
arranger, programming, synthesizer

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Artist name Roles Recordings
JAM Project

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
JAM Project arranger, programming Breakthrough, DEVILMIND~愛は力~, Frontiers, MAXON, MAXON <off vocal>, Maverick 〜覚醒されし獣〜, PLATONIC, PRAISE BE TO DECEPTICON, PRAISE BE TO DECEPTICON (off vocal), PRAY FOR YOU, Rage against the intrigue, Rebellion 〜反逆の戦士達〜, Shoot the Monster!, Shoot the Monster! (off vocal), THUMB RISE AGAIN, Viva My Life, my memory, your memory, キミオモフ 〜たった一人の君へ〜, 一触即発 〜Trigger of Crisis〜, 風 〜旅立ちの詩〜
影山ヒロノブ arranger ワスレグサ, 風にひとりで
坂本真綾 programming DOWN TOWN