
producer, vocal

Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Alex Dream
Barry Romo
Charity Johnston
久石譲 arranger ねこバス

Collaborators on this artist's recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
久石譲 arranger ねこバス

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Alex Dream producer Chase!, Customize it!, Game Over, Take Off, Victory, いらっしゃい, まきば, タイトルループ, ネフロネフロ闘技場, ネームエントリー, ビークルバトル(ガーランド闘技場), ビークルバトル(スームスーム闘技場), ビークルバトル(ネフロネフロ闘技場), ファンファーレ, 一休み, 不穏, 俺たち盗賊団, 凱歌をあげよ!, 夕暮れの街並, 夜の街, 大人の時間, 朝霧の街角, 歩く実験工房, 決勝戦ファンファーレ, 決闘, 港町の首領, 湖岸の村, 異国情緒, 砂漠の大戦争, 砂漠の紅い風, 砦のバザール, 秘密結社, 空中決戦, 翔べ!フラップフライヤー, 耳かき, 荘厳, 街の賑わい, 襲来, 追憶の港, 透きとおる湖
Barry Romo producer a la nage, airly, as yet, big strides, blow the gold win, bound da rythm, burning tears (inori no sabaku), epilogue, linearity, machine factory 1, machine factory 2, riot logos, tokyo melody, weightless free drive, weightless free drive (aggresive version)
桜庭統 producer Integral Body and Imperfect Soul, Lavender, Mission to the Deep Space, Resolution ~ Pure a Stream, Sacred Song, Silent the Universe, Stab the Sword of Justice, Theme of Rena, This Fragile Life, We Form in Crystals
Charity Johnston producer airly (dance remix)