
electric bass guitar, bass guitar, bass

Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
植松伸夫 (video game, film & anime composer known for Final Fantasy)
DJ Wicked (unsure - from Secret Broadcast Redux)
Falcom Sound Team jdk

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
植松伸夫 electric bass guitar Continue, DAWN of VERMILION -Opening Theme, Game Over, LORD of VERMILION, LORD of VERMILION (Instrumental), Lose, Win, シュピーゲ雪原, ネームエントリー, バイアル連山の魔神, パジャの迷宮, メランジ砂丘, レナール大森林, ヴィアラ火山, 廃墟王国グーラ, 戦闘準備, 最後の敵, 永遠の夜の都エルム, 破壊王の宮殿, 聖堂都市の審判者, 魔城ルクサリア, 黒き竜の神殿
DJ Wicked bass guitar Heaven Knows, Salamander
Falcom Sound Team jdk bass エビル=シャーマン, ペンタウァIⅠ