

Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Face 2 fAKE arranger あろはわい
Jeff Miyahara producer MONSTERS
will.i.am producer Here Is Your Hit

Collaborators on this artist's recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Face 2 fAKE arranger あろはわい
Jeff Miyahara producer MONSTERS
will.i.am producer Here Is Your Hit

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
SMAP vocal A Day in the Life, Don’t Cry Baby, Everybody, GAIAにおねがい, I Wanna Be Your Man, It Can't Be, Shigusa, paripia!, おはよう, がんばれ王子, さよならの恋人, クイズの女王, ココニイルコト, モアイ, 俺様クレイジーマン, 僕の冷蔵庫, 僕の素晴らしい人生, 君を好きになって, 夏が来る, 夏の風を忘れゆく様に, 感じやすい不機嫌, 日曜日のアニキの役, 歯が痛い, 短い髪