Jonas Hellborg

producer, bass, engineer, drums, mix, keyboard, bass guitar, programming, acoustic guitar

Sample recordings


Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Oz Fritz recording Ahimsa, Black Market, Blues for LW, Deaf to Persuasion, Deep Pig, Iron Dog, Low, Purple Mind, Roman, The Silent Life, Verbal Sin, Wounded Knee, You Have to Die to Live
Julian Camarena
Jason Corsaro mix Akasha, Be! And All Became, Black Rite, Cherokee Mist, Miklagaard, Path Over Clouds, Poets, Saut-e Sarmad, Two Rivers, Zat
Deadline (dub/new jazz project)
Paris 1942

Collaborators on this artist's recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Oz Fritz recording Ahimsa, Black Market, Blues for LW, Deaf to Persuasion, Deep Pig, Iron Dog, Low, Purple Mind, Roman, The Silent Life, Verbal Sin, Wounded Knee, You Have to Die to Live
Jason Corsaro mix Akasha, Be! And All Became, Black Rite, Cherokee Mist, Miklagaard, Path Over Clouds, Poets, Saut-e Sarmad, Two Rivers, Zat
Jan Hultén recording A Cubist Bass Supreme, Black Orpheus, Blues for Yaho, It's the Pits, Some Things, Thank You Kate, You Know You Know, x 1
Bernie Worrell Hammond organ, flute, keyboard Choui, Moon, Movers And Shakers, No Place To Go, Shine, Zakir
Tim Hunt (engineer) mix Brightness, Kali's Son, Kalighat, Plastic Puja, Shri Shri Vikkuji, War Games
Scud Noonan mix Akkadia, Aram of Damascus, Aram of Zoba, Salah al Din, Sham, Suriya
Ginger Baker drums Choui, Moon, Movers And Shakers, No Place To Go, Shine, Zakir
Danny Gottlieb cymbals, drums Jaco, You Want Me
Robert Blennerhed guitar, keyboard Jaco, Moby Dick
Cindy Shrieve vocal What Can I Say
Mitchel Forman piano Definer of Out
Bernard Fowler vocal What Can I Say
Anyca Hagberg vocal Money Talk
La La vocal Tomorrow

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Julian Camarena producer, programming, bass, drums, keyboard Adfa, Berlin, Body Talk, Major Minor Movement, New York Fall, Sandman, Signs, Spinal, Sweet Tooth, Tap, Why Does It Happen? Part 1, Why Does It Happen? Part 2
Deadline producer, bass Baliphone Dub, Black Swans, Broken Edge, Gammatron, Heart Of Darkness, Refrain, The Stone That Speaks, Who's Who, World Disorder
Paris 1942 producer 1st Movement, 2nd Movement, Hell Is Other People, Heretics, Personae, Rag B/B, Rice With the Angels, Time Is the Enemy
Tarvo Kaspar Toome producer Abstract Logic, Layla Attar, Pluie de Etincelles, Put the Shoe on the Other Foot, Rice With the Angels, Serpents and Pigs, Throwing Elephant and Wrestling
Vineyard Brasil producer Age of the Ladies, Bhakti Ras, Leal Souvenir, Savitri, Uma Haimavati, Who Would You Like to Be?
Basim Alansar producer Child King, Death That Sleeps in Them, Kidogo, Rana and Fara, The Past Is a Different Country, I Don't Live There Anymore
Alonzo & Fas 3 producer Anchor, Escape, Mirror, Vehicle
Jens Johansson producer, bass, drums A Mote in God’s Eye, In Transit, Megiddo, Semaphores
Trilok Gurtu bass guitar Shobharock