Chetham's Chamber Choir


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Preecha Kungo

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Preecha Kungo vocal The Creation: Part One. The First Day: Aria "Now vanish before the holy beams" (Uriel) - Chorus "Despairing, cursing rage", The Creation: Part One. The First Day: Recitative "In the beginning God created the heaven and the earth" (Raphael, Uriel) - Chorus "And the spirit of God", The Creation: Part One. The Fourth Day: Trio and Chorus "The heavens are telling the glory of God" (Gabriel, Uriel, Raphael), The Creation: Part One. The Second Day: Solo with Chorus "The glorious heav'nly hierarchy" (Gabriel), The Creation: Part One. The Third Day: Chorus "Awake the harp, the lyre awake", The Creation: Part Three. Duet "Graceful consort!" (Adam, Eve), The Creation: Part Three. Duet with Chorus "By thee with bliss, o bounteous Lord" (Eve, Adam), The Creation: Part Three. Recitative "Our duty have we now perform'd" (Adam, Eve), The Creation: Part Two. The Fifth Day: Trio "Most beautiful appear, with verdure young adorn'd" (Gabriel, Uriel, Raphael) - Chorus "The Lord is great", The Creation: Part Two. The Sixth Day: Chorus and Trio "Achieved is the glorious work" (Gabriel, Uriel, Raphael)