
engineer, mix

Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Nicola Vinciguerra
The Journeymen (Los Angeles, USA Band)
城戸喜代 violin Vocalise Op.34 no.14
美野春樹 piano Vocalise Op.34 no.14

Collaborators on this artist's recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
城戸喜代 violin Vocalise Op.34 no.14
美野春樹 piano Vocalise Op.34 no.14

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Nicola Vinciguerra engineer DANZA LUNATICA, SARA, TANGHESTA (ピアソラへのオマージュ), カヴール通り 2:00am, コロンブスの卵, スペイン階段の誘惑, 君に涙とほほえみを, 夢の国, 天秤座の魚, 水に映える都, 花市場
The Journeymen mix 太陽がいっぱい