
arranger, orchestrator

Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Les petits chanteurs à la gueule de bois
Daz Rinko
Bulgarian Symphony Orchestra performing orchestra Ace Combat 6 Ending Theme "A Brand New Day", Ace Combat 6 Main Theme
Trinity Boys Choir vocal Ace Combat 6 Ending Theme "A Brand New Day", Chandelier
Ace Combat 5 Chorus Team vocal The Unsung War

Collaborators on this artist's recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Bulgarian Symphony Orchestra performing orchestra Ace Combat 6 Ending Theme "A Brand New Day", Ace Combat 6 Main Theme
Trinity Boys Choir vocal Ace Combat 6 Ending Theme "A Brand New Day", Chandelier
Ace Combat 5 Chorus Team vocal The Unsung War
Elizabeth Ladizinsky vocal The Journey Home (On Radio)
Mary Elizabeth McGlynn vocal The Journey Home "Ace Combat 5 Ending Theme"
後藤貴徳 electric guitar Vitoze Aerial Defense

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Les petits chanteurs à la gueule de bois orchestrator Fighter, Gotta Stay Fly
Daz Rinko arranger You’re stars shine on me, You’re stars shine on me (オリジナル・カラオケ)
Jer Reid orchestrator Dogfight
Datcom arranger アイ MUST GO!
萩原雪歩 arranger First Step