

Sample recordings


Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
梶浦由記 arranger, programming, keyboard Calling
上松範康 (Elements Garden)
三原典子 recording Brilliant World(game ver.), ゼロトケイ (TVsize)
光田康典 arranger, mix Brilliant World -Brazilian Club Mix-, Brilliant World(game ver.)

Collaborators on this artist's recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
梶浦由記 arranger, programming, keyboard Calling
三原典子 recording Brilliant World(game ver.), ゼロトケイ (TVsize)
光田康典 arranger, mix Brilliant World -Brazilian Club Mix-, Brilliant World(game ver.)
景山将太 arranger Brilliant World -Brazilian Club Mix-, Brilliant World(game ver.)
三井ゆきこ vocal Brilliant World -Brazilian Club Mix-
嘉多山信 guitar ゼロトケイ (TVsize)
坂知学 mix, recording ゼロトケイ (TVsize)
安瀬聖 arranger, other instruments, piano ゼロトケイ (TVsize)
早野利宏 (Engineer) recording Brilliant World -Brazilian Club Mix-
飯島絵莉子 (Engineer) engineer ゼロトケイ (TVsize)
本山清治 arranger, vocal Power in me
梶谷裕子ストリングス strings ゼロトケイ (TVsize)
貝田由里子 vocal Calling
長島賢史 (Engineer, sometimes credited as Kenji Nagashima) mix Brilliant World(game ver.)
太田光宏 acoustic guitar Brilliant World -Brazilian Club Mix-

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
FictionJunction vocal Parallel Hearts, ひとみのちから, みちゆき, ユメノツバサ, 星屑, 時の向こう 幻の空, 花守の丘, 野原, 銀の橋
梶浦由記 vocal cazador del amor, heigen, maybe tomorrow (Xenosaga III ending theme), the image theme of Xenosaga II
上松範康 vocal A True Lie (Ver. true heart), A True Lie (prologue size), For Whom
FictionJunction KAORI vocal dream scape