Paul Lustig Dunkel

flute, conductor

Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Philip Glass
Wayne Shorter (US jazz saxophonist and composer)
Michel Warlop conductor La Destinée du petit marin, La Roustalamagna
Nagel (french recording engineer) recording La Destinée du petit marin, La Roustalamagna
O'dett vocal La Destinée du petit marin, La Roustalamagna

Collaborators on this artist's recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Michel Warlop conductor La Destinée du petit marin, La Roustalamagna
Nagel (french recording engineer) recording La Destinée du petit marin, La Roustalamagna
O'dett vocal La Destinée du petit marin, La Roustalamagna

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Philip Glass flute "Changing Opinion" from "Songs From Liquid Days", Changing Opinion, In the Upper Room: Dance I, In the Upper Room: Dance II, In the Upper Room: Dance IX, In the Upper Room: Dance V, In the Upper Room: Dance VIII
Wayne Shorter flute Orbits, Serenata, Vendiendo Alegría