Alain Daniélou


Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
[anonymous] (Special Purpose Artist)

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
[anonymous] editor Fifth Story: Lenkokodi, First Story: Mbombokwe, the Woodpecker, Fourth Story: Sokopina (The Tree with Red Fruit), Hindewhu (Whistle) Solo, Kongo Asséka, Music for Dancing at a Wake, Lullaby, Music for Entertainment (Rhythm Bondo), Nbu, Lament, Ngoma, Invocatory Song Before a Hunt, Second Story: The Wondo Player, Song of Rejoicing After Returning From a Hunt (Rhythm Djoboko), Third Story: The Fruit Eater, É Yimba É, Song Preceding the Departure of the Hunters (Rhythm Muya)