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Artist name Roles Recordings
Janie Dee

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
澤野弘之 producer BLACk SMILe, BLOWIN’, BLOWIN’ <piano & strings ver.>, BLUE DRAGON ('07 version), BLUE DRAGON (strings version), Back to the Starting Point, Battle with Silence, Big Break, Climb to the Top, DRAGON RISES, Engel und Teufel, Engel und Teufel (piano & cello version), Feind oder Freund, In The Box, Intrigant, Light & Love, Northern Sea, OUT BALANCE, RED DRAGON ('07 version), SPIKE, STRAY, SURFBOARD, Tang, bask in the sun, bloom, bloom <piano & strings quartet ver.>, breeze, entlassen, from sunset to sunrise, from sunset to sunrise <guitar ver.>, from sunset to sunrise <piano & strings ver.>, hook, in hurry, motherhood~me & my mom~ <Vocal ver.>, nervous, psychological warfare, sea shore, spirit (guitar version), spirit (strings version), splash, thick tone, unbalance, タイヨウのうた <strings ver.>
Janie Dee producer Aesthetic