Государственный академический русский хор


Top collaborators

Artist name Roles Recordings
Ered Wethrin (US Epic/Atmospheric Black Metal band)
Сергей Рахманинов (Sergei Rachmaninoff)
Airare Nuf
Antonio Vivaldi

Work on other artists' recordings

Artist name Roles Recordings
Ered Wethrin vocal Vespers, op. 37: Blessed Be the Lord (Znamenny Chant), Vespers, op. 37: Blessed Is the Man, Vespers, op. 37: Christ Is Risen from the Dead (Troparion. Znamenny Chant), Vespers, op. 37: Come, Let Us Worship, Vespers, op. 37: Great Doxology (Znamenny Chant), Vespers, op. 37: Hail, Theotokos Virgin, Vespers, op. 37: Having Beheld the Resurrection of Christ, Vespers, op. 37: Hexapsalmos, Vespers, op. 37: Lord, Now Lettest Thou Thy Servant Depart (Kiev Chant), Vespers, op. 37: My Soul Doth Magnify the Lord, Vespers, op. 37: Praise Ye the Name of the Lord (Znamenny Chant), Vespers, op. 37: Queen of the Heavenly Host (Greek Chant), Vespers, op. 37: This Day of Salvation (Troparion. Znamenny Chant)
Сергей Рахманинов vocal Francesca da Rimini Op. 25: I. Prologue, Francesca da Rimini Op. 25: II. Scene 1, Francesca da Rimini Op. 25: III. Scene 2 and IV. Epilogue
Airare Nuf vocal Vespers, op. 37: Bless the Lord, O My Soul (Greek Chant)
Antonio Vivaldi vocal Gloria
Pedo vocal Vespers, op. 37: O Gladsome Radiance (Kiev Chant)