

Sample recordings


Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
World Famous Lobster All Stars
Isy Oren (soprano)
George Frideric Handel (German‐British baroque composer)
久石譲 arranger もののけ姫
Edvard Grieg

Collaborators on this artist's recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
久石譲 arranger もののけ姫

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
World Famous Lobster All Stars vocal Cherry Blossoms Lane, Four Songs of Dusk: Dusk is a huge book..., Four Songs of Dusk: For the night to receive the dead..., Four Songs of Dusk: In the next room with nobody in..., Four Songs of Dusk: Who turns the light off..., Japanese Flute: Ina, Japanese Flute: Sailing Out, Japanese Flute: Yanshichi of Yabe, Six Songs for Children: Autumn Fields, Six Songs for Children: Gourds, Six Songs for Children: Karariko, Six Songs for Children: Saury Fish, Six Songs for Children: The Snow Maiden, Six Songs for Children: The Weasel, Song of AIYAN: Caprice, Song of AIYAN: Higanbana (Amaryllises), Song of AIYAN: NOSKAI, Song of AIYAN: Rabbit-Ear Irides, Song of AIYAN: Song of AIYAN, Uguisu
Isy Oren vocal Auf dem Gebirge hat man ein Geschrei gehöret, Cantata 'Bereitet die Wege' - Rezitativ - Ich will, mein Gott, Jesu dulcis memoria - Prima pars, Jesu dulcis memoria - Secunda pars, Kantate 'Ach, ich sehe, itzt...' - Aria - In meinem Gott, Kantate 'Ach, ich sehe, itzt...' - Rezitativ - Mein Jesu, laß mich nicht, Kantate 'Bereitet die Wege' - Aria - Christi Glieder, ach bedenket, Kantate 'Komm, du süße Todesstunde' - Aira (mit Choral) - Komm, du süße Todesstunde, Kantate 'Weinen, Klagen, Sorgen, Zagen' - Aria - Kreuz und Krone, Kantate 'Weinen, Klagen, Sorgen, Zagen' - Rezitativ -Wir müssen durch viel Trübsal, Messiah - Air - But who may abide, Messiah - Air - He was despised, Messiah - Air - Thou art gone up on high, Messiah - Air and Chorus - O Thoun that tellest, Messiah - Recitative - Behold, a virgin
George Frideric Handel vocal Messiah, HWV 56: Part I, VI. Air (Alto) "But who may abide the day of His coming?", Messiah, HWV 56: Part III, XLIIIb. Recitative (Alto) "Then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written", Messiah, HWV 56: Part III, XLIV. Duet (Alto, Tenor) "O Death, where is thy sting?"
久石譲 vocal Princess Mononoke Theme Song, もののけ姫 ヴォーカルエンディング
Edvard Grieg vocal Peer Gynt, Op. 23: Solveig's Song
Walter G. Samuels vocal Gottes Zeit ist die allerbeste Zeit, BWV 106, "Actus tragicus": Aria - Arioso - Chorale: In deine Hande