The Musicians of Swanne Alley


Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
[anonymous] (Special Purpose Artist)
Clement Woodcock
John Johnson (English composer, fl. 1579)
Robert Johnson (English renaissance composer)
Edmund Kete

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
[anonymous] performer Fortune My Foe, Grimstock, Mother Watkins Ale, My Lord Willoughbies Welcome Home, Nuttmigs and Ginger, O Deathe, Rock Me A Sleepe, Paggington's Pound, Robin Is to the Greenwood Gone, Stingo, Willsons Wilde
Clement Woodcock performer Browning My Dere, Hackney
John Johnson performer Green Garters, Green Sleeves
Robert Johnson performer Away Delights, Care Charminge Sleepe
Edmund Kete performer Barrow Faustus Dreame
Filippo Azzaiolo performer Chi passa per 'sta strada