Dresdner Sinfoniker

performing orchestra

Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Pet Shop Boys
Avet Terterian
Benjamin Yusupov
Fikret Amirov
Torsten Rasch

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Pet Shop Boys performing orchestra After All (The Odessa Staircase), Drama in the Harbour, For Freedom, No Time for Tears, Nyet, Odessa, The Squadron, To the Battleship, To the Shore, ‘Comrades!’
Avet Terterian performing orchestra Symphony No. 3: I, Symphony No. 3: II, Symphony No. 3: III
Benjamin Yusupov performing orchestra Concerto for Various Flutes and String Orchestra "Nola": I, Concerto for Various Flutes and String Orchestra "Nola": II
Fikret Amirov performing orchestra Gülistan Bayaty Shirãz, Symphonic Mugam
Torsten Rasch performing orchestra Mein Herz brennt Orchesterlied V
გია ყანჩელი performing orchestra ...à la Duduki