Clifton Parker

Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Muir Mathieson conductor Aboard the Defiant, Crawford at Vizard's Deathbed, Damn the Defiant, Defiant Reaches Corsica, Meeting at Rochefort, Midnight on the Defiant, Sailing With the Tide, The French Retreat, The Mutineers, Unrest Among the Crew, Vizard's Theme, Western Approaches: Seascape
London Symphony Orchestra performing orchestra Western Approaches: Seascape

Collaborators on this artist's recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Muir Mathieson conductor Aboard the Defiant, Crawford at Vizard's Deathbed, Damn the Defiant, Defiant Reaches Corsica, Meeting at Rochefort, Midnight on the Defiant, Sailing With the Tide, The French Retreat, The Mutineers, Unrest Among the Crew, Vizard's Theme, Western Approaches: Seascape
London Symphony Orchestra performing orchestra Western Approaches: Seascape