Rhythim Is Rhythim

producer, samples from artist

Sample recordings


Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Mayday (electronic/techno artist Derrick May) editor, producer Beyond the Dance (Bizarro mix), Feel Surreal (Subconscious mix), Nude Photo
Stoney (Derrick May collaborator) editor, mix Kaos (Juice Bar mix), Move It (remix), Strings of Life (original version)
Juan Atkins editor, mix It Is What It Is (Majestic mix), Strings of Life (Juan's Magic mix)
Steve Allen (New Zealand, lead guitar and vocals)
Deetron mix-DJ Kaos

Collaborators on this artist's recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Mayday (electronic/techno artist Derrick May) editor, producer Beyond the Dance (Bizarro mix), Feel Surreal (Subconscious mix), Nude Photo
Stoney (Derrick May collaborator) editor, mix Kaos (Juice Bar mix), Move It (remix), Strings of Life (original version)
Juan Atkins editor, mix It Is What It Is (Majestic mix), Strings of Life (Juan's Magic mix)
Deetron mix-DJ Kaos
Steve Canueto mix-DJ Kao - Tic Harmony

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Steve Allen samples from artist Strings of Life (Stronger on My Own)