Steve Billman


Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Frank Gambale
Bob Salcedo recording Here the Deities Approve, In Golden Light, The Rain Begins
Erik Friedlander cello Here the Deities Approve, In Golden Light, The Rain Begins
Josh Abbey recording Here the Deities Approve, In Golden Light, The Rain Begins
Julie Comparini vocal, celesta Here the Deities Approve, In Golden Light, The Rain Begins

Collaborators on this artist's recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Bob Salcedo recording Here the Deities Approve, In Golden Light, The Rain Begins
Erik Friedlander cello Here the Deities Approve, In Golden Light, The Rain Begins
Josh Abbey recording Here the Deities Approve, In Golden Light, The Rain Begins
Julie Comparini vocal, celesta Here the Deities Approve, In Golden Light, The Rain Begins
Michael Montes (American composer) keyboard Here the Deities Approve, In Golden Light, The Rain Begins
Peter Rundquist (composer / sound designer / guitarist / engineer / producer) guitars Here the Deities Approve, In Golden Light, The Rain Begins
Zoar producer Here the Deities Approve, In Golden Light, The Rain Begins

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Frank Gambale bass Cachination, Kaanapali, May the Fourths Be With You, Melodique, Monkey Wrench