
mix, recording, engineer

Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Jitendra Abhishekhi
Rocky and the Chapter
Corentin Coko

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Jitendra Abhishekhi mix, recording いつもの小道で, どこかで, ぼく達はこの星で出会った, 一人ぼっちの二人, 上を向いて歩こう, 夢で逢いましょう, 太陽と土と水を, 宇宙にとび込め, 恋人中心世界, 生きているということは, 生きるものの歌, 目を閉じて, 遠くへ行きたい, 雨の遊園地, 青空を抱きしめよう, 風に歌おう, 風よつたえて, 黄昏のビギン
大友良英 mix, recording Akuma-Kun: Opening Theme, Cathode #3, Cathode #4, Cathode #5, Giant Robo, Kemuri no Osama, Lupin the Third: Ending Theme 1, Lupin the Third: Ending Theme 2, Namida Kara Ashita E, Ooka Echizen: Opening Title, Sabu To Ichi Torimonohikae: Opening Theme, Shichinin no Keiji, Plot 1
Rocky and the Chapter mix, recording Black Is the Colour of My True Love's Hair, Götter im Exil, Jewels in Tibet, Lemon Iro No Cannabis, Nana No Open Back Banjo, Overture, Pesach, Tango Whiskeyman, Triptycon
大友良英ニュー・ジャズ・クインテット mix, recording Drift / Les, Flutter (Modulation for High Tone), Lupin the Third: Theme of Walther, Night Lights / Density, Playgirl BGM, Serene, Shichinin no Keiji, Plot 2, Spin
Corentin Coko recording Basel 95, Lisboa 98, Matsushima 89, Nancy 01, Sydney 02, Tokyo 02, Victoriaville 01
Raymond Boni mix Banana Fiction, Noh Surf, Whirlpool, Yes, We're! 1, Yes, We're! 2
Zeena Parkins mix Blunberbus, Hurry Sundown 1, Hurry Sundown 2, Spynetwork, Where the Sidewalk Ends
Captain Quentin mix Grenstale No. 13, Melt-Lemon-3, Unknown Mix-2, Vilnius-3
The Flashbacks recording Crab, Duck, Mushroom, Sea Weeds
C.C. Blacks mix, recording Day, Orange, Parallel
ホッピー神山 mix Invisible Thread, Switch
B-univ engineer, mix Sonic Control, Splash Wave (1993)
Elliott Sharp mix Carps & Crows, Ritty
BLACK ART mix Plot Cake, Trash or Not?
Hoahio mix, recording Boken Gaboten-jima, Super Jetter
Novo Tono mix, recording Bokensha-tachi no Ballad, Gamba no Uta
Trouble in the Kitchen mix, recording Radiant, Tug
USED TO BE A CHILD mix, recording Brim
Souls of Tide recording Untitled
Natasha Thirsk mix, recording Noise Brothers
Filament mix, recording Song for T.Y.
Aksel Törnudd mix, recording Bind