
mix, recording, engineer

Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Earthbound Papas
Annabel (Japanese singer)

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
霜月はるか mix, recording CHAIN BLADE, Celestia, END GAZER, Snow×Connect, Star Linker, small star, un secret, こころ音セッション, 嵐を越えて, 恋風~そのままの君でいて~, 愛しさを抱いた花, 永遠の物語, 白き花、薄藤に移る夜, 結び音リボン, 落日の迷い子
Earthbound Papas recording Dancing Mad (From Final Fantasy VI), Delight of the Victors (From Ultra Dimension Neptune V), Doppelganger, Fight With Seymour (From Final Fantasy X), Homecoming Again ~ Opening Fanfare (For Symphonic Odysseys), Interlude ~ Anthony's Dream, La Petite Malice Du Kijimunaa, Lord of Vermilion (From Lord of Vermilion), Toneless (From Anata Wo Yurusanai), Watashi No Mizu to Sora (From Blue Dragon)
Annabel mix code, moon phase, ソワレ, 苔蒸す庭
なるけみちこ mix F, 希望の砂塵, 闇に問う, 風の市場
光田康典 engineer Chrono Trigger (Orchestra version), Chrono Trigger Medley (Orchestra version)
吉岡亜衣加 mix, recording たったひとつの遠い道, たったひとつの遠い道 (instrumental)
mao mix, recording 詩音
織田かおり mix, recording ゼロトケイ (TVsize)