
bass guitar, electric bass guitar, fretless bass, handclaps, producer

Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Paolo Costa (countertenor)
DJ Wicked (unsure - from Secret Broadcast Redux)
Tayo (Afro-German vocalist Tayo Awosusi)
TRIX (Japanese jazz fusion band)

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Paolo Costa bass guitar, electric bass guitar (DON'T ASK ABOUT) MEANING OF KISS, 11月の雨, 41, Parthenia Rd., A DREAM IN A DAYDREAM, A DREAM IN A DAYDREAM (REPRISE), A NITE WITHOUT MEMORY, ALE-LEYAH-YAH, AN EVENING GLOW, Amaranth, Anchor’s Shuffle, Arcadia, Away From Home, BELFAST SONG, Bad Boys & Good Girls, Big City, Bossa grigia, Broken Promise, CALLING THROUGH THE AGE OF TIME, Ciao!!!, Control, Crown and Roses, Daisy Field, Dandelion Hill, Dans sa chambre, Dooba Wooba!!, Down To Earth, Explorer, Faces, Faces (1994 re‐mix version), Forgotten Saga, From the Bottom of My Heart, Happy Song, Hard‐boiled, History, Japanese Soul Brothers, Jealousy, Knight’s Song, Labyrinth of Love, Landscape, Last Raindrops, Lately, Little Pop Sugar, Love for Spy, MAC'S BACK, Man On The Moon, Maze, Morning Star, Ms. Bracing, Naughty Boy, OUR FORTRESS, Omens of Love, One Step Beyond, Pioggia di capri, Praise, Prime Time, Rachael, Radio Star, Rise, Route 405, Sailing The Ocean, Samurai Metropolis, Snowbird, Splash!, Still I Love You, Sunnyside Cruise, Sunshine Shower, TALKING MOUNTAIN (TOPS), The Autumn of ’75, The Forest House, The Seven Wonders, Tokyo Sound Machine, Tooi Taiko, Traffic Jam, Trela alegre, Triumph, Truth, Up Town, Victory, White Mane, Wind Song, Your Christmas, Ça et la, カスバの少年, 勇者(Yuh‐Ja), 待ちぼうけの午後
DJ Wicked producer, bass guitar, fretless bass, handclaps A Feel Deep Inside, Breeze and You ’95, Chaser, Enchanted Villa, Final Drop Goal, Making the Grade, Midnight Dreamer, Midnight Lover, Papillon (Cajan Style), Quiet Moment, Sabana Hotel, Texas Kid, The Letter, The Number, Who’s Lickin’ It, Wrapped Around Your Soul, ’Cause, ハワイへ行きたい, 勇者 (Yuh‐Ja)
Tayo bass guitar Beat in Beat, Because, Breeze and You, Catcher in the Rye, Celebration, Crisis, Dans sa chambre, El Mirage, Giant Side Steps, Go for It, Grand Prix, Kiss, Miss you, Mr. Mellow, Papillon, Shadow, Truth, Twilight in Upper West, Unexpected Lover
TRIX bass guitar Adios, Double Up, Justice, Labyrinth, MA‐TSU‐TA‐KE, Passion, Puma, パチンカーZ, 夕暮れ
本田雅人 bass guitar, electric bass guitar Caribbean Kids, Condolence, Farmscape, Pinocchio, Pray for Peace, Retro Cat, Sax Street, Seven
Dan Kannen bass guitar, electric bass guitar Bright City, Calera, Freckles, Missin' You, Paradigm, Sweet Catastrophe, Wonderful Days
Simon Red electric bass guitar Blow, Soul Dance, Summer Night Out, Visions, Voice of the Star, Why Over
Antoine Rognon electric bass guitar レッドゾーンの天使
Novi Sad String Trio fretless bass カピオラニの通り雨