
mix, engineer

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After Dinner

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
安田猛 mix Alone…, Atmosphere, Azumi, Be a victor, Beach paradise, Butterflies ~fragile beauties~, Champ, Clash of spirits, Do it again, Down to Earth, Down town kids, Easy to know, Fanfare of K-fight, GAEA, Haze, Heavy duty, In the shade, Keep believing, La Festa, Loch NESS, Merry go round, Misty, Morning light, Mysterry, Oops!, Over drive, Passionala, Pui Pui Pui, Slap it, Sunny side up, TITAN, Tears, Under the pressure, Western Cactus, We’re here, When I hold you, When I hold you (Reposed version), When I hold you (Sentimental version)
After Dinner engineer Kitchen Life, The Room of Hair-Mobile
木村郁絵 mix 青い週末 (TV Size)
野川さくら mix 負けないで片想い (TV Size)