

Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
井上日徳 arranger Cloudy sky, D.I.G, Fatboy, Introduction 凛 〜rin〜, Lazy Mind, Lazy Mind (Instrumental), Let’s get started, MIRROR, Mr.CLOWN, Stand down, Water in the tub, gravIty, nothing to lose, 〜interlude〜 「Detox」

Collaborators on this artist's recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
井上日徳 arranger Cloudy sky, D.I.G, Fatboy, Introduction 凛 〜rin〜, Lazy Mind, Lazy Mind (Instrumental), Let’s get started, MIRROR, Mr.CLOWN, Stand down, Water in the tub, gravIty, nothing to lose, 〜interlude〜 「Detox」