
mix, recording

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Art Decó (Asturian)

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
澤野弘之 mix, recording BL@CK, BLACk SMILe, BLOOD oF thE DRAGON, BLOWIN’, BLOWIN’ <piano & strings ver.>, BLUE DRAGON ('07 version), BLUE DRAGON (TMD3 VER.), BLUE DRAGON (strings version), BRAVE, Battle with Silence, Boo-Boo-Booing, DRAGON RISES, Dear My Home Town, Dear My Home Town <Guitar ver.>, EM-cloud, Engel und Teufel, Engel und Teufel (piano & cello version), Feind oder Freund, Gigantic Formula, In The Box, Intrigant, JUPITAR II, K2, LEGEND, Light & Love, MAIN THEME, MGR×A, Mother Mother, NO-□, Northern Sea, OUT BALANCE, Okutamada-Princes, Out Break, Practical Base, RED DRAGON ('07 version), Ring, SPIKE, STRAY, SURFBOARD, Sometimes O・T・O・N, TEARS Of The DRAGON, TEARS Of The DRAGON (Re:prise), Tang, Tang <Okan & Boku Ver.>, Theatre of Okan & Oton, Theme of MANA, Theme of SHINGO, Tide Over, Translator, UN, WWW~赤道の冬, Yah-Guitar Man, bask in the sun, bloom, bloom <piano & strings quartet ver.>, breeze, classic or rock, cry, darkness & blaze, destroyer, entlassen, from sunset to sunrise, from sunset to sunrise <guitar ver.>, from sunset to sunrise <piano & strings ver.>, hook, in hurry, loosing the word, motherhood~me & my mom~ <Main Theme>, motherhood~me & my mom~ <Vocal ver.>, nervous, passive days, psychological warfare, sea shore, sophisticated love, sophisticated love <Strings ver.>, spirit, spirit (guitar version), spirit (strings version), splash, thick tone, troublemaker, unbalance, waning moon, タイヨウのうた <strings ver.>, ブレイクタイム, ユーノワVIII~アルゴスの百目, 信頼, 兆し, 希望, 影, 戦闘, 覚醒, 記憶, 閃光
中川翔子 mix, recording 1/2, Catch You Catch Me, Jewelry heart, lemonade, rainbow forecast, shortcake adventure, 「ありがとうの笑顔」, 輪舞 -REVOLUTION-
Art Decó mix, recording 消えるdaydream, 消えるdaydream -instrumental-
田村ゆかり mix I.N.G., 片方だけのイヤリング
やなぎなぎ mix, recording Zoetrope, ストレンジアトラクター
Trey Larenz mix, recording perfect slumbers, perfect slumbers -instrumental-
Miami Marci mix, recording 木枯らしセンティメント -戦場ヶ原ひたぎ&貝木泥舟 ver.-
Psychological Violence mix, recording chocolate insomnia
Ashemu mix, recording 泡沫
Jim Reid mix, recording fast love
Janie Dee mix, recording Aesthetic
Flavio Insinna mix, recording もうそう♡えくすぷれす
水樹奈々 mix, recording Love Brick
河野伸 mix, recording everlasting love
EJ Landsman mix, recording white lies
Stormbringer mix Poppin' love cocktail