Peter Ustinov
Sample recordings
Top collaborators
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André Popp
Philharmonia Orchestra (London orchestra aka New Philharmonia Orchestra from 1964-1976)
performing orchestra
Peter and the Wolf, Op. 67: 1. Introduction, Peter and the Wolf, Op. 67: 2. The Tale: 'Once Upon a Time...', The Carnival of the Animals: 1. Introduction and Royal March of the Lion, The Carnival of the Animals: 10. Aviary, The Carnival of the Animals: 11. Pianists, The Carnival of the Animals: 12. Fossils, The Carnival of the Animals: 13. The Swan, The Carnival of the Animals: 14. Finale, The Carnival of the Animals: 2. Hens and Cock, The Carnival of the Animals: 3. Wild Asses, The Carnival of the Animals: 4. Turtles, The Carnival of the Animals: 5. The Elephant, The Carnival of the Animals: 6. Kangaroos, The Carnival of the Animals: 7. Aquarium, The Carnival of the Animals: 8. Person With Long Ears, The Carnival of the Animals: 9. The Cuckoos at the Bottom of the Wood, Toy Symphony: I. Allegro, Toy Symphony: II. Menuetto, Toy Symphony: III. Allegro
Philip Ellis
Peter and the Wolf, Op. 67: 1. Introduction, Peter and the Wolf, Op. 67: 2. The Tale: 'Once Upon a Time...', The Carnival of the Animals: 1. Introduction and Royal March of the Lion, The Carnival of the Animals: 10. Aviary, The Carnival of the Animals: 11. Pianists, The Carnival of the Animals: 12. Fossils, The Carnival of the Animals: 13. The Swan, The Carnival of the Animals: 14. Finale, The Carnival of the Animals: 2. Hens and Cock, The Carnival of the Animals: 3. Wild Asses, The Carnival of the Animals: 4. Turtles, The Carnival of the Animals: 5. The Elephant, The Carnival of the Animals: 6. Kangaroos, The Carnival of the Animals: 7. Aquarium, The Carnival of the Animals: 8. Person With Long Ears, The Carnival of the Animals: 9. The Cuckoos at the Bottom of the Wood, Toy Symphony: I. Allegro, Toy Symphony: II. Menuetto, Toy Symphony: III. Allegro
Gerald Myles
Last Breath For An Addict
Collaborators on this artist's recordings
Artist name
Philharmonia Orchestra (London orchestra aka New Philharmonia Orchestra from 1964-1976)
performing orchestra
Peter and the Wolf, Op. 67: 1. Introduction, Peter and the Wolf, Op. 67: 2. The Tale: 'Once Upon a Time...', The Carnival of the Animals: 1. Introduction and Royal March of the Lion, The Carnival of the Animals: 10. Aviary, The Carnival of the Animals: 11. Pianists, The Carnival of the Animals: 12. Fossils, The Carnival of the Animals: 13. The Swan, The Carnival of the Animals: 14. Finale, The Carnival of the Animals: 2. Hens and Cock, The Carnival of the Animals: 3. Wild Asses, The Carnival of the Animals: 4. Turtles, The Carnival of the Animals: 5. The Elephant, The Carnival of the Animals: 6. Kangaroos, The Carnival of the Animals: 7. Aquarium, The Carnival of the Animals: 8. Person With Long Ears, The Carnival of the Animals: 9. The Cuckoos at the Bottom of the Wood, Toy Symphony: I. Allegro, Toy Symphony: II. Menuetto, Toy Symphony: III. Allegro
Philip Ellis
Peter and the Wolf, Op. 67: 1. Introduction, Peter and the Wolf, Op. 67: 2. The Tale: 'Once Upon a Time...', The Carnival of the Animals: 1. Introduction and Royal March of the Lion, The Carnival of the Animals: 10. Aviary, The Carnival of the Animals: 11. Pianists, The Carnival of the Animals: 12. Fossils, The Carnival of the Animals: 13. The Swan, The Carnival of the Animals: 14. Finale, The Carnival of the Animals: 2. Hens and Cock, The Carnival of the Animals: 3. Wild Asses, The Carnival of the Animals: 4. Turtles, The Carnival of the Animals: 5. The Elephant, The Carnival of the Animals: 6. Kangaroos, The Carnival of the Animals: 7. Aquarium, The Carnival of the Animals: 8. Person With Long Ears, The Carnival of the Animals: 9. The Cuckoos at the Bottom of the Wood, Toy Symphony: I. Allegro, Toy Symphony: II. Menuetto, Toy Symphony: III. Allegro
Work on other artists' recordings
Artist name
André Popp
Passeport pour Piccolo, Saxo et Compagnie: Brésil, Passeport pour Piccolo, Saxo et Compagnie: Espagne, Passeport pour Piccolo, Saxo et Compagnie: Extrême-Orient, Passeport pour Piccolo, Saxo et Compagnie: Hawai, Passeport pour Piccolo, Saxo et Compagnie: Hongrie, Passeport pour Piccolo, Saxo et Compagnie: Introduction / Écosse, Passeport pour Piccolo, Saxo et Compagnie: Italie, Passeport pour Piccolo, Saxo et Compagnie: Russie, Piccolo, Sax & Co - Kleine Geschichte eines großen Orchesters: I. Streicher, Piccolo, Sax & Co - Kleine Geschichte eines großen Orchesters: II. Saxophone, Piccolo, Sax & Co - Kleine Geschichte eines großen Orchesters: III. Holzbläser, Piccolo, Sax & Co - Kleine Geschichte eines großen Orchesters: IV. Gitarre, Piccolo, Sax & Co - Kleine Geschichte eines großen Orchesters: V. Schlagzeug, Piccolo, Sax & Co - Kleine Geschichte eines großen Orchesters: VI. Blechbläser, Piccolo, Sax & Co - Kleine Geschichte eines großen Orchesters: VII. Konzertflügel, Piccolo, Sax & Co - Kleine Geschichte eines großen Orchesters: VIII. Finale, Piccolo, Sax & Co auf Weltreise: I. Einleitung - Schottland, Piccolo, Sax & Co auf Weltreise: II. Brasilien, Piccolo, Sax & Co auf Weltreise: III. Hawai, Piccolo, Sax & Co auf Weltreise: IV. Java, Piccolo, Sax & Co auf Weltreise: V. Russland, Piccolo, Sax & Co auf Weltreise: VI. Ungarn, Piccolo, Sax & Co auf Weltreise: VII. Italien, Piccolo, Sax & Co auf Weltreise: VIII. Spanien, Piccolo, Saxo et Compagnie: Batterie - Percussions, Piccolo, Saxo et Compagnie: Bois, Piccolo, Saxo et Compagnie: Cordes, Piccolo, Saxo et Compagnie: Cuivres, Piccolo, Saxo et Compagnie: Final, Piccolo, Saxo et Compagnie: Guitare, Piccolo, Saxo et Compagnie: Piano, Piccolo, Saxo et Compagnie: Saxophones
Gerald Myles
Le Carnaval des animaux: I. Introduction et marche royale du lion, Le Carnaval des animaux: II. Poules et coqs, Le Carnaval des animaux: III. Hèmiones, Le Carnaval des animaux: IV. Tortues, Le Carnaval des animaux: IX. Le Coucou au fond des bois, Le Carnaval des animaux: V. L'Éléphant, Le Carnaval des animaux: VI. Kangourous, Le Carnaval des animaux: VII. Aquarium, Le Carnaval des animaux: X. Volière, Le Carnaval des animaux: XI. Pianistes, Le Carnaval des animaux: XII. Fossiles, Le Carnaval des animaux: XIII. Le Cygne, Le Carnaval des animaux: XIV. Finale
Last Breath For An Addict
Peter and the Wolf, op. 40