

Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Stanley Drucker
Steve Douglas and the Rebel Rousers (50/60th Rock & Roll artist)

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Stanley Drucker vocal 今晚夜, 回十八, 孤雛淚, 家變, 小李飛刀, 山伯臨終, 幾許風雨, 強人, 心債, 心裡有個謎, 抉擇, 掌聲響起, 摘星, 明日天涯, 明星, 星夜星塵, 書劍恩仇錄, 李香蘭, 楚歌, 獅子山下, 當年情, 紅棉, 絕代雙驕, 舊侶難忘, 舊苑望帝魂, 蕭十一郎, 醉眼看世界, 順流逆流, 魔劍俠情, 黎明不要來
Steve Douglas and the Rebel Rousers vocal 獅子山下