Salieri, D. 407: Unser aller Grosspapa
The Paz Band performer Lacrymosa: Do Not Stand At My Grave And Weep
Todd Seeber vocal Christen, atzet diesen Tag, BWV 63: Aria: Gott, du hast es wohl gefuget
Charming Grace vocal Beitrag zur fünfzigjährigen Jubelfeier des Herrn von Salieri, D. 407: Gütigster, Bester!
X-Man vocal Lied eines Kriegers, D. 822