
remixer, mix, editor, producer

Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Rhythim Is Rhythim
X-Ray (Detroit techno trio (May, Atkins & Saunderson))
Suburban Knight
A Guy Called Gerald

Collaborators on this artist's recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Stacey Pullen producer Wiggan (remix), Wiggin (Stacey Pullen remix)
Games remixer Wiggan (remix) (Games re-edit)
Kevin Reese remixer Wiggin (Master Reese mix)

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Rhythim Is Rhythim editor, producer Beyond the Dance (Bizarro mix), Feel Surreal (Subconscious mix), Nude Photo
R-Tyme remixer Illusion (M.I. mix), R-Theme (Dramatic mix)
X-Ray mix Let's Go (dub mix), [untitled]
Suburban Knight mix The Groove (Hot mix), The Groove (Late mix)
A Guy Called Gerald producer, remixer FX (Mayday Upgrade), FX (Mayday mix)
Model 500 mix, remixer The Chase (Mayday's version), Wanderer
Bang the Party remixer Late Night Release (Mayday mix), Release Your Body (Mayday mix)
Psyche mix Andromeda, Neurotic Behavior (Reproduction mix)
Neuropolitique remixer Artemis (Mayday mix)
N.R.G. remixer He Never Lost His Hardcore (The Mayday remix)
Reese remixer Rock to the Beat (Mayday mix)
Inner City mix Good Life (Mayday club mix)
DJ Rolando remixer Jaguar (Mayday mix)
Neal Howard remixer To Be or Not to Be (Mayday mix)
Blake Baxter mix Does Not Compute
Yvette remixer Pump Me (Mayday mix)
Two Men, a Drum Machine and a Trumpet remixer I'm Tired of Getting Pushed Around (The Mayhem Rhythm mix)