
drums, vocal, arranger

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Artist name Roles Recordings
The Black Mages

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
The Black Mages arranger, vocal, drums Assault of the Silver Dragons, Battle Theme, Battle With the Four Fiends, Battle, Scene I, Battle, Scene II, Blue Blast - Winning the Rainbow, Clash on the Big Bridge [ビッグブリッヂの死闘], Dancing Mad [妖星乱舞], Darkness and Starlight, Fight With Seymour [シーモアバトル], Force Your Way, Hunter’s Chance, J-E-N-O-V-A, Matoya’s Cave, Maybe I’m a Lion, Otherworld, The Decisive Battle [決戦], The Man With the Machine Gun, The Rocking Grounds, The Skies Above, Those Who Fight Further [更に闘う者達], Vamo’ Alla Flamenco, Zeromus, マトーヤの洞窟 [Matoya's Cave]