Raymond Boni

guitar, engineer

Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Bryce Goggin mix, recording Creeper Reaper, Daisy World, Elmer, Elsie, Hiroshima Heart Attack, Horseshoe, Insomnia, Lynx, Minima Moralia, Pinball Logic, Programinals, Sambar, Shotput, Spez, Statespace, Stroll Avoid Align, Words Fail, Zeps
Michel Levasseur producer Creeper Reaper, Daisy World, Elmer, Elsie, Hiroshima Heart Attack, Horseshoe, Insomnia, Lynx, Minima Moralia, Pinball Logic, Programinals, Sambar, Shotput, Spez, Statespace, Stroll Avoid Align, Words Fail, Zeps
Ike Eyes
近藤祥昭 mix Banana Fiction, Noh Surf, Whirlpool, Yes, We're! 1, Yes, We're! 2
Agata (Ichirou Agata) guitar Banana Fiction

Collaborators on this artist's recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Bryce Goggin mix, recording Creeper Reaper, Daisy World, Elmer, Elsie, Hiroshima Heart Attack, Horseshoe, Insomnia, Lynx, Minima Moralia, Pinball Logic, Programinals, Sambar, Shotput, Spez, Statespace, Stroll Avoid Align, Words Fail, Zeps
Michel Levasseur producer Creeper Reaper, Daisy World, Elmer, Elsie, Hiroshima Heart Attack, Horseshoe, Insomnia, Lynx, Minima Moralia, Pinball Logic, Programinals, Sambar, Shotput, Spez, Statespace, Stroll Avoid Align, Words Fail, Zeps
近藤祥昭 mix Banana Fiction, Noh Surf, Whirlpool, Yes, We're! 1, Yes, We're! 2
Agata (Ichirou Agata) guitar Banana Fiction
Reck (bass) bass Whirlpool
Sudoh Toshiaki drums Banana Fiction
Yasuko Onuki vocal Banana Fiction
大友良英 guitar, turntable(s) Whirlpool
湊雅史 drums Whirlpool
Rika mm' bass Banana Fiction

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Ike Eyes engineer, guitar Dancing up the Last Smile, Gipsy Moon in the Milky Way, The Naked Apes Part 1: Looking for the Funniest Way, The Naked Apes Part 2: Did You Take your Pleasure?, The Naked Apes Part 3: How Many Times a Day?, Tribute to the Tribe, Two Angels For Cecil
Crawlin' Kingsnake guitar Empire