
arranger, synthesizer, audio

Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
アリシア・フローレンス (Alicia Florence, character from ARIA series)
SEGA Sound Team (See annotation before use.)
Robert Owens performer How Many Souls Must Fade?

Collaborators on this artist's recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Robert Owens performer How Many Souls Must Fade?

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
瀬上純 arranger Battle For Win, Battle for Win, Mirage, Only One Way to Go, Time To Detonate, Time to Detonate, Winds Of Victory, Winds of Victory, You Can Be A Star, You Can Be a Star, …and Close Your Eyes
アリシア・フローレンス audio, synthesizer At Canal St Club (MISAKO), Daylight of Alamoana (YUKO), Parasail (at Ramada Beach) (REIKO), Premonition of Summer (KIYOMI) 〜 Suma (MIDORI), Stress by ストレス (CHISATO M.), Tsugaru (KEIKO), Twilight River (YUKARI), 飛翔 (SAYURI)
SEGA Sound Team arranger Hot Groove, Joy, Lucky Star, Only One Way To Go, Winning Beats