
guitar, electric guitar, guitars

Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Dan Sheerin
BoA (South Korean singer and actress)

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
大塚愛 guitar GIRLY, SMILY, SMILY (instrumental), フレンズ (サバカン version), フレンズ (サバカン version) (instrumental), 桃ノ花ビラ (スタジオライブ version)
AAA electric guitar, guitar Bomb a Head!, Friday Party, Welcome to This World, “Q”, ハレルヤ
Dan Sheerin guitar Song for smiling ※新録Band ver., オトメゴコロ。 ※新録Band ver., マシュマロ色の君と ※新録Band ver., 未完成シルエット ※新録Band ver., 負けるな青春!ヒザコゾウ ※新録Band ver.
浜崎あゆみ guitar Dearest, no more words
BoA guitar POWER
Jorma Vik guitar DreamRiser
ZYX guitar 行くZYX! FLY HIGH
星村麻衣 guitars Wonder Land