Elizabeth Harwood

vocal, performer

Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Бессмертные (Russian metal band)
Java (euro-pop/euro-house)
Ludwig van Beethoven
Giacomo Puccini (Italian composer)

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Бессмертные vocal Princess Ida: Act II. Finale “Oh, joy! Our chief is sav’d”, Princess Ida: Act II. Finale “We may remark, tho’ nothing can dismay us”, Princess Ida: Act II. “Minerva… Oh goddess wise” (Princess, Chorus), Princess Ida: Act II. “The world is but a broken toy” (Princess, Cyril, Hilarion, Florian), Princess Ida: Act III. Finale “With joy abiding”, Princess Ida: Act III. “I built upon a rock” (Princess), Princess Ida: I Built Upon a Rock, The Yeomen of the Guard: I Have a Song to Sing, O!
Java vocal La bohème: Act II. "Chi l'ha richiesto?" (Colline), La bohème: Act II. "Oh!" - "Essa!" - "Musetta!" (Rodolfo, Schaunard, Colline, Marcello), La bohème: Act II. "Quando men vo" (Musetta), La bohème: Act III. "Dunque è proprio finita!" (Rodolfo), La bohème: Act III. "Ohè là, le guardie! Aprite!" (Spazzini), La bohème: Act IV. "C'è Mimì... c'è Mimì che mi segue" (Musetta), La bohème: Act IV. "Che avvien?" (Schaunard)
Ludwig van Beethoven vocal Christus am Ölberge for 3 Solo Voices, Chorus, and Orchestra, Op. 85: IIIa. Recitative "Verkündet, Seraph, mir dein Mund Erbarmen" (Jesus, Seraph), Christus am Ölberge for 3 Solo Voices, Chorus, and Orchestra, Op. 85: IIIb. Duet "So ruhe denn mit ganzer Schwere" (Jesus, Seraph), Christus am Ölberge for 3 Solo Voices, Chorus, and Orchestra, Op. 85: IIa. Recitative "Erzittre, Erde, Jehova's Sohn liegt hier!" (Seraph), Christus am Ölberge for 3 Solo Voices, Chorus, and Orchestra, Op. 85: IIb. Aria "Preist des Erlösers Güte" (Seraph) / IIc. Choir of Angels "O Heil euch, ihr Erlösten" (Seraph, Choir), Christus am Ölberge for 3 Solo Voices, Chorus, and Orchestra, Op. 85: VIb. Trio "In meinen Adern wühlen gerechter Zorn und Wut" (Petrus, Jesus, Seraph)
Waveforms vocal La bohème: Act I (conclusion). "Ehi! Rodolfo!", La bohème: Act II. "Aranci, ninnoli!", La bohème: Act III. "Ohè là, le guardie!", La bohème: Act IV. "In un coupé?"
Giacomo Puccini vocal La Boheme: Musetta's Waltz Song (Berlin Philharmonic feat. conductor Herbert von Karajan; sopranos Elizabeth Harwood and Mirella Freni; baritone Rolando Panerai; tenor Michel Senechal), La bohème: Musetta's Waltz Song
China Syndrome vocal La Bohème: "Quando m'en vo'" (Musetta's Waltz)
Johnny Sapp vocal Szenen aus Goethes Faust: Erste Abteilung. Ach neige, du Schmerzenreiche