Patrick Doyle

conductor, piano, instrument arranger, strings

Sample recordings


Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
James Shearman conductor Another Year Ends, Bagarre Dans La Fôret, Battle for Varden, Be My Uncle, Black Arrival, Bonjour Marie, Bored to Sobs, Bright Eyes Escapes, Brom's Story, Buck Is Released, Burning Farm, Caesar Protects Charles, Caesar and Buck, Caesar's Stand, Caesar’s Home, Carpe Diem, Charles Slips Away, Cobblers, Cookies, Cornfield Jungle, Coronation, Death of Cedric, Death of Vortgyn, Des Étoiles Dans Ma Tête, Died in Childbirth, Dodge Hoses Caesar, Durza, Eragon, Escape From Capri, Excalibur, Fabulous News, Finding the Money, Fireside Chat, Foreign Language, Foreign Visitors Arrive, Fortune Teller, Frank Dies, Gen-Sys Freedom, Golden Egg, Golden Gate Bridge, Good Luck, Goodbye Swaziland, Goodnight Kid, Gosford Park, Goths Seize Rome, Hadrian's Wall, Harry Dies, Harry Sees Dragons, Harry in Winter, Hogwarts’ Hymn, Hogwarts’ March, Hub Meets Jasmine, Hub Rescues Jasmine, I Must Meet This Man, I Was Lying, If You Were Flying, Independence, Inhaling the Virus, Inspector Thompson, Itch Twitch, Journey to Britannia, L'Intervention d'Angélique, La Bataille de Quebec, La Berceuse de Marie-Loup, La Fin de L'Histoire, La Lettre, Lauren Leaves, Le Bal (Gavotte et Menouet), Le Destin de Marie-Loup, Le Départ de France, Legend of Eragon, Les Hommes de Bigot, Les Retrouvailles, Life Goes On, Lion Hunt, Lofty Swing, Love Jam, Maillard et Marie-Loup, Main Titles, Maybe You Don't, Milo Tindle, Monica, Months to Live, Mr. Parks, Muir Woods, Nestor's Betrayal, Neville’s Waltz, Ngatsi Ngisahamba, Nice to Meet You, No More War, No Smoke Without Fire, Nouvelle France n'est Plus, Off You Go, One Set All, Ouverture, Passing the Flame, Please Forgive Me, Potter Waltz, Pull Yourself Together, Ra'zac, Rat in a Trap, Rather a Pasting, Rita Skeeter, Rocket Attacks Caesar, Roran Leaves, Sacred Pentangle, Saphira Returns, Saphira's First Flight, Scherzo in G, Secondhand Arrival, Secret Sword, Secrets to Hide, She Was a Real Lion, Sheik Swordfight, Sirius Fire, Sleuth, Stan Lies to Walter, Stealing the 112, Swaziland, Sword Play Romance, The Apes Attack, The Assassins, The Battle of Hadrian's Wall, The Beginning, The Black Lake, The Bridge, The Dark Mark, The Goblet of Fire, The Key, The Ladder, The Maze, The Plunger, The Primate Facility, The Quidditch World Cup, The Shirt, The Shooting, The Story Continues, The Trunk, The Visitor, Together, Train Away, Underwater Secrets, Visiting Time, Voldemort, Wah-Wah, Waking Hub, Walking to Shoot, Walter Comes Home, Walter Leaves, Walter Runs Away, Who Am I?, Who Killed Them?, Wrong Answer, You're Now You, Your Boy's Alive, Zoo Breakout, ‘Caesing’ the Knife
David Snell (British harpist and conductor) conductor A Perilous Direction, A Risk Worth Taking, A Star Danced, Alone, Angel Wings, Art & The Minister, Benedick the Married Man, Breakfast, Brian's Deed, Children Running, Choose Your Revenge, Christina Elisa Waltz, Compassion, Contempt Farewell, Crewe and the Soldier, Death of Justine / Sea of Ice, Did I Not Tell You, Die to Live, Elizabeth, Emilia Elopes, End Titles, Even If You Die, Evil Stitched to Evil, False Hope, For the Princess, Friendless, Gaunt's Web, Go Upstairs, God Forgive Me, He Was My Father, Hero Revealed, Hero’s Wedding, I Am a Princess, I Won't If You Won't, It Must Be Requited, Just Blow Them Away, Just Make Believe, Kindle My Heart, Knowing You By Heart, Letter to Papa, Midnight Tiptoe, More Deeds, Needful Things, Nettie Finds Her Dog, Overture, Papa!, Pardon Goddess of the Night, Please Wait, Racing Towards Apple Throwing Time, Ramayana: A Morning Raga, Rich She Shall Be, She's Beautiful, Sigh No More Ladies, Strike Up Pipers, Take Her Back Again, The Arrival, The Attic, The Conspirators, The Creation, The Devil's Here, The Escape, The Goodbye, The Gulling of Beatrice, The Gulling of Benedick, The Honeymoon, The Journal, The Lady Is Disloyal, The Locket Hunt, The Masked Ball, The Miss Minchin School For Girls, The Picnic, The Prince Woos Hero, The Reunion, The Shawl, The Sweetest Lady, The Trenches, The Turning Point, The Wedding Night, There's an Answer, They Broke The Law, To My Good Friend Brian, To Think of a Story, Touched by an Angel, Tyger Tyger, Victor Begins, What's Out There?, William!, Yes I Speak, You Have Killed a Sweet Lady
London Symphony Orchestra performing orchestra Another Year Ends, Battle for Varden, Black Arrival, Brom's Story, Burning Farm, Cobblers, Coronation, Death of Cedric, Death of Vortgyn, Durza, Eragon, Escape From Capri, Excalibur, Fabulous News, Foreign Visitors Arrive, Fortune Teller, Frank Dies, Golden Egg, Goodbye Swaziland, Goths Seize Rome, Hadrian's Wall, Harry Dies, Harry Sees Dragons, Harry in Winter, Hogwarts’ Hymn, Hogwarts’ March, I Was Lying, If You Were Flying, Independence, Itch Twitch, Journey to Britannia, Lauren Leaves, Legend of Eragon, Milo Tindle, Monica, Months to Live, Nestor's Betrayal, Neville’s Waltz, Ngatsi Ngisahamba, No More War, One Set All, Passing the Flame, Please Forgive Me, Potter Waltz, Ra'zac, Rat in a Trap, Rita Skeeter, Roran Leaves, Sacred Pentangle, Saphira Returns, Saphira's First Flight, Secret Sword, Sirius Fire, Sleuth, Swaziland, Sword Play Romance, The Battle of Hadrian's Wall, The Black Lake, The Bridge, The Dark Mark, The Goblet of Fire, The Key, The Ladder, The Maze, The Quidditch World Cup, The Shooting, The Story Continues, The Visitor, Together, Train Away, Underwater Secrets, Voldemort, Wah-Wah, Who Killed Them?, Wrong Answer, You're Now You
Robert Ziegler (conductor) conductor 'A foolish pranting knave', 'Alas poor Yorick', 'All that lives must die', 'And will 'a not come again?', 'Give me up the truth', 'Give me your pardon sir', 'Go bid the soldiers shoot', 'Goodnight, sweet prince', 'I loved you once', 'If once a widow', 'My thoughts be bloody', 'Now could I drink hot blood!', 'Oh heavy deed', 'Oh here they come', 'Oh, what a noble mind', 'Out out thou strumpet fortune', 'Part them they are incensed', 'Sweets to the sweet - farewell', 'The doors are broke', 'To be or not to be', 'To thine own self be true', 'What a piece of work is a man', 'What players are they', A Particular Sum, All the Better for Her, All the Delights of the Season, Combe Magna, Devonshire, Excellent Notion, Fanfare, Felicity, Grant Me an Interview, Hamlet (I Loved You Once), In Pace (feat. Plácido Domingo), Leaving London, Miss Grey, My Father's Favourite from Sense & Sensibility, Not a Beau for Miles, Patience, Preying Penniless Woman, Sense and Sensibility: My Father’s Favourite, Steam Engine, The Dreame, The Ghost, There Is Nothing Lost, Throw the Coins, To Die for Love, Weep You No More Sad Fountains, Willoughby
William Kraft conductor A Walk Down Death Row, Birth & Revolution, Camille's Journey, Carlito and Gail, Carlito's Way, Dead Again, Eliane Finds Camille, End of the Journey, Fate Happens/Death of a Mad Son, Final Request, Grand Central, Hightower House, I No Longer Have a Past, I'm Not Roman, Indochine, Inga's Secrets, Isle of the Dragon, It Never Rains in LA, Laline, Remember Me, Tango, The Adoption, The Buoy, The Burning Boat, The Cafe, The Coffin, The Decision, The Door Is Closed, The Elevator, The Escape, The Exodus, The First Rendezvous, The Headlines, The Last Rumba, The Road to China, The Thunderstorm, The Woman With No Name, There's an Angle Here, Two Halves of the Same Person, Vietnamese Mothers, We're Two People, Where's My Cheescake?, Winter 1948, You're Over, Man, Yvette's Waltz

Collaborators on this artist's recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
James Shearman conductor Another Year Ends, Bagarre Dans La Fôret, Battle for Varden, Be My Uncle, Black Arrival, Bonjour Marie, Bored to Sobs, Bright Eyes Escapes, Brom's Story, Buck Is Released, Burning Farm, Caesar Protects Charles, Caesar and Buck, Caesar's Stand, Caesar’s Home, Carpe Diem, Charles Slips Away, Cobblers, Cookies, Cornfield Jungle, Coronation, Death of Cedric, Death of Vortgyn, Des Étoiles Dans Ma Tête, Died in Childbirth, Dodge Hoses Caesar, Durza, Eragon, Escape From Capri, Excalibur, Fabulous News, Finding the Money, Fireside Chat, Foreign Language, Foreign Visitors Arrive, Fortune Teller, Frank Dies, Gen-Sys Freedom, Golden Egg, Golden Gate Bridge, Good Luck, Goodbye Swaziland, Goodnight Kid, Gosford Park, Goths Seize Rome, Hadrian's Wall, Harry Dies, Harry Sees Dragons, Harry in Winter, Hogwarts’ Hymn, Hogwarts’ March, Hub Meets Jasmine, Hub Rescues Jasmine, I Must Meet This Man, I Was Lying, If You Were Flying, Independence, Inhaling the Virus, Inspector Thompson, Itch Twitch, Journey to Britannia, L'Intervention d'Angélique, La Bataille de Quebec, La Berceuse de Marie-Loup, La Fin de L'Histoire, La Lettre, Lauren Leaves, Le Bal (Gavotte et Menouet), Le Destin de Marie-Loup, Le Départ de France, Legend of Eragon, Les Hommes de Bigot, Les Retrouvailles, Life Goes On, Lion Hunt, Lofty Swing, Love Jam, Maillard et Marie-Loup, Main Titles, Maybe You Don't, Milo Tindle, Monica, Months to Live, Mr. Parks, Muir Woods, Nestor's Betrayal, Neville’s Waltz, Ngatsi Ngisahamba, Nice to Meet You, No More War, No Smoke Without Fire, Nouvelle France n'est Plus, Off You Go, One Set All, Ouverture, Passing the Flame, Please Forgive Me, Potter Waltz, Pull Yourself Together, Ra'zac, Rat in a Trap, Rather a Pasting, Rita Skeeter, Rocket Attacks Caesar, Roran Leaves, Sacred Pentangle, Saphira Returns, Saphira's First Flight, Scherzo in G, Secondhand Arrival, Secret Sword, Secrets to Hide, She Was a Real Lion, Sheik Swordfight, Sirius Fire, Sleuth, Stan Lies to Walter, Stealing the 112, Swaziland, Sword Play Romance, The Apes Attack, The Assassins, The Battle of Hadrian's Wall, The Beginning, The Black Lake, The Bridge, The Dark Mark, The Goblet of Fire, The Key, The Ladder, The Maze, The Plunger, The Primate Facility, The Quidditch World Cup, The Shirt, The Shooting, The Story Continues, The Trunk, The Visitor, Together, Train Away, Underwater Secrets, Visiting Time, Voldemort, Wah-Wah, Waking Hub, Walking to Shoot, Walter Comes Home, Walter Leaves, Walter Runs Away, Who Am I?, Who Killed Them?, Wrong Answer, You're Now You, Your Boy's Alive, Zoo Breakout, ‘Caesing’ the Knife
David Snell (British harpist and conductor) conductor A Perilous Direction, A Risk Worth Taking, A Star Danced, Alone, Angel Wings, Art & The Minister, Benedick the Married Man, Breakfast, Brian's Deed, Children Running, Choose Your Revenge, Christina Elisa Waltz, Compassion, Contempt Farewell, Crewe and the Soldier, Death of Justine / Sea of Ice, Did I Not Tell You, Die to Live, Elizabeth, Emilia Elopes, End Titles, Even If You Die, Evil Stitched to Evil, False Hope, For the Princess, Friendless, Gaunt's Web, Go Upstairs, God Forgive Me, He Was My Father, Hero Revealed, Hero’s Wedding, I Am a Princess, I Won't If You Won't, It Must Be Requited, Just Blow Them Away, Just Make Believe, Kindle My Heart, Knowing You By Heart, Letter to Papa, Midnight Tiptoe, More Deeds, Needful Things, Nettie Finds Her Dog, Overture, Papa!, Pardon Goddess of the Night, Please Wait, Racing Towards Apple Throwing Time, Ramayana: A Morning Raga, Rich She Shall Be, She's Beautiful, Sigh No More Ladies, Strike Up Pipers, Take Her Back Again, The Arrival, The Attic, The Conspirators, The Creation, The Devil's Here, The Escape, The Goodbye, The Gulling of Beatrice, The Gulling of Benedick, The Honeymoon, The Journal, The Lady Is Disloyal, The Locket Hunt, The Masked Ball, The Miss Minchin School For Girls, The Picnic, The Prince Woos Hero, The Reunion, The Shawl, The Sweetest Lady, The Trenches, The Turning Point, The Wedding Night, There's an Answer, They Broke The Law, To My Good Friend Brian, To Think of a Story, Touched by an Angel, Tyger Tyger, Victor Begins, What's Out There?, William!, Yes I Speak, You Have Killed a Sweet Lady
London Symphony Orchestra performing orchestra Another Year Ends, Battle for Varden, Black Arrival, Brom's Story, Burning Farm, Cobblers, Coronation, Death of Cedric, Death of Vortgyn, Durza, Eragon, Escape From Capri, Excalibur, Fabulous News, Foreign Visitors Arrive, Fortune Teller, Frank Dies, Golden Egg, Goodbye Swaziland, Goths Seize Rome, Hadrian's Wall, Harry Dies, Harry Sees Dragons, Harry in Winter, Hogwarts’ Hymn, Hogwarts’ March, I Was Lying, If You Were Flying, Independence, Itch Twitch, Journey to Britannia, Lauren Leaves, Legend of Eragon, Milo Tindle, Monica, Months to Live, Nestor's Betrayal, Neville’s Waltz, Ngatsi Ngisahamba, No More War, One Set All, Passing the Flame, Please Forgive Me, Potter Waltz, Ra'zac, Rat in a Trap, Rita Skeeter, Roran Leaves, Sacred Pentangle, Saphira Returns, Saphira's First Flight, Secret Sword, Sirius Fire, Sleuth, Swaziland, Sword Play Romance, The Battle of Hadrian's Wall, The Black Lake, The Bridge, The Dark Mark, The Goblet of Fire, The Key, The Ladder, The Maze, The Quidditch World Cup, The Shooting, The Story Continues, The Visitor, Together, Train Away, Underwater Secrets, Voldemort, Wah-Wah, Who Killed Them?, Wrong Answer, You're Now You
Robert Ziegler (conductor) conductor 'A foolish pranting knave', 'Alas poor Yorick', 'All that lives must die', 'And will 'a not come again?', 'Give me up the truth', 'Give me your pardon sir', 'Go bid the soldiers shoot', 'Goodnight, sweet prince', 'I loved you once', 'If once a widow', 'My thoughts be bloody', 'Now could I drink hot blood!', 'Oh heavy deed', 'Oh here they come', 'Oh, what a noble mind', 'Out out thou strumpet fortune', 'Part them they are incensed', 'Sweets to the sweet - farewell', 'The doors are broke', 'To be or not to be', 'To thine own self be true', 'What a piece of work is a man', 'What players are they', A Particular Sum, All the Better for Her, All the Delights of the Season, Combe Magna, Devonshire, Excellent Notion, Fanfare, Felicity, Grant Me an Interview, Hamlet (I Loved You Once), In Pace (feat. Plácido Domingo), Leaving London, Miss Grey, My Father's Favourite from Sense & Sensibility, Not a Beau for Miles, Patience, Preying Penniless Woman, Sense and Sensibility: My Father’s Favourite, Steam Engine, The Dreame, The Ghost, There Is Nothing Lost, Throw the Coins, To Die for Love, Weep You No More Sad Fountains, Willoughby
William Kraft conductor A Walk Down Death Row, Birth & Revolution, Camille's Journey, Carlito and Gail, Carlito's Way, Dead Again, Eliane Finds Camille, End of the Journey, Fate Happens/Death of a Mad Son, Final Request, Grand Central, Hightower House, I No Longer Have a Past, I'm Not Roman, Indochine, Inga's Secrets, Isle of the Dragon, It Never Rains in LA, Laline, Remember Me, Tango, The Adoption, The Buoy, The Burning Boat, The Cafe, The Coffin, The Decision, The Door Is Closed, The Elevator, The Escape, The Exodus, The First Rendezvous, The Headlines, The Last Rumba, The Road to China, The Thunderstorm, The Woman With No Name, There's an Angle Here, Two Halves of the Same Person, Vietnamese Mothers, We're Two People, Where's My Cheescake?, Winter 1948, You're Over, Man, Yvette's Waltz
Symfonický orchester Slovenského rozhlasu (Slovak Radio Symphony Orchestra) performing orchestra Be My Uncle, Cornfield Jungle, Died in Childbirth, Finding the Money, Fireside Chat, Foreign Language, Goodnight Kid, Hub Meets Jasmine, Hub Rescues Jasmine, I Must Meet This Man, Lion Hunt, Main Titles, Maybe You Don't, Nice to Meet You, Secondhand Arrival, She Was a Real Lion, Sheik Swordfight, Stan Lies to Walter, The Assassins, The Plunger, The Trunk, Waking Hub, Walter Comes Home, Walter Leaves, Walter Runs Away
Paul Hulme engineer A Perilous Direction, A Risk Worth Taking, Death of Justine / Sea of Ice, Elizabeth, Even If You Die, Evil Stitched to Evil, Friendless, God Forgive Me, He Was My Father, I Won't If You Won't, Please Wait, She's Beautiful, The Creation, The Escape, The Honeymoon, The Journal, The Reunion, The Wedding Night, There's an Answer, To Think of a Story, Victor Begins, What's Out There?, William!, Yes I Speak
Hollywood Studio Symphony performing orchestra Bright Eyes Escapes, Buck Is Released, Caesar Protects Charles, Caesar and Buck, Caesar's Stand, Caesar’s Home, Charles Slips Away, Cookies, Dodge Hoses Caesar, Gen-Sys Freedom, Golden Gate Bridge, Inhaling the Virus, Lofty Swing, Muir Woods, Off You Go, Rocket Attacks Caesar, Stealing the 112, The Apes Attack, The Beginning, The Primate Facility, Visiting Time, Who Am I?, Zoo Breakout, ‘Caesing’ the Knife
City of Prague Philharmonic Orchestra performing orchestra Another Year Ends, Harry in Winter, Henry V: Non Nobis Domine, Neville's Waltz, Quidditch World Cup / The Foreigners Arrive, The Black Lake, The Golden Egg, The Hogwarts Hymn, The Hogwarts March, The Potter Waltz
Nic Raine conductor Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire: Harry in Winter, Henry V - Much Ado About Nothing, Sinn und Sinnlichkeit
Orchester Robert Ziegler performing orchestra Hamlet (I Loved You Once), Sense and Sensibility: My Father’s Favourite, Throw the Coins
Jane Eaglen (soprano) vocal The Dreame, Weep You No More Sad Fountains
Klassik Radio Pops (The orchestra of the radio station "Klassik Radio") performing orchestra Henry V - Much Ado About Nothing, Sinn und Sinnlichkeit
James Fitzpatrick conductor Neville's Waltz, The Golden Egg
Paul Bateman conductor Hamlet: Sweets To The Sweet Farewell, Henry V: Non Nobis Domine
Abigail Doyle vocal Kindle My Heart, Underwater Secrets
David Temple chorus master Henry V: Non Nobis Domine
Kate Winslet vocal The Face in the Lake
Orchestra of St. Luke’s performing orchestra The Face in the Lake
Crouch End Festival Chorus vocal Henry V: Non Nobis Domine
Catherine Hopper vocal On Anothers Sorrow
Steven Mercurio conductor The Face in the Lake
Maggie Rodford producer In Her Heart
Tony Hymas piano Sense and Sensibility: My Father’s Favourite
Liesel Matthews vocal The Goodbye

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Jarvis Cocker instrument arranger Magic Works