
violin, violins, strings

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Artist name Roles Recordings
See-Saw (Japanese group)
Leif Stinnerbom

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
梶浦由記 violin A Tiny Sunshine, B.T., Bank on Me, Blue Clouds, Canta Per Me II, Canta per Me, Canta per me — Japanese ver., Dewdrops, E.G.O., Febronia #2, Guess How Much I Love You, Hear Our Prayer, I Talk to the Rain, If I Die, If You Are My Love, Jr., Key of the Twilight, Kiss, Les Soldats, Lullaby, Lullaby — Japanese ver., Melody (“Salva Nos” version), Morning Moon, Numquam vincar (live, 2012-02-04: 渋谷公会堂), Parallel Hearts (instrumental), Salva Nos, Salva Nos — dialogue remix ver., Storm and Fire, T-elos, The Dreamers, Wayside, We Are One, Witch, Your Place, a whip and a witch, chase, comfort, epitaph, hepatica #3 - I believe in you, maybe tomorrow (ending medley), presentiment ~ Jr. #3, unforgettable, voyagers, when the grief lets you go, when the grief lets you go #2, エム・モア, 秘密
Kalafina violin Lacrimosa, Lacrimosa ~Instrumental~, Magia, adore, love come down, progressive, snow falling, うつくしさ, 輝く空の静寂には
See-Saw violin LOVE, edge (TV edit), 千夜一夜, 千夜一夜 (karaoke), 黄昏の海 (TV edit)
Leif Stinnerbom violin Evocation, Regret, Silent Ceremony, Somewhere I Belong, Unhallowed
FictionJunction violin Parallel Hearts, 時の向こう 幻の空, 時の向こう 幻の空 ~Instrumental~
南里侑香 violin 雨の散歩道, 雨の散歩道 (without vocal)
光田康典 strings Chrono Trigger (Orchestra version), Chrono Trigger Medley (Orchestra version)
Emily Bindiger violin Key of the Twilight, The World
五條真由美 violins DANZEN! ふたりはプリキュア (TVサイズ), 雨のち天晴れ
中島みゆき violin 後悔
伊田恵美 violin 月の明り -ファイナルファンタジーIV 愛のテーマ-
Sandy Paton violin my dear feather
S. Percan violin 星たちのRendezvous ~Ready To Fly~ (Instrumental)
Frank Robinson violin 星たちのRendezvous ~Ready To Fly~
植松伸夫 violin 月の明り -ファイナルファンタジーIV 愛のテーマ- (カラオケ)