Freddie Wall
Top collaborators
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The Sixteen
performing orchestra, vocal
A Babe Is Born, A Gallery Carol, A Hymn to the Virgin, A Spotless Rose, A Wedding Anthem, Acrostic Song from 'Final Alice', Ad Dominum cum tribularer, Adam lay ybounden, Advance Democracy, Agnus Dei, Agnus Dei (arrangement of Adagio for Strings, op. 11), And He shall purify, And all the stars looked down, Antiphon, Audivi vocem de caelo, Ave Maria, Ave Regina caelorum a 5, Ave Regina caelorum a 8, Ave verum corpus, Balulalow, Benedicamus Domino, Bethlehem Down, Cantata No. 147: Chorale - Jesus bleibet meine Freude, Cantata No. 147: Chorale - Wohl mir, dass ich Jesum habe, Cantata No. 147: Chorus - Herz und Mund und Tat und Leben, Cantata No. 34: Chorus - Friede über Israel, Cantata No. 34: Chorus - O ewiges Feuer, o Ursprung der Liebe, Cantata No. 50: Nun ist das Heil und die Kraft, Cantate pour le 1er Août, Chansons: Janeton, Chansons: Le coucou, Chansons: Le petit village, Chansons: Ode, Chansons: Petite église, Chansons: Si Charlotte avait voulu, Chansons: Sonnet, Children's Song of the Nativity, Choruses from 'The Lark': Benedictus, Choruses from 'The Lark': Court Song, Choruses from 'The Lark': Gloria, Choruses from 'The Lark': Prelude, Choruses from 'The Lark': Requiem, Choruses from 'The Lark': Sanctus, Choruses from 'The Lark': Soldier's Song, Choruses from 'The Lark': Spring Song, Christe qui lux es et dies, Christe qui lux es et dies IV, Christmas Eve, Corpus Christi, Coventry Carol, Crucifixus, De Profundis, Der Geist hilft unser Schwachheit auf, BWV 226, Der Geist hilft unser Schwachheit auf, BWV 226 (2), Der Geist hilft unser Schwachheit auf, BWV 226 (3), Diliges Dominum, Dutch Carol, Emendemus in melius, Eonia, Exhortation, Filiae Hierusalem Venite, Four Motets: I. Help us, O Lord, Four Motets: II. Thou, O Jehovah, abideth forever, Four Motets: III. Have mercy on us, O my Lord, Four Motets: IV. Sing ye praises to our King, Fürchte dich nicht, BWV 228, Haec Dies Quam Fecit Dominus, Hodie nobis coelorum rex, Hymn to the Mother of God, Ikon of Light: Movement 1 FOS I, DOXA, Ikon of Light: Movement 2 piu intensita, Ikon of Light: Movement 3 TRISAGION I, Ikon of Light: Movement 4a MYSTIC PRAYER TO THE HOLY SPIRIT, Ikon of Light: Movement 4b, Ikon of Light: Movement 4c, Ikon of Light: Movement 4d, Ikon of Light: Movement 4e, Ikon of Light: Movement 5 TRISAGION II, Ikon of Light: Movement 6 FOS II, Ikon of Light: Movement 7 EPIPHANIA, In Manus Tuas Domine, In Pace In Idipsum, Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring, BWV 147, Jesu, meine Freude, BWV 227, Jesu, meine Freude, BWV 227 (10), Jesu, meine Freude, BWV 227 (11), Jesu, meine Freude, BWV 227 (2), Jesu, meine Freude, BWV 227 (3), Jesu, meine Freude, BWV 227 (4), Jesu, meine Freude, BWV 227 (5), Jesu, meine Freude, BWV 227 (6), Jesu, meine Freude, BWV 227 (7), Jesu, meine Freude, BWV 227 (8), Jesu, meine Freude, BWV 227 (9), Justi In Perpetuum Vivent, Komm, Jesu, komm!, BWV 229, Komm, Jesu, komm!, BWV 229 (2), Laetentur coeli, Lamentations a 5, Laudem Dicite Deo, Libera Nos, Salva Nos, Lobet den Herrn alle Heiden, BWV 230, Lobet den Herrn alle Heiden, BWV 230 (2), Locus iste, Lullabye for Lucy, Magnificat a 4 "Nesciens mater", Make We Joy Now in This Fest, Mass "Euge bone": Agnus Dei, Mass for Double Choir: Agnus Dei, Mass for Double Choir: Benedictus, Mass for Double Choir: Credo, Mass for Double Choir: Gloria, Mass for Double Choir: Kyrie eleison, Mass for Double Choir: Sanctus, Mater Christi Sanctissima, Miserere, Miserere mei, Deus, Miserere mihi, Domine, Misrere nostri, Missa Mater Christi Sanctissima: Agnus Dei, Missa Mater Christi Sanctissima: Benedictus, Missa Mater Christi Sanctissima: Credo, Missa Mater Christi Sanctissima: Gloria, Missa Mater Christi Sanctissima: Sanctus, Missa Papae Marcelli: Agnus Dei I & II, Missa Papae Marcelli: Kyrie, Missa Regina caeli: Agnus Dei, Missa Regina caeli: Credo, Missa Regina caeli: Gloria, Missa Regina caeli: Kyrie, Missa Regina caeli: Sanctus / Benedictus, Missa pro Defunctis à 8: Agnus Dei, Missa pro Defunctis à 8: Graduale, Missa pro Defunctis à 8: Introitus, Missa pro Defunctis à 8: Kyrie, Missa pro Defunctis à 8: Lux aeterna, Missa pro Defunctis à 8: Offertorium, Missa pro Defunctis à 8: Sanctus / Benedictus, Missa pro defunctis a 6: I. Introit, Missa pro defunctis a 6: II. Kyrie, Missa pro defunctis a 6: III. Gradual, Missa pro defunctis a 6: IV. Offertory, Missa pro defunctis a 6: IX. Responsory "Libera me", Missa pro defunctis a 6: V. Sanctus & Benedictus, Missa pro defunctis a 6: VI. Agnus Dei I, II, III, Missa pro defunctis a 6: VII. Communion, Missa pro defunctis a 6: VIII. Funeral motet "Versa est in luctum", My Lord has come, Nigra sum, Non mortui, Now may we singen, Nun ist das Heil und die Kraft, Nunc Dimittis, Nunc dimittis, O Magnum Mysterium: Carol "Alleluia, pro Virgine Maria", O Magnum Mysterium: Carol "Haylle, Comly and Clene", O Magnum Mysterium: Carol "O Magnum Mysterium", O Magnum Mysterium: Carol "O Magnum Mysterium" (3), O Magnum Mysterium: Carol: "O Magnum Mysterium" (2), O Weisheit, O bone Jesu, O little town of Bethlehem, O lux beata Trinitas, O magnum mysterium, O radiant dawn, Ode à la musique, Officium Hebdomadae Sanctae: O vos omnes, Paschal Kyrie, Pater peccavi, Peccavimus cum patribus nostris, Plainsong "Stabat mater", Quam pulchri sunt, Reges Tharsis Et Insulae, Reincarnations: I. Mary Hynes, Reincarnations: II. Anthony O'Daly, Reincarnations: III. The Coolin, Rejoice in the Lamb: For H is a spirit, Rejoice in the Lamb: For I am under the same accusation, Rejoice in the Lamb: For I will consider my Cat Jeoffry, Rejoice in the Lamb: For the Mouse is a creature, Rejoice in the Lamb: For the flowers are great blessings, Rejoice in the Lamb: Rejoice in God, O ye Tongues, Sacred and Profane: I. St Godric's Hymn, Sacred and Profane: II. I mon waxe wod, Sacred and Profane: III. Lenten is come, Sacred and Profane: IV. The long night, Sacred and Profane: V. Yif ic of luve can, Sacred and Profane: VI. Carol, Sacred and Profane: VII. Ye that pasen by, Sacred and Profane: VIII. A death, Salve Regina, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Antiphon (Chant): Angelicam vitam eligens, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Antiphon (Chant): Hodie beata Barbara virgo gloriosa, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Antiphon (Chant): In Dei orta sata, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Antiphon (Chant): In Sanctae Trinitatis, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Antiphon (Chant): Paterni oblita amoris, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Antiphon (Chant): Trinitatem venerata, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Antiphon substitute: Duo Seraphim clamabant, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Antiphon substitute: Nigra sum, sed formosa, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Antiphon substitute: Pulchra es, amica mea, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Blessing (Chant): Sit nomen Domini benedictum, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Chant: Deus in adiutorium meum intende, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Chant: Dominus vobiscum, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Chapter (Chant): Confitebor tibi Domine, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Hymn (Chant): Exultet celebres virginis, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Hymn: Ave maris stella, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Magnificat, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Motet: Gaude Barbara beata, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Psalm: Dixit Dominus Domino meo, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Psalm: Laetatus sum in his, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Psalm: Lauda Jerusalem, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Psalm: Laudate pueri Dominum, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Psalm: Nisi Dominus aedificaverit domum, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Response (Chant): Ora pro nobis, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Response/Collect (Chant): Angelus Domini nunciavit Mariae, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Sonata: Sancta Barbara, ora pro nobis, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Substitute for Marian Antiphon: Audi coelum verba mea, Sing Lullaby, Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied, BWV 225, Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied, BWV 225 (2), Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied, BWV 225 (3), Sitivit anima mea, Somerset Carol, Song of the Shepherds, Songs of Ariel: Before you can say, Songs of Ariel: Come unto these yellow sands, Songs of Ariel: Full fathom five, Songs of Ariel: Where the bee sucks, Songs of Ariel: You are three men of sin, Spiritus Sanctus Procedens, Taedet animam meam, Te Deum in C, The Ballad of Little Musgrave and Lady Barnard, The Christ-child, The Deer’s Cry, The Holy Boy, The Hour-Glass: I. O know to end as to begin, The Hour-Glass: II. Have you seen the white lily grow, The Hour-Glass: III. O do not wanton with those eyes, The Hour-Glass: IV. Against Jealousy, The Hour-Glass: V. Lament, The Hour-Glass: VI. The Hour-glass, The Lamb, The Saviour's work, The Shepherd's Carol, The Sycamore Tree, The Tiger, The Virgin's Cradle Song, The Woman with the Alabaster Box, There is a flower, This Day Day Dawes, This endris night, Today the Virgin, Tomorrow Shall Be My Dancing Day, Trahe me post te, Tribue, Domine, Tulerunt lapides, Two Hymns to the Mother of God: A Hymn to the Mother of God, Two Hymns to the Mother of God: Hymn for the Dormition of the Mother of God, Verbum Caro Factum Est, When Christ was born of Mary free, When Jesus went
Harry Christophers
chorus master, conductor
A Babe Is Born, A Gallery Carol, A Hymn to the Virgin, A Spotless Rose, A Wedding Anthem, Acrostic Song from 'Final Alice', Ad Dominum cum tribularer, Adam lay ybounden, Advance Democracy, Agnus Dei, Agnus Dei (arrangement of Adagio for Strings, op. 11), And He shall purify, And all the stars looked down, Antiphon, Audivi vocem de caelo, Ave Maria, Ave Regina caelorum a 5, Ave Regina caelorum a 8, Balulalow, Benedicamus Domino, Bethlehem Down, Cantata No. 147: Chorale - Jesus bleibet meine Freude, Cantata No. 147: Chorale - Wohl mir, dass ich Jesum habe, Cantata No. 147: Chorus - Herz und Mund und Tat und Leben, Cantata No. 34: Chorus - Friede über Israel, Cantata No. 34: Chorus - O ewiges Feuer, o Ursprung der Liebe, Cantata No. 50: Nun ist das Heil und die Kraft, Cantate pour le 1er Août, Chansons: Janeton, Chansons: Le coucou, Chansons: Le petit village, Chansons: Ode, Chansons: Petite église, Chansons: Si Charlotte avait voulu, Chansons: Sonnet, Children's Song of the Nativity, Choruses from 'The Lark': Benedictus, Choruses from 'The Lark': Court Song, Choruses from 'The Lark': Gloria, Choruses from 'The Lark': Prelude, Choruses from 'The Lark': Requiem, Choruses from 'The Lark': Sanctus, Choruses from 'The Lark': Soldier's Song, Choruses from 'The Lark': Spring Song, Christe qui lux es et dies, Christe qui lux es et dies IV, Christmas Eve, Corpus Christi, Coventry Carol, Crucifixus, De Profundis, Der Geist hilft unser Schwachheit auf, BWV 226, Der Geist hilft unser Schwachheit auf, BWV 226 (2), Der Geist hilft unser Schwachheit auf, BWV 226 (3), Diliges Dominum, Dutch Carol, Emendemus in melius, Eonia, Filiae Hierusalem Venite, Four Motets: I. Help us, O Lord, Four Motets: II. Thou, O Jehovah, abideth forever, Four Motets: III. Have mercy on us, O my Lord, Four Motets: IV. Sing ye praises to our King, Fürchte dich nicht, BWV 228, Haec Dies Quam Fecit Dominus, Hodie nobis coelorum rex, Hymn to the Mother of God, Ikon of Light: Movement 1 FOS I, DOXA, Ikon of Light: Movement 2 piu intensita, Ikon of Light: Movement 3 TRISAGION I, Ikon of Light: Movement 4a MYSTIC PRAYER TO THE HOLY SPIRIT, Ikon of Light: Movement 4b, Ikon of Light: Movement 4c, Ikon of Light: Movement 4d, Ikon of Light: Movement 4e, Ikon of Light: Movement 5 TRISAGION II, Ikon of Light: Movement 6 FOS II, Ikon of Light: Movement 7 EPIPHANIA, In Manus Tuas Domine, In Pace In Idipsum, Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring, BWV 147, Jesu, meine Freude, BWV 227, Jesu, meine Freude, BWV 227 (10), Jesu, meine Freude, BWV 227 (11), Jesu, meine Freude, BWV 227 (2), Jesu, meine Freude, BWV 227 (3), Jesu, meine Freude, BWV 227 (4), Jesu, meine Freude, BWV 227 (5), Jesu, meine Freude, BWV 227 (6), Jesu, meine Freude, BWV 227 (7), Jesu, meine Freude, BWV 227 (8), Jesu, meine Freude, BWV 227 (9), Justi In Perpetuum Vivent, Komm, Jesu, komm!, BWV 229, Komm, Jesu, komm!, BWV 229 (2), Laetentur coeli, Lamentations a 5, Laudem Dicite Deo, Libera Nos, Salva Nos, Lobet den Herrn alle Heiden, BWV 230, Lobet den Herrn alle Heiden, BWV 230 (2), Lullabye for Lucy, Magnificat a 4 "Nesciens mater", Make We Joy Now in This Fest, Mass "Euge bone": Agnus Dei, Mass for Double Choir: Agnus Dei, Mass for Double Choir: Benedictus, Mass for Double Choir: Credo, Mass for Double Choir: Gloria, Mass for Double Choir: Kyrie eleison, Mass for Double Choir: Sanctus, Mater Christi Sanctissima, Miserere, Miserere mei, Deus, Miserere mihi, Domine, Misrere nostri, Missa Mater Christi Sanctissima: Agnus Dei, Missa Mater Christi Sanctissima: Benedictus, Missa Mater Christi Sanctissima: Credo, Missa Mater Christi Sanctissima: Gloria, Missa Mater Christi Sanctissima: Sanctus, Missa Papae Marcelli: Agnus Dei I & II, Missa Papae Marcelli: Kyrie, Missa Regina caeli: Agnus Dei, Missa Regina caeli: Credo, Missa Regina caeli: Gloria, Missa Regina caeli: Kyrie, Missa Regina caeli: Sanctus / Benedictus, Missa pro Defunctis à 8: Agnus Dei, Missa pro Defunctis à 8: Graduale, Missa pro Defunctis à 8: Introitus, Missa pro Defunctis à 8: Kyrie, Missa pro Defunctis à 8: Lux aeterna, Missa pro Defunctis à 8: Offertorium, Missa pro Defunctis à 8: Sanctus / Benedictus, Missa pro defunctis a 6: I. Introit, Missa pro defunctis a 6: II. Kyrie, Missa pro defunctis a 6: III. Gradual, Missa pro defunctis a 6: IV. Offertory, Missa pro defunctis a 6: IX. Responsory "Libera me", Missa pro defunctis a 6: V. Sanctus & Benedictus, Missa pro defunctis a 6: VI. Agnus Dei I, II, III, Missa pro defunctis a 6: VII. Communion, Missa pro defunctis a 6: VIII. Funeral motet "Versa est in luctum", My Lord has come, Nigra sum, Non mortui, Now may we singen, Nun ist das Heil und die Kraft, Nunc Dimittis, Nunc dimittis, O Magnum Mysterium: Carol "Alleluia, pro Virgine Maria", O Magnum Mysterium: Carol "Haylle, Comly and Clene", O Magnum Mysterium: Carol "O Magnum Mysterium", O Magnum Mysterium: Carol "O Magnum Mysterium" (3), O Magnum Mysterium: Carol: "O Magnum Mysterium" (2), O Weisheit, O bone Jesu, O little town of Bethlehem, O lux beata Trinitas, O magnum mysterium, O radiant dawn, Ode à la musique, Officium Hebdomadae Sanctae: O vos omnes, Paschal Kyrie, Pater peccavi, Peccavimus cum patribus nostris, Plainsong "Stabat mater", Quam pulchri sunt, Reges Tharsis Et Insulae, Reincarnations: I. Mary Hynes, Reincarnations: II. Anthony O'Daly, Reincarnations: III. The Coolin, Rejoice in the Lamb: For H is a spirit, Rejoice in the Lamb: For I am under the same accusation, Rejoice in the Lamb: For I will consider my Cat Jeoffry, Rejoice in the Lamb: For the Mouse is a creature, Rejoice in the Lamb: For the flowers are great blessings, Rejoice in the Lamb: Rejoice in God, O ye Tongues, Sacred and Profane: I. St Godric's Hymn, Sacred and Profane: II. I mon waxe wod, Sacred and Profane: III. Lenten is come, Sacred and Profane: IV. The long night, Sacred and Profane: V. Yif ic of luve can, Sacred and Profane: VI. Carol, Sacred and Profane: VII. Ye that pasen by, Sacred and Profane: VIII. A death, Salve Regina, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Antiphon (Chant): Angelicam vitam eligens, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Antiphon (Chant): Hodie beata Barbara virgo gloriosa, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Antiphon (Chant): In Dei orta sata, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Antiphon (Chant): In Sanctae Trinitatis, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Antiphon (Chant): Paterni oblita amoris, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Antiphon (Chant): Trinitatem venerata, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Antiphon substitute: Duo Seraphim clamabant, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Antiphon substitute: Nigra sum, sed formosa, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Antiphon substitute: Pulchra es, amica mea, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Blessing (Chant): Sit nomen Domini benedictum, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Chant: Deus in adiutorium meum intende, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Chant: Dominus vobiscum, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Chapter (Chant): Confitebor tibi Domine, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Hymn (Chant): Exultet celebres virginis, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Hymn: Ave maris stella, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Magnificat, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Motet: Gaude Barbara beata, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Psalm: Dixit Dominus Domino meo, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Psalm: Laetatus sum in his, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Psalm: Lauda Jerusalem, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Psalm: Laudate pueri Dominum, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Psalm: Nisi Dominus aedificaverit domum, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Response (Chant): Ora pro nobis, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Response/Collect (Chant): Angelus Domini nunciavit Mariae, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Sonata: Sancta Barbara, ora pro nobis, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Substitute for Marian Antiphon: Audi coelum verba mea, Sing Lullaby, Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied, BWV 225, Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied, BWV 225 (2), Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied, BWV 225 (3), Sitivit anima mea, Somerset Carol, Song of the Shepherds, Songs of Ariel: Before you can say, Songs of Ariel: Come unto these yellow sands, Songs of Ariel: Full fathom five, Songs of Ariel: Where the bee sucks, Songs of Ariel: You are three men of sin, Spiritus Sanctus Procedens, Taedet animam meam, Te Deum in C, The Ballad of Little Musgrave and Lady Barnard, The Christ-child, The Deer’s Cry, The Holy Boy, The Hour-Glass: I. O know to end as to begin, The Hour-Glass: II. Have you seen the white lily grow, The Hour-Glass: III. O do not wanton with those eyes, The Hour-Glass: IV. Against Jealousy, The Hour-Glass: V. Lament, The Hour-Glass: VI. The Hour-glass, The Lamb, The Saviour's work, The Shepherd's Carol, The Sycamore Tree, The Tiger, The Virgin's Cradle Song, The Woman with the Alabaster Box, There is a flower, This Day Day Dawes, This endris night, Today the Virgin, Tomorrow Shall Be My Dancing Day, Trahe me post te, Tribue, Domine, Tulerunt lapides, Two Hymns to the Mother of God: A Hymn to the Mother of God, Two Hymns to the Mother of God: Hymn for the Dormition of the Mother of God, Verbum Caro Factum Est, When Christ was born of Mary free, When Jesus went
Mark Brown (early music singer, conductor, and producer)
Ave Maria, Ave Regina caelorum a 5, Ave Regina caelorum a 8, Christe qui lux es et dies IV, Filiae Hierusalem Venite, Haec Dies Quam Fecit Dominus, In Manus Tuas Domine, In Pace In Idipsum, Justi In Perpetuum Vivent, Lamentations a 5, Laudem Dicite Deo, Libera Nos, Salva Nos, Mass "Euge bone": Agnus Dei, Missa pro defunctis a 6: I. Introit, Missa pro defunctis a 6: II. Kyrie, Missa pro defunctis a 6: III. Gradual, Missa pro defunctis a 6: IV. Offertory, Missa pro defunctis a 6: IX. Responsory "Libera me", Missa pro defunctis a 6: V. Sanctus & Benedictus, Missa pro defunctis a 6: VI. Agnus Dei I, II, III, Missa pro defunctis a 6: VII. Communion, Missa pro defunctis a 6: VIII. Funeral motet "Versa est in luctum", Nigra sum, O bone Jesu, Paschal Kyrie, Peccavimus cum patribus nostris, Quam pulchri sunt, Reges Tharsis Et Insulae, Salve Regina, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Antiphon (Chant): Angelicam vitam eligens, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Antiphon (Chant): Hodie beata Barbara virgo gloriosa, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Antiphon (Chant): In Dei orta sata, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Antiphon (Chant): In Sanctae Trinitatis, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Antiphon (Chant): Paterni oblita amoris, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Antiphon (Chant): Trinitatem venerata, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Antiphon substitute: Duo Seraphim clamabant, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Antiphon substitute: Nigra sum, sed formosa, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Antiphon substitute: Pulchra es, amica mea, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Antiphon substitute: Sonata, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Blessing (Chant): Sit nomen Domini benedictum, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Chant: Deus in adiutorium meum intende, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Chant: Dominus vobiscum, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Chapter (Chant): Confitebor tibi Domine, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Hymn (Chant): Exultet celebres virginis, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Hymn: Ave maris stella, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Magnificat, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Motet: Gaude Barbara beata, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Psalm: Dixit Dominus Domino meo, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Psalm: Laetatus sum in his, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Psalm: Lauda Jerusalem, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Psalm: Laudate pueri Dominum, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Psalm: Nisi Dominus aedificaverit domum, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Response (Chant): Ora pro nobis, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Response/Collect (Chant): Angelus Domini nunciavit Mariae, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Sonata: Sancta Barbara, ora pro nobis, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Substitute for Marian Antiphon: Audi coelum verba mea, Spiritus Sanctus Procedens, Taedet animam meam, Trahe me post te, Verbum Caro Factum Est
Antony Howell (Engineer)
Filiae Hierusalem Venite, Haec Dies Quam Fecit Dominus, In Manus Tuas Domine, In Pace In Idipsum, Justi In Perpetuum Vivent, Laudem Dicite Deo, Libera Nos, Salva Nos, Paschal Kyrie, Reges Tharsis Et Insulae, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Antiphon (Chant): Angelicam vitam eligens, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Antiphon (Chant): Hodie beata Barbara virgo gloriosa, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Antiphon (Chant): In Dei orta sata, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Antiphon (Chant): In Sanctae Trinitatis, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Antiphon (Chant): Paterni oblita amoris, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Antiphon (Chant): Trinitatem venerata, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Antiphon substitute: Duo Seraphim clamabant, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Antiphon substitute: Nigra sum, sed formosa, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Antiphon substitute: Pulchra es, amica mea, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Antiphon substitute: Sonata, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Blessing (Chant): Sit nomen Domini benedictum, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Chant: Deus in adiutorium meum intende, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Chant: Dominus vobiscum, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Chapter (Chant): Confitebor tibi Domine, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Hymn (Chant): Exultet celebres virginis, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Hymn: Ave maris stella, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Magnificat, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Motet: Gaude Barbara beata, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Psalm: Dixit Dominus Domino meo, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Psalm: Laetatus sum in his, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Psalm: Lauda Jerusalem, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Psalm: Laudate pueri Dominum, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Psalm: Nisi Dominus aedificaverit domum, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Response (Chant): Ora pro nobis, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Response/Collect (Chant): Angelus Domini nunciavit Mariae, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Sonata: Sancta Barbara, ora pro nobis, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Substitute for Marian Antiphon: Audi coelum verba mea, Spiritus Sanctus Procedens, Verbum Caro Factum Est
Mike Hatch (engineer/editor)
Ave Maria, Ave Regina caelorum a 5, Ave Regina caelorum a 8, Christe qui lux es et dies IV, Lamentations a 5, Mass "Euge bone": Agnus Dei, Missa pro defunctis a 6: I. Introit, Missa pro defunctis a 6: II. Kyrie, Missa pro defunctis a 6: III. Gradual, Missa pro defunctis a 6: IV. Offertory, Missa pro defunctis a 6: IX. Responsory "Libera me", Missa pro defunctis a 6: V. Sanctus & Benedictus, Missa pro defunctis a 6: VI. Agnus Dei I, II, III, Missa pro defunctis a 6: VII. Communion, Missa pro defunctis a 6: VIII. Funeral motet "Versa est in luctum", Nigra sum, O bone Jesu, Peccavimus cum patribus nostris, Quam pulchri sunt, Salve Regina, Taedet animam meam, The Lamb, Trahe me post te
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The Sixteen
performing orchestra, vocal
A Babe Is Born, A Gallery Carol, A Hymn to the Virgin, A Spotless Rose, A Wedding Anthem, Acrostic Song from 'Final Alice', Ad Dominum cum tribularer, Adam lay ybounden, Advance Democracy, Agnus Dei, Agnus Dei (arrangement of Adagio for Strings, op. 11), And He shall purify, And all the stars looked down, Antiphon, Audivi vocem de caelo, Ave Maria, Ave Regina caelorum a 5, Ave Regina caelorum a 8, Ave verum corpus, Balulalow, Benedicamus Domino, Bethlehem Down, Cantata No. 147: Chorale - Jesus bleibet meine Freude, Cantata No. 147: Chorale - Wohl mir, dass ich Jesum habe, Cantata No. 147: Chorus - Herz und Mund und Tat und Leben, Cantata No. 34: Chorus - Friede über Israel, Cantata No. 34: Chorus - O ewiges Feuer, o Ursprung der Liebe, Cantata No. 50: Nun ist das Heil und die Kraft, Cantate pour le 1er Août, Chansons: Janeton, Chansons: Le coucou, Chansons: Le petit village, Chansons: Ode, Chansons: Petite église, Chansons: Si Charlotte avait voulu, Chansons: Sonnet, Children's Song of the Nativity, Choruses from 'The Lark': Benedictus, Choruses from 'The Lark': Court Song, Choruses from 'The Lark': Gloria, Choruses from 'The Lark': Prelude, Choruses from 'The Lark': Requiem, Choruses from 'The Lark': Sanctus, Choruses from 'The Lark': Soldier's Song, Choruses from 'The Lark': Spring Song, Christe qui lux es et dies, Christe qui lux es et dies IV, Christmas Eve, Corpus Christi, Coventry Carol, Crucifixus, De Profundis, Der Geist hilft unser Schwachheit auf, BWV 226, Der Geist hilft unser Schwachheit auf, BWV 226 (2), Der Geist hilft unser Schwachheit auf, BWV 226 (3), Diliges Dominum, Dutch Carol, Emendemus in melius, Eonia, Exhortation, Filiae Hierusalem Venite, Four Motets: I. Help us, O Lord, Four Motets: II. Thou, O Jehovah, abideth forever, Four Motets: III. Have mercy on us, O my Lord, Four Motets: IV. Sing ye praises to our King, Fürchte dich nicht, BWV 228, Haec Dies Quam Fecit Dominus, Hodie nobis coelorum rex, Hymn to the Mother of God, Ikon of Light: Movement 1 FOS I, DOXA, Ikon of Light: Movement 2 piu intensita, Ikon of Light: Movement 3 TRISAGION I, Ikon of Light: Movement 4a MYSTIC PRAYER TO THE HOLY SPIRIT, Ikon of Light: Movement 4b, Ikon of Light: Movement 4c, Ikon of Light: Movement 4d, Ikon of Light: Movement 4e, Ikon of Light: Movement 5 TRISAGION II, Ikon of Light: Movement 6 FOS II, Ikon of Light: Movement 7 EPIPHANIA, In Manus Tuas Domine, In Pace In Idipsum, Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring, BWV 147, Jesu, meine Freude, BWV 227, Jesu, meine Freude, BWV 227 (10), Jesu, meine Freude, BWV 227 (11), Jesu, meine Freude, BWV 227 (2), Jesu, meine Freude, BWV 227 (3), Jesu, meine Freude, BWV 227 (4), Jesu, meine Freude, BWV 227 (5), Jesu, meine Freude, BWV 227 (6), Jesu, meine Freude, BWV 227 (7), Jesu, meine Freude, BWV 227 (8), Jesu, meine Freude, BWV 227 (9), Justi In Perpetuum Vivent, Komm, Jesu, komm!, BWV 229, Komm, Jesu, komm!, BWV 229 (2), Laetentur coeli, Lamentations a 5, Laudem Dicite Deo, Libera Nos, Salva Nos, Lobet den Herrn alle Heiden, BWV 230, Lobet den Herrn alle Heiden, BWV 230 (2), Locus iste, Lullabye for Lucy, Magnificat a 4 "Nesciens mater", Make We Joy Now in This Fest, Mass "Euge bone": Agnus Dei, Mass for Double Choir: Agnus Dei, Mass for Double Choir: Benedictus, Mass for Double Choir: Credo, Mass for Double Choir: Gloria, Mass for Double Choir: Kyrie eleison, Mass for Double Choir: Sanctus, Mater Christi Sanctissima, Miserere, Miserere mei, Deus, Miserere mihi, Domine, Misrere nostri, Missa Mater Christi Sanctissima: Agnus Dei, Missa Mater Christi Sanctissima: Benedictus, Missa Mater Christi Sanctissima: Credo, Missa Mater Christi Sanctissima: Gloria, Missa Mater Christi Sanctissima: Sanctus, Missa Papae Marcelli: Agnus Dei I & II, Missa Papae Marcelli: Kyrie, Missa Regina caeli: Agnus Dei, Missa Regina caeli: Credo, Missa Regina caeli: Gloria, Missa Regina caeli: Kyrie, Missa Regina caeli: Sanctus / Benedictus, Missa pro Defunctis à 8: Agnus Dei, Missa pro Defunctis à 8: Graduale, Missa pro Defunctis à 8: Introitus, Missa pro Defunctis à 8: Kyrie, Missa pro Defunctis à 8: Lux aeterna, Missa pro Defunctis à 8: Offertorium, Missa pro Defunctis à 8: Sanctus / Benedictus, Missa pro defunctis a 6: I. Introit, Missa pro defunctis a 6: II. Kyrie, Missa pro defunctis a 6: III. Gradual, Missa pro defunctis a 6: IV. Offertory, Missa pro defunctis a 6: IX. Responsory "Libera me", Missa pro defunctis a 6: V. Sanctus & Benedictus, Missa pro defunctis a 6: VI. Agnus Dei I, II, III, Missa pro defunctis a 6: VII. Communion, Missa pro defunctis a 6: VIII. Funeral motet "Versa est in luctum", My Lord has come, Nigra sum, Non mortui, Now may we singen, Nun ist das Heil und die Kraft, Nunc Dimittis, Nunc dimittis, O Magnum Mysterium: Carol "Alleluia, pro Virgine Maria", O Magnum Mysterium: Carol "Haylle, Comly and Clene", O Magnum Mysterium: Carol "O Magnum Mysterium", O Magnum Mysterium: Carol "O Magnum Mysterium" (3), O Magnum Mysterium: Carol: "O Magnum Mysterium" (2), O Weisheit, O bone Jesu, O little town of Bethlehem, O lux beata Trinitas, O magnum mysterium, O radiant dawn, Ode à la musique, Officium Hebdomadae Sanctae: O vos omnes, Paschal Kyrie, Pater peccavi, Peccavimus cum patribus nostris, Plainsong "Stabat mater", Quam pulchri sunt, Reges Tharsis Et Insulae, Reincarnations: I. Mary Hynes, Reincarnations: II. Anthony O'Daly, Reincarnations: III. The Coolin, Rejoice in the Lamb: For H is a spirit, Rejoice in the Lamb: For I am under the same accusation, Rejoice in the Lamb: For I will consider my Cat Jeoffry, Rejoice in the Lamb: For the Mouse is a creature, Rejoice in the Lamb: For the flowers are great blessings, Rejoice in the Lamb: Rejoice in God, O ye Tongues, Sacred and Profane: I. St Godric's Hymn, Sacred and Profane: II. I mon waxe wod, Sacred and Profane: III. Lenten is come, Sacred and Profane: IV. The long night, Sacred and Profane: V. Yif ic of luve can, Sacred and Profane: VI. Carol, Sacred and Profane: VII. Ye that pasen by, Sacred and Profane: VIII. A death, Salve Regina, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Antiphon (Chant): Angelicam vitam eligens, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Antiphon (Chant): Hodie beata Barbara virgo gloriosa, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Antiphon (Chant): In Dei orta sata, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Antiphon (Chant): In Sanctae Trinitatis, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Antiphon (Chant): Paterni oblita amoris, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Antiphon (Chant): Trinitatem venerata, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Antiphon substitute: Duo Seraphim clamabant, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Antiphon substitute: Nigra sum, sed formosa, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Antiphon substitute: Pulchra es, amica mea, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Blessing (Chant): Sit nomen Domini benedictum, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Chant: Deus in adiutorium meum intende, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Chant: Dominus vobiscum, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Chapter (Chant): Confitebor tibi Domine, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Hymn (Chant): Exultet celebres virginis, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Hymn: Ave maris stella, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Magnificat, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Motet: Gaude Barbara beata, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Psalm: Dixit Dominus Domino meo, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Psalm: Laetatus sum in his, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Psalm: Lauda Jerusalem, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Psalm: Laudate pueri Dominum, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Psalm: Nisi Dominus aedificaverit domum, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Response (Chant): Ora pro nobis, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Response/Collect (Chant): Angelus Domini nunciavit Mariae, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Sonata: Sancta Barbara, ora pro nobis, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Substitute for Marian Antiphon: Audi coelum verba mea, Sing Lullaby, Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied, BWV 225, Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied, BWV 225 (2), Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied, BWV 225 (3), Sitivit anima mea, Somerset Carol, Song of the Shepherds, Songs of Ariel: Before you can say, Songs of Ariel: Come unto these yellow sands, Songs of Ariel: Full fathom five, Songs of Ariel: Where the bee sucks, Songs of Ariel: You are three men of sin, Spiritus Sanctus Procedens, Taedet animam meam, Te Deum in C, The Ballad of Little Musgrave and Lady Barnard, The Christ-child, The Deer’s Cry, The Holy Boy, The Hour-Glass: I. O know to end as to begin, The Hour-Glass: II. Have you seen the white lily grow, The Hour-Glass: III. O do not wanton with those eyes, The Hour-Glass: IV. Against Jealousy, The Hour-Glass: V. Lament, The Hour-Glass: VI. The Hour-glass, The Lamb, The Saviour's work, The Shepherd's Carol, The Sycamore Tree, The Tiger, The Virgin's Cradle Song, The Woman with the Alabaster Box, There is a flower, This Day Day Dawes, This endris night, Today the Virgin, Tomorrow Shall Be My Dancing Day, Trahe me post te, Tribue, Domine, Tulerunt lapides, Two Hymns to the Mother of God: A Hymn to the Mother of God, Two Hymns to the Mother of God: Hymn for the Dormition of the Mother of God, Verbum Caro Factum Est, When Christ was born of Mary free, When Jesus went
Harry Christophers
chorus master, conductor
A Babe Is Born, A Gallery Carol, A Hymn to the Virgin, A Spotless Rose, A Wedding Anthem, Acrostic Song from 'Final Alice', Ad Dominum cum tribularer, Adam lay ybounden, Advance Democracy, Agnus Dei, Agnus Dei (arrangement of Adagio for Strings, op. 11), And He shall purify, And all the stars looked down, Antiphon, Audivi vocem de caelo, Ave Maria, Ave Regina caelorum a 5, Ave Regina caelorum a 8, Balulalow, Benedicamus Domino, Bethlehem Down, Cantata No. 147: Chorale - Jesus bleibet meine Freude, Cantata No. 147: Chorale - Wohl mir, dass ich Jesum habe, Cantata No. 147: Chorus - Herz und Mund und Tat und Leben, Cantata No. 34: Chorus - Friede über Israel, Cantata No. 34: Chorus - O ewiges Feuer, o Ursprung der Liebe, Cantata No. 50: Nun ist das Heil und die Kraft, Cantate pour le 1er Août, Chansons: Janeton, Chansons: Le coucou, Chansons: Le petit village, Chansons: Ode, Chansons: Petite église, Chansons: Si Charlotte avait voulu, Chansons: Sonnet, Children's Song of the Nativity, Choruses from 'The Lark': Benedictus, Choruses from 'The Lark': Court Song, Choruses from 'The Lark': Gloria, Choruses from 'The Lark': Prelude, Choruses from 'The Lark': Requiem, Choruses from 'The Lark': Sanctus, Choruses from 'The Lark': Soldier's Song, Choruses from 'The Lark': Spring Song, Christe qui lux es et dies, Christe qui lux es et dies IV, Christmas Eve, Corpus Christi, Coventry Carol, Crucifixus, De Profundis, Der Geist hilft unser Schwachheit auf, BWV 226, Der Geist hilft unser Schwachheit auf, BWV 226 (2), Der Geist hilft unser Schwachheit auf, BWV 226 (3), Diliges Dominum, Dutch Carol, Emendemus in melius, Eonia, Filiae Hierusalem Venite, Four Motets: I. Help us, O Lord, Four Motets: II. Thou, O Jehovah, abideth forever, Four Motets: III. Have mercy on us, O my Lord, Four Motets: IV. Sing ye praises to our King, Fürchte dich nicht, BWV 228, Haec Dies Quam Fecit Dominus, Hodie nobis coelorum rex, Hymn to the Mother of God, Ikon of Light: Movement 1 FOS I, DOXA, Ikon of Light: Movement 2 piu intensita, Ikon of Light: Movement 3 TRISAGION I, Ikon of Light: Movement 4a MYSTIC PRAYER TO THE HOLY SPIRIT, Ikon of Light: Movement 4b, Ikon of Light: Movement 4c, Ikon of Light: Movement 4d, Ikon of Light: Movement 4e, Ikon of Light: Movement 5 TRISAGION II, Ikon of Light: Movement 6 FOS II, Ikon of Light: Movement 7 EPIPHANIA, In Manus Tuas Domine, In Pace In Idipsum, Jesu, Joy of Man's Desiring, BWV 147, Jesu, meine Freude, BWV 227, Jesu, meine Freude, BWV 227 (10), Jesu, meine Freude, BWV 227 (11), Jesu, meine Freude, BWV 227 (2), Jesu, meine Freude, BWV 227 (3), Jesu, meine Freude, BWV 227 (4), Jesu, meine Freude, BWV 227 (5), Jesu, meine Freude, BWV 227 (6), Jesu, meine Freude, BWV 227 (7), Jesu, meine Freude, BWV 227 (8), Jesu, meine Freude, BWV 227 (9), Justi In Perpetuum Vivent, Komm, Jesu, komm!, BWV 229, Komm, Jesu, komm!, BWV 229 (2), Laetentur coeli, Lamentations a 5, Laudem Dicite Deo, Libera Nos, Salva Nos, Lobet den Herrn alle Heiden, BWV 230, Lobet den Herrn alle Heiden, BWV 230 (2), Lullabye for Lucy, Magnificat a 4 "Nesciens mater", Make We Joy Now in This Fest, Mass "Euge bone": Agnus Dei, Mass for Double Choir: Agnus Dei, Mass for Double Choir: Benedictus, Mass for Double Choir: Credo, Mass for Double Choir: Gloria, Mass for Double Choir: Kyrie eleison, Mass for Double Choir: Sanctus, Mater Christi Sanctissima, Miserere, Miserere mei, Deus, Miserere mihi, Domine, Misrere nostri, Missa Mater Christi Sanctissima: Agnus Dei, Missa Mater Christi Sanctissima: Benedictus, Missa Mater Christi Sanctissima: Credo, Missa Mater Christi Sanctissima: Gloria, Missa Mater Christi Sanctissima: Sanctus, Missa Papae Marcelli: Agnus Dei I & II, Missa Papae Marcelli: Kyrie, Missa Regina caeli: Agnus Dei, Missa Regina caeli: Credo, Missa Regina caeli: Gloria, Missa Regina caeli: Kyrie, Missa Regina caeli: Sanctus / Benedictus, Missa pro Defunctis à 8: Agnus Dei, Missa pro Defunctis à 8: Graduale, Missa pro Defunctis à 8: Introitus, Missa pro Defunctis à 8: Kyrie, Missa pro Defunctis à 8: Lux aeterna, Missa pro Defunctis à 8: Offertorium, Missa pro Defunctis à 8: Sanctus / Benedictus, Missa pro defunctis a 6: I. Introit, Missa pro defunctis a 6: II. Kyrie, Missa pro defunctis a 6: III. Gradual, Missa pro defunctis a 6: IV. Offertory, Missa pro defunctis a 6: IX. Responsory "Libera me", Missa pro defunctis a 6: V. Sanctus & Benedictus, Missa pro defunctis a 6: VI. Agnus Dei I, II, III, Missa pro defunctis a 6: VII. Communion, Missa pro defunctis a 6: VIII. Funeral motet "Versa est in luctum", My Lord has come, Nigra sum, Non mortui, Now may we singen, Nun ist das Heil und die Kraft, Nunc Dimittis, Nunc dimittis, O Magnum Mysterium: Carol "Alleluia, pro Virgine Maria", O Magnum Mysterium: Carol "Haylle, Comly and Clene", O Magnum Mysterium: Carol "O Magnum Mysterium", O Magnum Mysterium: Carol "O Magnum Mysterium" (3), O Magnum Mysterium: Carol: "O Magnum Mysterium" (2), O Weisheit, O bone Jesu, O little town of Bethlehem, O lux beata Trinitas, O magnum mysterium, O radiant dawn, Ode à la musique, Officium Hebdomadae Sanctae: O vos omnes, Paschal Kyrie, Pater peccavi, Peccavimus cum patribus nostris, Plainsong "Stabat mater", Quam pulchri sunt, Reges Tharsis Et Insulae, Reincarnations: I. Mary Hynes, Reincarnations: II. Anthony O'Daly, Reincarnations: III. The Coolin, Rejoice in the Lamb: For H is a spirit, Rejoice in the Lamb: For I am under the same accusation, Rejoice in the Lamb: For I will consider my Cat Jeoffry, Rejoice in the Lamb: For the Mouse is a creature, Rejoice in the Lamb: For the flowers are great blessings, Rejoice in the Lamb: Rejoice in God, O ye Tongues, Sacred and Profane: I. St Godric's Hymn, Sacred and Profane: II. I mon waxe wod, Sacred and Profane: III. Lenten is come, Sacred and Profane: IV. The long night, Sacred and Profane: V. Yif ic of luve can, Sacred and Profane: VI. Carol, Sacred and Profane: VII. Ye that pasen by, Sacred and Profane: VIII. A death, Salve Regina, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Antiphon (Chant): Angelicam vitam eligens, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Antiphon (Chant): Hodie beata Barbara virgo gloriosa, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Antiphon (Chant): In Dei orta sata, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Antiphon (Chant): In Sanctae Trinitatis, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Antiphon (Chant): Paterni oblita amoris, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Antiphon (Chant): Trinitatem venerata, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Antiphon substitute: Duo Seraphim clamabant, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Antiphon substitute: Nigra sum, sed formosa, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Antiphon substitute: Pulchra es, amica mea, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Blessing (Chant): Sit nomen Domini benedictum, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Chant: Deus in adiutorium meum intende, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Chant: Dominus vobiscum, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Chapter (Chant): Confitebor tibi Domine, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Hymn (Chant): Exultet celebres virginis, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Hymn: Ave maris stella, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Magnificat, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Motet: Gaude Barbara beata, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Psalm: Dixit Dominus Domino meo, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Psalm: Laetatus sum in his, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Psalm: Lauda Jerusalem, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Psalm: Laudate pueri Dominum, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Psalm: Nisi Dominus aedificaverit domum, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Response (Chant): Ora pro nobis, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Response/Collect (Chant): Angelus Domini nunciavit Mariae, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Sonata: Sancta Barbara, ora pro nobis, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Substitute for Marian Antiphon: Audi coelum verba mea, Sing Lullaby, Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied, BWV 225, Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied, BWV 225 (2), Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied, BWV 225 (3), Sitivit anima mea, Somerset Carol, Song of the Shepherds, Songs of Ariel: Before you can say, Songs of Ariel: Come unto these yellow sands, Songs of Ariel: Full fathom five, Songs of Ariel: Where the bee sucks, Songs of Ariel: You are three men of sin, Spiritus Sanctus Procedens, Taedet animam meam, Te Deum in C, The Ballad of Little Musgrave and Lady Barnard, The Christ-child, The Deer’s Cry, The Holy Boy, The Hour-Glass: I. O know to end as to begin, The Hour-Glass: II. Have you seen the white lily grow, The Hour-Glass: III. O do not wanton with those eyes, The Hour-Glass: IV. Against Jealousy, The Hour-Glass: V. Lament, The Hour-Glass: VI. The Hour-glass, The Lamb, The Saviour's work, The Shepherd's Carol, The Sycamore Tree, The Tiger, The Virgin's Cradle Song, The Woman with the Alabaster Box, There is a flower, This Day Day Dawes, This endris night, Today the Virgin, Tomorrow Shall Be My Dancing Day, Trahe me post te, Tribue, Domine, Tulerunt lapides, Two Hymns to the Mother of God: A Hymn to the Mother of God, Two Hymns to the Mother of God: Hymn for the Dormition of the Mother of God, Verbum Caro Factum Est, When Christ was born of Mary free, When Jesus went
Mark Brown (early music singer, conductor, and producer)
Ave Maria, Ave Regina caelorum a 5, Ave Regina caelorum a 8, Christe qui lux es et dies IV, Filiae Hierusalem Venite, Haec Dies Quam Fecit Dominus, In Manus Tuas Domine, In Pace In Idipsum, Justi In Perpetuum Vivent, Lamentations a 5, Laudem Dicite Deo, Libera Nos, Salva Nos, Mass "Euge bone": Agnus Dei, Missa pro defunctis a 6: I. Introit, Missa pro defunctis a 6: II. Kyrie, Missa pro defunctis a 6: III. Gradual, Missa pro defunctis a 6: IV. Offertory, Missa pro defunctis a 6: IX. Responsory "Libera me", Missa pro defunctis a 6: V. Sanctus & Benedictus, Missa pro defunctis a 6: VI. Agnus Dei I, II, III, Missa pro defunctis a 6: VII. Communion, Missa pro defunctis a 6: VIII. Funeral motet "Versa est in luctum", Nigra sum, O bone Jesu, Paschal Kyrie, Peccavimus cum patribus nostris, Quam pulchri sunt, Reges Tharsis Et Insulae, Salve Regina, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Antiphon (Chant): Angelicam vitam eligens, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Antiphon (Chant): Hodie beata Barbara virgo gloriosa, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Antiphon (Chant): In Dei orta sata, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Antiphon (Chant): In Sanctae Trinitatis, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Antiphon (Chant): Paterni oblita amoris, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Antiphon (Chant): Trinitatem venerata, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Antiphon substitute: Duo Seraphim clamabant, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Antiphon substitute: Nigra sum, sed formosa, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Antiphon substitute: Pulchra es, amica mea, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Antiphon substitute: Sonata, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Blessing (Chant): Sit nomen Domini benedictum, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Chant: Deus in adiutorium meum intende, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Chant: Dominus vobiscum, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Chapter (Chant): Confitebor tibi Domine, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Hymn (Chant): Exultet celebres virginis, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Hymn: Ave maris stella, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Magnificat, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Motet: Gaude Barbara beata, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Psalm: Dixit Dominus Domino meo, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Psalm: Laetatus sum in his, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Psalm: Lauda Jerusalem, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Psalm: Laudate pueri Dominum, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Psalm: Nisi Dominus aedificaverit domum, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Response (Chant): Ora pro nobis, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Response/Collect (Chant): Angelus Domini nunciavit Mariae, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Sonata: Sancta Barbara, ora pro nobis, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Substitute for Marian Antiphon: Audi coelum verba mea, Spiritus Sanctus Procedens, Taedet animam meam, Trahe me post te, Verbum Caro Factum Est
Antony Howell (Engineer)
Filiae Hierusalem Venite, Haec Dies Quam Fecit Dominus, In Manus Tuas Domine, In Pace In Idipsum, Justi In Perpetuum Vivent, Laudem Dicite Deo, Libera Nos, Salva Nos, Paschal Kyrie, Reges Tharsis Et Insulae, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Antiphon (Chant): Angelicam vitam eligens, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Antiphon (Chant): Hodie beata Barbara virgo gloriosa, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Antiphon (Chant): In Dei orta sata, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Antiphon (Chant): In Sanctae Trinitatis, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Antiphon (Chant): Paterni oblita amoris, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Antiphon (Chant): Trinitatem venerata, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Antiphon substitute: Duo Seraphim clamabant, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Antiphon substitute: Nigra sum, sed formosa, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Antiphon substitute: Pulchra es, amica mea, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Antiphon substitute: Sonata, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Blessing (Chant): Sit nomen Domini benedictum, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Chant: Deus in adiutorium meum intende, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Chant: Dominus vobiscum, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Chapter (Chant): Confitebor tibi Domine, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Hymn (Chant): Exultet celebres virginis, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Hymn: Ave maris stella, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Magnificat, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Motet: Gaude Barbara beata, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Psalm: Dixit Dominus Domino meo, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Psalm: Laetatus sum in his, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Psalm: Lauda Jerusalem, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Psalm: Laudate pueri Dominum, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Psalm: Nisi Dominus aedificaverit domum, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Response (Chant): Ora pro nobis, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Response/Collect (Chant): Angelus Domini nunciavit Mariae, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Sonata: Sancta Barbara, ora pro nobis, Second Vespers for the Feast of Santa Barbara. Substitute for Marian Antiphon: Audi coelum verba mea, Spiritus Sanctus Procedens, Verbum Caro Factum Est
Mike Hatch (engineer/editor)
Ave Maria, Ave Regina caelorum a 5, Ave Regina caelorum a 8, Christe qui lux es et dies IV, Lamentations a 5, Mass "Euge bone": Agnus Dei, Missa pro defunctis a 6: I. Introit, Missa pro defunctis a 6: II. Kyrie, Missa pro defunctis a 6: III. Gradual, Missa pro defunctis a 6: IV. Offertory, Missa pro defunctis a 6: IX. Responsory "Libera me", Missa pro defunctis a 6: V. Sanctus & Benedictus, Missa pro defunctis a 6: VI. Agnus Dei I, II, III, Missa pro defunctis a 6: VII. Communion, Missa pro defunctis a 6: VIII. Funeral motet "Versa est in luctum", Nigra sum, O bone Jesu, Peccavimus cum patribus nostris, Quam pulchri sunt, Salve Regina, Taedet animam meam, The Lamb, Trahe me post te
Paul Nicholson
Der Geist hilft unser Schwachheit auf, BWV 226, Der Geist hilft unser Schwachheit auf, BWV 226 (2), Der Geist hilft unser Schwachheit auf, BWV 226 (3), Fürchte dich nicht, BWV 228, Jesu, meine Freude, BWV 227, Jesu, meine Freude, BWV 227 (10), Jesu, meine Freude, BWV 227 (11), Jesu, meine Freude, BWV 227 (2), Jesu, meine Freude, BWV 227 (3), Jesu, meine Freude, BWV 227 (4), Jesu, meine Freude, BWV 227 (5), Jesu, meine Freude, BWV 227 (6), Jesu, meine Freude, BWV 227 (7), Jesu, meine Freude, BWV 227 (8), Jesu, meine Freude, BWV 227 (9), Komm, Jesu, komm!, BWV 229, Komm, Jesu, komm!, BWV 229 (2), Lobet den Herrn alle Heiden, BWV 230, Lobet den Herrn alle Heiden, BWV 230 (2), Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied, BWV 225, Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied, BWV 225 (2), Singet dem Herrn ein neues Lied, BWV 225 (3)
Andrew Keener (engineer/editor/producer)
Eonia, Ikon of Light: Movement 1 FOS I, DOXA, Ikon of Light: Movement 2 piu intensita, Ikon of Light: Movement 3 TRISAGION I, Ikon of Light: Movement 4a MYSTIC PRAYER TO THE HOLY SPIRIT, Ikon of Light: Movement 4b, Ikon of Light: Movement 4c, Ikon of Light: Movement 4d, Ikon of Light: Movement 4e, Ikon of Light: Movement 5 TRISAGION II, Ikon of Light: Movement 6 FOS II, Ikon of Light: Movement 7 EPIPHANIA, The Tiger, Today the Virgin, Two Hymns to the Mother of God: A Hymn to the Mother of God, Two Hymns to the Mother of God: Hymn for the Dormition of the Mother of God
Mike Clements (engineer)
Eonia, Ikon of Light: Movement 1 FOS I, DOXA, Ikon of Light: Movement 2 piu intensita, Ikon of Light: Movement 3 TRISAGION I, Ikon of Light: Movement 4a MYSTIC PRAYER TO THE HOLY SPIRIT, Ikon of Light: Movement 4b, Ikon of Light: Movement 4c, Ikon of Light: Movement 4d, Ikon of Light: Movement 4e, Ikon of Light: Movement 5 TRISAGION II, Ikon of Light: Movement 6 FOS II, Ikon of Light: Movement 7 EPIPHANIA, The Tiger, Today the Virgin, Two Hymns to the Mother of God: A Hymn to the Mother of God, Two Hymns to the Mother of God: Hymn for the Dormition of the Mother of God
Patricia Forbes (soprano)
A Hymn to the Virgin, Balulalow, O Magnum Mysterium: Carol "O Magnum Mysterium" (3)
Margaret Phillips
Balulalow, Benedicamus Domino
Neil MacKenzie
A Hymn to the Virgin, Corpus Christi
Simon Birchall
A Hymn to the Virgin, A Spotless Rose
William Lockhart
Benedicamus Domino
Christopher Royall (countertenor)
A Hymn to the Virgin
Peter Hayward
The Lamb
Ruth Dean
Corpus Christi
Nicola Jenkin
Coventry Carol
Benedict Hoffnung
Benedicamus Domino
Caroline Trevor
O Magnum Mysterium: Carol "O Magnum Mysterium" (3)
Work on other artists' recordings
Artist name
Jacques Higelin
Avec la rage en d’dans, Beau, beau ou laid, Captain Bloody Samouraï, Mama Nouvelle Orléans, Rappelle-moi, Tête en l’air